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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. I had a guy try to shame me for spamming tenticles on Phorid. In a public mission. I was like "what? Really?"

    Powers are what make warframe a cool game. I could understand if someone is frustrated by an other Tenno nuking the map and you kinda just get to watch and try to keep up. But. I don't want power nerfs to try to solve that issue. A cool down on powers would not be fun.

  2. Use a djinn too. It will get the dudes to hold still and you can spore the snot out of them.

    When I use a toxic lash build the Scoliac with a primed reach is a nice melee.

    But she was always my favorite to use a rage build with life strike dual Ichors. You can skip the regen molt and build heavy for armor and duration. Too bad she is a little slow. But with the arcane hemlock helmet and the armoured agility she is good to go.

  3. Problem I see with it is this:

    You load into a mission.

    Does Lotus tell you a rare container is there or not?

    if not then abort and retry until there is.

    If there is then go through every single tile with loot detector until you find it.

    Then repeat the entire process.

    That's what would start to happen, and I can't really agree to it because of that.

    Especially the impact that would have in pugs.

    Dang he is right.
  4. DE had already states that Carrier serves the purpose for which it was created and it will not be changed.

    Carrier is not a problem; it's what most players prefer to use, and there is a trade off for using carrier or not using carrier, as there should be.

    The problem is that the other Sentinels need more utility.

    Djinn is wonderful now.

    Wyrm is... alright.

    Improve the others and Carrier won't seem like a "problem" any longer.

    Lastly; Frames should absolutely not have a mod that grants Vacuum. Definitely not.

    That word for word!
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