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Everything posted by TioMegaManX

  1. Yeah, not sure why trade tax exists, I mean, untradeable plat is there so people don't just make alt accounts to trade with themselves, I assume they don't want new players getting too many "powerful" stuff but then again, most of that stuff is locked behins MR, I just don't get it.
  2. I don't wanna wear these clown shoes! --wait, I am using Vauban, carry on.
  3. My proposal, have an in-game auction house which only requires you to be online, DE doesn't want us to be able to trade while not playing, whatever, then at least let me play, we still need 2FA and all that.
  4. Surprised, because it will be just Kahl of Duty with Arthur skin, I know it, you know it, the yellow dog knows it.
  5. You are giving DE too much credit, in the past they have just gone and used theories and speculation from players to fill in the gaps, that's why I don't even try to say or speculate anything about the plot because you can just check theories on here, wait for the next update and see how it is not like they were correct, it was copy and paste.
  6. You know what's funny? just now after going on with some farming I pondered for a moment... veils are not even a new thing, the corrupted had veils for as long as I can remember.
  7. If you think about it we basically missed out on the bulk of said war because the next thing that happens after the operator is "vanquished" boils down to controlling the drifter after the sentients/narmer have already taken control of the solar system, more or less.
  8. While discussing in another thread someone came up with a more ominous possibility... 1999 will be just Kahl of Duty format but using Arthur.
  9. And THIS should be your first hint of how things can change mid-development in order to make us test their new game prototype, when Duviri was first teased I thought it would be adult operator with no powers using weapons since DE has a hardon for taking away warframe powers, story wise it may have been always the same, gameplay wise, not so much.
  10. Honestly, what are everyone's most pessimistic expectations for 1999? I expect only a small expansion of Sanctum, maybe some new tileset, but no Minn, no resolution for the poor Cavia animals, not even progress on Wally's arc.
  11. When Duviri was first revealed I thought it would be the "orokin open world" tileset but closely related to Wally, that is, I thought we would advance forward into a confrontation with it, but turns out it was another tangent to connect Drifter and Operator, as it is now I can expect 1999 to only introduce Alberto while still delaying any progress towards Wally, even if it is a mainline update I can safely assume it will have as much closure as max ranking the Cavia did, which is nothing at all (poor Tagfer.) Exactly, I mean, Fortuna and other stuff can be considered world building so is OK and I would not expect it to bring too many things to the overall plot, if they ever allow us to fight Nef Anyo it would still not be something to advance the plot, even if it becomes a power struggle between him and Parvos.
  12. I liked dual wielding a lot, kind of a thing cuz I liked it in Dark Sector, but currently the system is broken, it not only disables alternate fire BUT secondaries without and alt fire disable glaive detonation, in order to keep using glaives I need to rely on some akimbo secondaries or the grimoire, sadly my current secondaries are not that good considering my usual setups, I used to have a Lex, Pyranha or Tenet Plinx, right now my other secondaries are not very optimized (akstileto prime, dex furis can add tons of status but can't kill), what are my alternatives? EDIT: To be clear, I can't use any "single gun" with a glaive because both the ones with alt fire and those without have bugs, so yeah, akimbo, kunai (which there aren't many I don't have), etc.
  13. Imagine their faces during the end of WitW quest.
  14. What I meant was more along the lines of "this is the final boss, well, actually no, here is the true final boss."
  15. Next update: DE nerfs crewmates to force players into using their liches/sisters.
  16. From the moment it came out I thought it was the lazy "challenge" design where enemies are just bulkier and beefier, sadly it didn't even become an alternative for solo power leveling, at least they backtracked in the whole "play steel path to get these mods which will make steel path a bit easier" deal, I think the sponge path is being used as a way for DE to pretend the grind is fair as long as you can play the "harder" version of the game, not only that, they took a step back from the Zariman token system by having the new tokens give less standing, yes, you can do bounties but maybe people prefer to approach the game differently like they were allowed before, and then of course they also made the tilesets vertically ample to have people with small loot radars miss on the stuff, the game content is being padded as usual, people need to realize that trying to stop players from breezing through the content is stupid, yes, there are very few ones who do that and then complain about content drought, it should be their choice, let them deal with the consequences instead of punishing the rest of the players.
  17. I bring the moa because I don't like to just change into a different warframe, besides, most of the time I can do spy missions with any warframe I have, I may take some time but I get the job done, something a few players can't stand.
  18. The problem with that way of delivering story is the possibility of these things to outlive their audience. Were adult operators a separate thing from Drifter? as for Lotus and the New War, remember how the Paracesis was meant to be something more or less relevant until it was just there in cutscenes? Some people think I more or less take a shot at the many other things in the game like Solaris, Ostron, etc., those are not quite the tangents since they are more like world building, they kind of get a pass, but as someone mentioned, sometimes we just get this little containers where a new faction resides and that's it, when I saw Ostrons and Corpus on relays I was a bit intrigued since it meant the first ones have means of space travel and the Corpus can be a bit more approachable than Grineer outside of the battlefield, but as I said, those are only small details; my main complaint is how we are getting a new "true" nemesis with every major development.
  19. Ironically enough I have seen many players failing spy sortie/archon multiple times because they want to do it super fast, triggering alarms in the process, when that happens I always tell them "remember, work smarter, not faster", if anything spy is one of those missions which require the player to pause for a second or two, I also prefer to bring a hacking moa.
  20. I feel like the story has gone on too many tangents with little pay off to the big questions, probably not gonna see much in the upcoming update, so let's recap. I can't say the plot thickens as it is kind of becoming a bit saturated with too many flavors by now.
  21. For the same reason DE always has enemies with guaranteed magnetic status effects with new content, they don't know how to make difficult content without taking away warframe abilities.
  22. My problem is having to build up the combo counter but that's something I always had an issue with.
  23. They have AoE? I swear they don't seem to do anything unless it is a direct hit.
  24. Technically speaking I have tons of things I would do but not many of them feel worth the effort, require something else which is a pain to obtain or just become repetitive after a while, if anything I think many of the time gates the game still has should be phased out.
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