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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. So many nice tennogen skins and they all get ruined on prime frames by all the added on prime stuff.   The new ash skin has nice arm detail that will be lost under the mess of ash prime stuff. The Saryn skins are so nice until you put it on Saryn prime. I can't hardly type because my eyes are burning with tears. 

  2. I like sharkwing I don't like archwing. I would really like the two to become different things. There are all kinds of cool stuff we could have for fighting underwater like mines that float or harpoons. The sound effects and movement of sharkwing are way better than archwing. Oooh add and actual Earth ocean tile not a Uranus tile. 

  3. As long as guys are not AFK I don't mind them bringing what ever gear they want. It mixes up the game. All I want is teammates to try. Go chase clouds Tenno!  The only thing about kuva that annoys me is the one guy that types out a rant about gear or skill while I get all the kuva and he is wasting time on the keypad. I mean in the game, not the forums. 

  4. This snowball fight isn't very fun when everybody I play with just wants to get it over with so they can have a sigil. They don't even care if they win or lose as that one guy who never touches the ground somehow flys in circles killing them. The game mode needs some tweaks, too many people not having fun but play anyway. 


    Anyway saw that somebody wanted to nerf Embers underroos so I need to go white knight that for now. 

  5. Being 100 percent honest I think DE should remove and maybe even ban any mention of "mandatory mods" on their forums. I mean aggressively as possible. Maybe even go after you tubers for it. Delete these kind of post and ban the poster. 


    Soma was was one of the best weapons, but then they primed it. After seeing war and galantine prime and all the prime mods. I have no hope of "balance". 

  6. I have a weird fascination with fish so I am ready to forgive all the stupid lore so far to find out what this fish does. I am hoping it is more than a decoration in the creepy zoo room. It's pretty spot on with some old DE concept art. The gash in the sides of the big one may be nothing special. That was in the old art too. Just hoping it's something sci fi, Like the fish are needed to navigate space travel or something. 

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