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Everything posted by 4ever4gotin

  1. That's not really something they can share... But DE is owned by Tencent, they are no longer independent and haven't been independent for years at this point. Whether or not that knowledge helps is up to you to look in to more deeply.
  2. This doesn't change anything. All the major points of contention still are present and all that is done was pump more air into it. 1. The timed exclusivity still present, to lure non-regular spenders to pay now. 2. The non consumer friendly bundling to push potential buyers into higher price ranges to get what they want. Platinum and royal aya are not the main selling points of these packs, they are both obtainable elsewhere. 3. No platinum option despite platinum being a PAID for currency monitored and controlled by YOU. A player paying $100 up front is no different than a player paying $100 worth of platinum. (Platinum that is awarded freely through give aways is not tradable, ALL platinum that is useable is pay for already). No platinum options mean those who have already PAYED to support you are forced into PAYING AGAIN. Lastly Due to probably good sales, you are now using those who have bought in as a shield to not change these packs. Those who are now, in some cases, facing blame and criticism for your actions. If you wanted money just say it. Just say you need to push more monetization because you're figures are lower. Just say you are expanding your projects and require more funding. JUST SAY THAT. Then I would at least feel sorry.
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