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  1. Many games have it, is a separated chat reserved for combat, all the damage take, received, buffs, items used etc is registred in there heres a example: our current floating damage numbers is not a reliable source to keep track
  2. So we can keep track of our damage numbers, buffs percentages mine and from my squadmates
  3. Change how the passives are activated, instead of having the selected kubrow head floating around voruna, make her wear the head like a mask, itll fit more in the lore and the visual representation of her "using" the kubrow's passive
  4. Agree, Inuzuka's skins are too visually busy, is a nightmare to try to fashion over it
  5. while active you can hold right mouse button to aim, there
  6. Dont tell me what to do, if i ever get in a squad with you im gonna leave at 4 minutes
  7. Agument for his Spectral Scream hold the aim button to focus the breath into a laser beam increasing damage and reducing the target's defense, just like godzilla's
  8. Yeah, Wrathful Advanceis better, you wont need elemental damage when raw damage is on the millions scale
  9. 3 of the 6 augments are usefull "Path of statues" "Ore gaze" "Rumble Heap" Atlas need a rework, 2 of his 4 abilities are really useful Landslide Petrify Some trailers are not equal, or ALL trailers get the same treatment or NONE of them
  10. Atlas trailer is not even 1 minute long. No Ballas monologue. No custom animations. No prime tectonics and prime rumblers I love Atlas, and it saddens me, how bad he is been treated no voidshell no new deluxe no rework no new augments It only shows that DE play favorite frames
  11. Feel free to suggest a replacement for the %damage, something that can help us during the game
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