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Posts posted by .Re-light.

  1. That is normal price, it's very hard to roll 60% on tigris and hek. Btw, 60% status works only on old HEK, you cannot never build V hek with crits and status, since it needs beside the riven all 4 dual stat.. so it's a no go on Veykor Hek. And damage is best other stat for old Hek, since it already has 320 ms with [hells chamber + syndicate mod[. With this riven (had one similar) old hek becomes true 100% and kills abiut 2 times faster then V hek. Only problem is that you always have to build for corr + blast or viral + rad. I hate blast and radiation.. or I would buy it.. 

  2. Hey friend. Just to let you know, I haven't completely given up on that juicy Arca Scisco. I will try to sell some rivens in the next few weeks and get some plat. Probably also burn about 100-200k kuva just in case.

      I didn't yet roll better then what I showed you, but I lucked out with a Stubba riven with 198 Ms, 130 Cd -75 Impact. It's downs heaviest armor now faster then my rivened Akstilleto..


  3. WTS This incredible triple + stat monster Sobek Riven!




    This negative doesn't effect Shattering Storm as you can see, and crazy damage it does, helps to instant wipe whole rooms of infested or even Grineer when you got a team of four CP and Acid Shells. You can also forget about CP and just brute force kill heavy Armor all the way to level 150. It will down 2 to 3 Heavy Corrupted Gunners with few corrosive procs and just that 20k Corrosive on it's shot with every clip!!! With that kind of power, you learn to not care about the 3.5 reload or just reload manually.

     Sobek with Acid shells and proper team composition is an infinite scalling shotgun

             I haven't seen many this strong Sobek rivens out there, but I want to get back at 10k plat and have some change, and my trading has been going to slow last 5 days, so I decided to put this up for sale..

    Price is slightly negotiable but in this moment, you can instantly buy it for 3k. If you have an counter offer post it here or pm, just realize I don't have to sell it and I do use Sobek a lot. Still from all of my rivens, I value it the most, so I prefer to sell one of favorites then more then one riven.





  4. Ok, so I want to make a strongest Stubba possible. I am convinced it can surpass Akstiletto as best full auto secondary with the right riven.

    Looking for only two stat combinations.

    1. Critical chance + Multishot AND MUST HAVE -IMPACT 

    Offering 2k for this one.


    2. Critical chance + Multishot + Damage and again - you guessed it MUST HAVE -IMPACT

    Offering 3k for this one.

    Only interested in exact stats. 

    Close won't do. We can talk price some more if you have exactly what I want.

    Thanks for your time!


  5. 16 minutes ago, Landario said:

    Arca Plasmor was nerfed in a very severe Way. So RIVEN prices for it are going down down down. And that shows the whole problem with Rivens. People spend thousands of P on that crap concept. And within one Disposition Change or Nerf it all goes to... XXXX

    I honestly didn't think DE would ever go this route. They just need to nerf one or two more really popular weapons (I won't present a list here of what could those weapons be, but we all know them) to instill doubt forever and make prices for 1 in a million roll never reach the heights as they did before, price wise..

        I hope for their sake they rethink this approach or in the end, I'll just switch a weapon, but their end profit balance will feel it...

  6. On 1/27/2018 at 1:20 PM, (PS4)BoHuggabee said:

    im not having trouble killing enemies if that is what you mean.  i am keeping up just fine in those terms, but a balance needs to be applied so players have the option of not being carried so heavily.  i could have done the mission by myself too.  i enjoy playing with others, but you have the lone star elitists that think their balls are so heavy they can ruin the game for the squad they joined...self awareness people...

    i have a soma prime with serration at 1 more tick away from max mod.  my stuff is pretty well set up for the plains compared to when i first went there lol...im not running out of ammo entirely.  conserving ammo, head shots, its all pretty balanced to my level and mods. 

    As others suggested, I will just reiterate.. If you are new, finding a few friends with similar level as you or a friendly clan will go a long way into enjoying this game. This game is made for multiplier and it's much more fun in a group. But if you go public, that is your choice. If you are matched with someone that has over 1000 hours in this game already and you do a quick mission, chances are you will have problems keeping up, as for them, there is no reason to take 15 minutes to do something they can finish in 5..


       It's really up to you..

  7. Here is my build with a riven. I missed old Sybaris feel (no recoil, laser accuracy) so I got a riven for 800-900 plat some time ago and I am very happy with it. I don't need no Hunter Munitions 'cause this will bleed even toughest armor in about 4,5 shots..



    Punch through in this game is mandatory. The gun feels great to use and with no recoil, there is 0 problems landing all the multishot into head shots, which should always be your goal with crit weapons.

    Not sure about how much plat you currently have, but you can get great CC, CD -impact (prefered negative) already around 1k..

    Sybaris rivens prices have dropped a lot. It's always easier to buy good stats or trade riven for riven then to roll one with the stats that you want yourself.. 


  8. I would suggest just getting Gladiator might and Gladiator Finesse. Melee and frame. Just these two make any melee in the game crit viable. Really pays off on high status, long reach, slash melee, since you can even run without elements and still melt any level. Tricky part is rolling the riven with right stats and building your melee around it.

        I got a sick Tonbo and Volnus atm. Those two mods are not that cosrtly yet, so try that first. Full set can be made into a fun build, but unless you take inaros, you are gonna gimp other frames too much.

      I run arcane avanger, and with those two mods and bloodrush I get red crits almost from the start if arcane avanger is activated, even on my 5% at base Tonbo..

    Their combined effect is 30% aditive crit chance that stacks with bloodrush, so mine 5% Tonbo becomes 35% and 2 x crit multiplier becomes 3.2. Pair that with awesome reach and high status and it's borderline broken.

  9. qcqMax cc possible on opticor is 247%. You got incredibly lucky with 99,9 roll for Cc, and I am not sure about damage but I know that is a high roll aswell.  Perfect negative. You can keep it, I would. It might feel easy now, but if you wanted to get something eqully good, you could roll 500 tomes more and never get something as good. Your riven with point strike will give opticor 99,9 Cc in UI. Even tho Opticor hype has died down, because of that high Cc you won't have a problem of finding a buyer for 2.5 even 3k. Jackpot roll there, lucky you. Begginers luck probably.. ;)

  10. Hi guys and girls, 

    Currently I have:



     I like when I have 10k minimum. I've bought one nice Corinth and naturally had to sell a few rivens to get back to 10k. However today has been going so slow I decided to make one Fire Sale here. All I care about is making about 700p. So while riven prices will be per riven, if someone wants, I also offer all these rivens together for cool 1k total.

    1. Super Grinlok. Asking Price: 750p - (Max crit chance for Grinlok is 254.2 !!! )



    2. Marelok: Asking Price 500p - (Very easy to fit on any build instead of Seeker mod )


    3.Burston: Asking price 300 - (Works very well for people that have Arcane Avenger to put that critical damage to work) 


    4.Staticor Asking Price 150plat (Built in flight speed mod) 


    So, 700 is my goal, so any 2 rivens I will let go for 700. All prices highly negotiable, just post your counter offer here and let's talk,

      Have a great day/night!



  11. Here it is: 


    You don't have to buy mine, but trust a random Tenno and try out -100% recoil on it, before braking a bank on some great one, you won't look at the weapon the same. NVM, sold it in trade chat..

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