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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. On December 10, 2016 at 10:09 AM, AntoineFlemming said:

    Nidus should be a Red Veil frame. A Perrin Sequence quest should not be wasted on some problem with the infestation. The Perrin Sequence are fighting the Corpus. Their quest should be about that conflict, why the Sequence broke from them, and it should tell us more about the Corpus. Not the Infested. It really makes me upset that DE doesn't seem to have a grasp on story development. And I say that because, quite honestly, a Perrin Sequence quest is the only place we're going to get any meaningful development of Perrin Sequence. And we won't get that from a quest about the Infested.

    On the flip side, the Red Veil literally have infested stuff in their relay room, yet it obviously didn't cross anyone's mind at DE that they'd be fitting for their new infested frame. I don't even understand how that's possible. It's the common sense thing to do, and other people were speculating that well before yesterday's devstream. So I don't understand how DE can not understand that.

    I know, I'm probably taking this a bit too seriously, but I honestly feel like they are butchering their own story by doing random stuff instead of things that make sense and that further develop their lore.

    I'm already upset about what they did with New Loka (in short, they basically undermined New Loka's entire purpose for existing, one by making them obsessed with a grove more than with restoring humanity on Earth, and two by having the New Loka leader want to give up and quit everything just because she finds out the truth about the grove).

    I'm one of the ones who wasn't satisfied with TWW because it failed to tell us anything more meaningful about the Grineer. Nothing about their structure, about how the Queens gained power, about why the Grineer look up to them, etc. Nothing. Instead, we got a bunch of Disney-esque villains who act more like the Wicked Witch of the West and Harley Quinn than they do TWIN Queens who were supposed to be renown warriors (according to the Kuria lore).

    And I'm once again annoyed because seems like they're gonna have yet another missed lore opportunity with Perrin Sequence and the Infested.

    I really wish they had a dedicated story group that was focused on charting out the lore for this game. And if they already have such a writing group, then imo they need to get some new people in there because I don't think they're doing a good job.

    Thanks for making the game suck for me by pointing out all the stuff I want to ignore. Okay I was trying to be funny but you're right. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    hate voice chat in videogames. Whenever I enable voice chat in any game I get people watching super noisy tv or playing awful music in the background, half of the time you get people talking to themselves for Twitch or Youtube, you get kids crying in the background, domestic abuse or, if you log on using the European gateway, lots of random screaming in Russian and Polish. Then you get some guy impersonating Darth Vader. Or maybe he was just born without nostrils. Somebody has a terrible cold and you can feel the snot dripping through your headphones. Somebody's eating the crunchiest potato chips (or crisps, depending where you are) they can find, without muting their mic.


    Every word of this is true (for me). And sometimes I swear people let their little kids have the mic while they play the game to keep the kid busy. 

    And I don't use it because I will yell fowl words suddenly and I know that's rude. 

  3. I pray all dreams and hopes for Damage 3.0 are crushed and ruined and dying. So many other things to refine and bugs to fix I really don't want the game to redo a part that is fine.  Gun modding is fine as is. Serration is fine as is. Multi shot is fine. Make more mods make more mastery fodder. Collect it. That's the game and it's fun. 

    I stopped caring about power creep when soma prime came out. After prime mods, the war and galantine came out I roll laughing if anyone brings it up.  

  4. I was making a joke. But if we think about it Warframe is only celebrates North American holidays anyways. Easter , Christmas, Halloween, July 4th, day of the dead and Saint patties day. So your point has no point. 

    4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    What's your point?

    Last I checked Canada, the United States and a handful of small islands/provinces do not make up most of the world.

    My point stands.

    Any way was just pointing out Canadian thanksgiving cause Canada 

  5. I little off topic. I don't like the operator. I was hoping that the "thing" is the suit was so twisted that it had no hope of ever being anything other than a monster maybe trying to redeem itself by being the good guy. I liked the game better before the transference stuff. I feel way less connection to my frames now. But. What is done is done. I can't imagine DE pulling all that stuff. Oh well. 

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