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Posts posted by Pikachu195

  1. 9 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    Sadly there's good reason we don't have many companion based frames and even more why we wouldn't want them.

    The AI in Warfare hasn't improved much over the years and current Companion AI is dumb as dirt.

    I feel a frame based on companions would just end up bad by default.

    There are of course Elemental based frames but not really an Elementalist. It could allow for some interesting element combinations. Super heat enemies then hit them with Ice causing it to explode. Douse enemies in noxious fuming poison then ignite that poison causing a spreading conflagration. Fortify allies with "Stone Skin" them prime them with water healing them over time but when the Stone shielding ends a torrent of slowing mud spreads out from that ally.

    When it comes to the 4 primal elements this stuff almost writes itself then add in some shifting for more layers of play. When in Elementalist form your chosen shift at the time adds bonus effects to your abilities and when Shifted your chosen elemental type at the time adds bonus effects to your abilities.

    Yeah, you're right, I didn't take into consideration the AI. But while I like the Elementalist idea, the problem I see is that it will get nerfed into the ground because of it's overloaded kit, being able to do damage, cc echanting, healing while itself being able to keep itself alive.
    It would be a very useful frame but just as DE nerfed banshee into the ground because it was the only frame people used for DPS-ing I think this frame would end up with the same fate as her.This is why I didn't want to come up with an extremely powerful or overloaded frame, I wanted to make a frame that people would play because they find it fun,  which is why I gave it a little versatility with the bird giving it a chance at being a good support frame and his kubradon turning into an exalted weapon to give him a chance at dealing some serious damage.

    To be hoest as the person above you said: the druid frame  was already a name put to oberon so I guess I'd like to see both mine and your frame in the game under different names, probably a summoner frame and an elementalist frame. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    I still miss old school Druids before the animal companion thing caught on.

    From perspective of Diablo2 an old school druid would have been Elemental + Shapeshift with some rogue qualities. AD&D Druids could do potent elemental spells like Flame Strike and some even more nasty ones like Creeping Doom (1st testimate level insect swarms) and Storm of Vengeance (pretty much deletes towns with a CAT 99 Hurricane).

    They did summon but they summoned Elementals; not animals. Shapeshifting has mostly remained a staple but given they lost much of their rogue qualities I think it's undermined as a feature now instead of a characteristic of the class. Much as a rogue is hard to spot in a crowded city; a Druid is similarly hard in the wilderness.

    Anyhow I like the idea of a Druid frame. I would propose a base mechanic where they have two aspects. Elemental and Shifting. Essentially mix Chroma and Equinox mechanics together but of course in a much better way. Some easy in-game manner to cycle Elements and Shifting form type. Their 1st ability could essentially cycle between types for the alternate forms. ie In Elemental you cycle Shifting options and Hold-to-cast while in Shifting you cycle Elemental and Hold-to-cast.

    Non-movement restricting cast of course for smooth play.

    Some liberties would have to be taken to convert to Warfare like the Shifting forms would probably need to be werebear, werewolf, werecat, ect. While the Elemental types would generally reflect their types. Water aka Cold would do Ice abilities with some sub healing mixed in. Fire and Lighting aka Electric would do what they do but with enough distinction between the two and Earth aka Toxic? Would do Defensive abilities, Poison, Insects or similar.

    I like your idea too but personally I decided to go with companions when thinking about such a frame because warframe already has quite a bit of elemental frames like frost,ember,volt and saryn and  the only frame that touched into companion based  abilities is khora that doesn't really have her kit built around her companion but rather her companion built around her kit.

  3. I've been thinking for a while that I missed the druid class from diablo II and transformed it into a warframe idea  because I really love druid-type characters that can summon companions and fusion with them. Anyway let's jump into how it would work, this frame would be a tank frame which focuses on healing but can do his share of damage as well, with 2 summons on his 1st and 2nd abilities. 
    I honestly have no idea what stats it should have but I'd go for hp focused (would have shields too but quite low) with mid-range armor, something like  250-300 armor. 

    The 1st ability: The birb drone. (Thinking of a sawgaws as design but smaller) 
    This ability would let  Druid throw ahead a small container from his back that would turn into a bird designed looking drone with wings that  would drain energy over time and fly around Druid staggering enemies that are around him for  0.25/0.50/1sec (more time over rank) the staggering being able to last longer based on the duration that would affect the energy drain as well and going for further enemies based on range.

    The 2nd ability: The Kubradon
    This ability would let Druid drop a bigger container that he keeps on his back that would transform into a kubradon incarnade robot that would act like a charger and deal  puncture and impact damage with puncture being the focused damage , the kubradon can be attacked by enemies and is affected by health/shield/armor mods on the frame as well as ability strength like an exalted weapon would, of course this ability would drain energy, more than the firs ability.
    The kubradon would be moded as a melee exalted weapon (will get into why at the 4th ability) 

    The 3rd ability: Order
    Simply pressed it would cycle between the 2 summons  but while held it would give commands to the selected summons

    -The bird:
    on enemy target it would stagger that specific target   
    on allies: it would get on that specific ally's sholder and heal them over time and give bonus armor to them, the bird would become invisible while aiming like mirage's clones so it wouldn't become annoying  for the player
    on nothing: it would get on Druid's shoulder and do the same it would on an ally 

    -The kubradon: 
    on enemy it would charge that specific enemy and focus it's following attacks on him
    on ally: it would follow that ally and attack enemies around them thus protecting the ally
    on nothing: it would return to Druid and protect him instead

    The 4th ability:  Fusion
    The 4th ability would  combine Druid with his companions  at double the drain cost of the normal summons  and would fusion with the companion selected by the 3rd ability's cycle 

    The bird: with this companion Druid would gain it's wings and float like Hildryn's 4th  making an AOE around Druid that would heal and give armor to enemies in the area. Druid will still be able to use primaries and secondaries while in this form

    The kubradon: This companion would transform into a critical focused 2 handed exalted hammer with one end of the hammer being flat and the other a spike and would shift from being a puncture focused weapon to a impact weapon but not to the point of which it can't be built  for puncture letting the player decide if they want puncture or impact to be the focus of this form.

    Anyway this is my idea for a Druid frame, as you can see it's very bare boned since I do not have any idea how to balance it so I won't try to give specific numbers on anything but I think this type of frame would be fun to play as and not entirely out of meta, while obviously not able to outshine any frame or drive them into obscurity. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, reply with your opinion on it if you want to 

    Also sorry if this shouldn't be posted here on feedback. 

    • Like 2
  4. I gotta say, you just did the dumbest game design I could think of. In order to end a session you have to practically select a mission in railjack, so after a full day of trying to get the SPECIAL ship to spawn in veil proxima, I  finally get it and  while I finish the quest a hotfix drops and now I can't go to the dry dock because why should I be able to finish the mission I've been hoping for the whole day  if a hotfix drops? Please for the love of god either change the way a game session ends/give an alternative/make an exception because now I have to spend another day trying to get it to spawn for me. 

    turns out I can abort it , lose every pick-up but still get the final rewards for finishing and the hidden quest, but anything I picked up as drops from fighters/kills/containers is gone. 

    • Like 1
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwKEKGyD0fw&feature=youtu.be

    Couldn't explain it in a picture,  the short of it: got into  the crewship and I was somewhere inbetween archwing and normal movement, I could fly and had the archweapons but couldn't open doors, leave the crewship or blink, after what is shown in the video  someone else got into the crewship ( we couldn't se eeachother) and  blew up the ship, then I was once more  left in space with my archwing and could move normally, but got stuck the same way when I tried the next crewship so the bug kept persisting throughout the mission, had a friend experience the same bug but without the flying inside the spacecrew  in another mission. 
    The first like is a youtube link to an unlisted video of the bug. 

  6. So I went ahead and  did the quest, got the blueprints and rushed it all to get my new boi Revenant , but after that I went on plains with him and  the last step of the quest repeated, I thought it was a bug or an intended feature  to be able to get the Revenant BP as many times as you can. Anyway as  I discovered this I  was curious if it would happen again, in the same night,  so I went back to cetus and  headed out into the plains once more to see that indeed I could repeat the last step of the quest once more and so I did it once more, this time whatsoever I found out  that the problem wasn't that  it would be on repeat  forever but that the spectre didn't drop the codex fragment the first 2 tries, and  after I got it , the quest seemed to be completed  since it didn't repeat again so I think the problem might be that the spectre has a % of dropping the fragment, it not being an always drop as I think it was intended. It may be intended for it to have a chance of  dropping,giving you the  chance of getting more bp but I think it is a bug, not an intended feature so I posted it here

    As another matter as I've seen a lot of people complaining, I found out that  most people as me, headed out after touching the first point as the second doesn't spawn, according to the wiki that is the correct way of doing the quest, after getting the first touch you should get back and farm at least 1  part of the Revenant and craft it in order to trigger the next point to spawn, but some people, one of my friends included, didn't have to craft any part of Revenant  and are able to finish the quest in one go , the points spawning without  requiring any parts being crafted. Hope this  helped at least some people thinking it is a bug on their part after the second puddle doesn't spawn  












  7. Took the mask and went out with it at night,  nakak  said her dialogue  as I went to the white spot on the map, found the glowing  spot , she started   talking again and as she  talked I  touched the glowing spot, after that she didn't continue with her  dialogue and the next spot didn't appear. Now I am unable to continue or reset the quest. 

    Talking about this I'd appreciate if  quests would have an abort/quit button  so we can  quit them if a bug occurs and reset the progress so we can try and finish the quest  while waiting for the hotfix 

  8. Everytime I try joining an already playing squad on index (medium risk, I haven't tried the other ones) the game crashes. I tried it 5-6 times and the game crashed every single time 

    I also submitted a direct bug report from the window that pops up when the game crashes.
    this is the bug number WAR-1491707

  9. 2 minutes ago, ChasePanic said:

    Meh, as far as lore and story content goes DE has never disappointed me. I doubt they're going to open it up and inside is nothing. We've left it unchecked for so long, and Ordis has even referenced it as a significant part of the ship that hasn't been cleaned up, that we can definitely conclude there's something in there.

    What that something is I have no idea, but I'm guessing it will be something to interact with on a regular basis. Similar to how the operator room has opened up and we have a whole new system - the operator. I find it highly unlikely they'd open up the infested room just to give us more decorative space.

    If I was going to guess with no basis, I'd say the room will be used for some form of corruption process. Place mods in there to corrupt them, for example. Or creating Umbra frames, maybe?

    I definitely think it will be some kind of production/conversion room, as that seems to fit with the theme of the infested, they change things for better or worse.

    you have some interesting theories to be honest , but  DE  kinda disappointed me with how much they delayed TWW  and what came out of it. Don't misunderstand me , I loved the quest , but  it wasn't as big and good as the hype train created by the delays  suggested it would be 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Whit3Powd3R said:

    Steve Sayed new mechanic and infested door R coming in December. Info from pax AUS.

    also they first said tww will come in summer , then september .... then octomber.... and finally it came out in november 

    DElaying isn't something new 
  11. Do you guys think the next story quest will open the  infected door?  I really expected TWW to open that door but it seems like I was wrong all along, anyway ordis did mentioned  the operator may be able to helping him  getting rid of these spores at the door , but I guess it was just a joke since you can't get rid of them 

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