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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. First of all I just want to say I respect and appreciate the time and effort DE put into the focus system. I know a lot of people like it.

    However its not for me. I dont even bother with focus farming. Its not fun, the payout is low unless you can stealth or nuke. It takes way to long. Having to run back and forth on an exterminate mission multiple times was the straw on the camels back for focus with me. Its one thing to farm a quest to get a frame or weapon part, its another to get a small amount of focus points to put into something that is... well... Not worth the time for me. Coming out of my frame and doing what ever takes away from the immersion for me. Oh look we can come out of our frames and do more damage, heal or what ever.

    Why not just ad a 5th power used from the frame like we do now? Coming out of the frame just makes no since to me. The tenno is on the ship but can magically transport to the battle and do things and not get killed?

    i agree 100%
  2. The more frames the better. Crank out moar stuff DE! And a few top tier primarys so I can quit using some prime or the Telos Boltor lol. And more skins. Skins for everything. I play for the artwork of the game and its all beautiful and weird so I always want more.

  3. Atlas is fun to play. I hadn't laughed with joy playing a new frame for a while. His punches are hilarious. His rock wall is pure derp magic. And the rock dudes wreck stuff. He have enough life and armor to play a little sloppy so take an axe and have fun.

  4. I play the sortie every day. I like them better than the void. Actually I hate the void anymore. Once I have a full Karak there will nothing I want other than playing with pubs. I do like playing them, most of the time. I might try to use the sorties to power level some gear.

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