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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. I like that people don't like her. I even kinda wish she cost more oxium to discourage building her. More people using her makes me nervous about DE nerfing her. Is that weird of me?

    The trollnado is super helpful for CC is you are on the run and don't care about the loot at the moment. She is fast and tanky. Her and Nekros are my fav frames.

  2. Hey guys. 


    So I ran across Warframe by mistake. I found a picture of a Volt helmet on the internet and became fixated on it. I starded to watch youtube stuff  about the game. I got the PS4  and a nighthawk router just to play Warframe. 


    The game is way fun. I love the artwork!  I should make rank 6 in a few days. 

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