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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. I wish we could recast the tornados.

    Her first ability is garbage by the fact that any map that I want to use it I reset out of the map anyway. Her number one can launch you so frickking high if you build for it and you can just orbit and shoot. But the maps screw that all up. It fun on secura Pluto  

    The old Draco map had a tower in the middle you could get that high and sniper. now it resets you before you hit the top. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    Vacuum is now given to every sentinel built. Also, all prior iterations of vacuum were turned into ammo case, so you cannot have the new version saved from before.

    Well poop! I never checked.  If it comes with every new one built then what is OP worried about? 

  3. I'm getting rivens like every other sortie I run. I wish we could transmute 4 rivens into an other riven. All I get are Paracyst and grinloks. I did get a twin rogga this morning but I'm always out of room. I really want to keep the ones for weak guns but I am realizing there is no point in trying. My 7 forma +455% damage riven  Kraken is still lame.  RNG is not a deity. Warframe is a godless cycle that takes no pity on our wants. Just keep running in the same circle for eternity. 

  4. Normal soma looks so much better to me than the prime and I was super happy when I could finally use the huntsman skin on it. 

    I really want my Warframe to fully use non prime skins. Like Saryn. Her prime is cool but using the Tennogen skin is pointless with all the added on prime stuff. That grineer looking skin I think it's the graxx. I play on PC before anyone says its not on consoles. Normal ash looks good I would like to not have the giant arms and flip flops sometimes. 

    Wyrm too because the prime is so different I would like to use the non prime looks sometimes. 

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