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Posts posted by (PSN)eximago

  1. 5 hours ago, KinetosImpetus said:

    Yes it has. One of the most recent streams said in response to a player question, not all weapons will be primed because there are too many, but all frames will be primed. You won't see a time where every current frame has a current Prime because Prime Access is slower to release than normal frames but all frames can and will eventually be primed 

    I literally never said even once that newer frames would not be primed. At all. Where do you people keep getting that idea?

  2. You said not to bring it up, but I am. I just think the console versions have the best example of a standalone game separated from Steam, and DE has already said that they want to bring TennoGen to consoles as you mentioned. I think that's your answer right there, even if they haven't specifically said as much for non-Steam PC versions. It would just seem that a solution for the console problem would be easily extended to those PC versions, but of course, what they want to do and what they're able to do are two different things. We just kind of have to ride it out and hope for the best.

     I think the best solution would be to simply separate plat from the TennoGen items. On PlayStation, we have the Market where we pay for stuff with our plat, and then there's the PSStore, of course. There is where we get our plat bundles, but there's also non-plat stuff like Prime Access and Renown Packs where we buy them directly with money. That would seem to be the best way to ensure that content creators get paid, so they can just give them a commission on those sales. This doesn't help with the Steam contractual agreement though, but maybe they could work it out so that they could also get a cut with a new contract. It might lead to higher prices for console players, but c'est la vie. I'm willing to pay it to get some of this really amazing content. I'm not sure how this would work for PC, but a store page on the website might be a way.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Xardis said:

    I dont think it would be likely but I would like Limbo Prime along with a huge rework of his abilities.

    The rework he no doubt needs is only more evidence that it will be awhile. I figure that they'll continue to release Primes in an order reflecting actual release order, so we'd have Vauban, Nekros, Banshee, Valkyr, Oberon, Hydroid, Zephyr, Mirage, and then Limbo followed by Chroma, if my memory is correct. So, like, in five years.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    I'd feel safer not touching the in-game files whatsoever, so thanks but no thanks. DE could easily include the images in png format alongside the other resources they provide. For the sake of people like me, who don't wanna risk accidently doing something that could cause in-game issues.

    Well, I have bad news. I think the Digital Extremes employee giving you step-by-step directions on how to get these images without messing anything up is exactly what you're asking for. It isn't really realistic to expect them to group all of these things together when there is so much content to sort through when you can simply do it yourself in the steps they provided for you..

  5. 7 minutes ago, PurpleBomber said:

    To expand on the Nova matter, at least part of her jump in line was undoubtedly monetary. Nova had a very high usage rate at the time, being the go-to affinity grinder, so releasing Nova Prime in short order of that would likely sell more Prime Access bundles than if they had just gone with the chronological frame at the time (possibly Trinity if they had followed the release order we actually got).

    Similar reasons would make me think Nekros would be sure to grab a spot in the next 2 since, aside from actually being the next chronological male frame after Vauban, he gets a lot more playtime than Oberon (who doesn't, really?) and that would presumably translate into more Prime Access sales.

    As I said before, it also came at a time when people were adamant that a Nova Prime was impossible and DE's statements otherwise were repeatedly falling on deaf ears. Nova has always seen a lot of use and that hasn't really changed, except only slightly perhaps since her nerf. They were going to make bank off Nova Prime access no matter when it was released, though there may have been reasons they needed money right then. Nothing comes to mind as to what else was going on development wise at the time though, but that doesn't mean much.

  6. 3 minutes ago, p3z1 said:

    You read it in reverse. The less plat is more expensive than the other one.

    Not sure where you get that idea from. I just listed mine in ascending order and he listed his in descending order. The information itself is accurate.

  7. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)J_DANGER_ said:

    Australia mate. How is it normal to have 3125p for $10 cheaper than 2100p...

    My point was that the prices are perfectly normal here in the states. Must be some oversight. But even if it were to be reversed, the price difference still feels too slight for such a difference in the amount of plat. Just take advantage of it before they see your thread, dude. I mean, mate.

  8. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)J_DANGER_ said:

    3125p for $56

    2100p for $64


    Who even comes up with this?!?!

    What country are you in? You get 2100 platinum for $59.99USD, marked down from $99.99, and 3210 platinum for $74.99 marked down from $149.99. Everything looks normal here.

  9. 1 minute ago, Apoc001 said:


    I raise your outdated ancient devstream with recent devstream


    Feel free to explain how that contradicts anything I actually said instead of how you continue to misrepresent my statements. I never said that Vauban would be the last. Ever. Not even close. In fact, I said that they would no doubt continue to make Primes after his release. So, again, that doesn't contradict what I said. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Apoc001 said:

    ancient devstream tend to be outdated and no longer hold any credibility

    it would be like me saying that Primes dont render non primes obsolete, since this too was once stated by the devs in an "ancient devstream"

    Ok, but it was still said, and is literally the only thing we have to base any order off of, and has mostly held true up to this point, with Nova Prime being the only exception. And, really, Nova Prime's release felt like a calculated move to shut up everyone who had been saying that Nova would never get a prime version because "lore". That move also lends credence to my original point that after Vauban, we might see the order become less predictable.

    So, yeah, older stuff can be later contradicted, but this hasn't been.

  11. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    Frost prime didn't have another male frame after him thus why i said 1 or 2 cause of that instance. Mirage is a quest frame i forgot to mention so she not up for prime base on what they been doing so far.

    All frames are eligible to be primed. Mirage is the first quest frame, which is a relatively new phenomenon. Since all quest frames are relatively new, none of them have been primed.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Apoc001 said:

    there was no such record, ALL Warframes are eligible to be primed 

    You misread. Rebecca said in some ancient devstream that only up to Vauban would be guaranteed to get a Prime Version. No guarantee for anything after is not listing them as ineligible. Her statement seemed to suggest that it would really just depend on the state of the game at that point, but it's in a really healthy place and I'm sure we can expect them to continue.

    To respond to your edit, it was an issue for some time after she made that statement that people misinterpreted what was said. She did say that only up to Vauban would be guaranteed. But, again, saying that only up to a certain point would be guaranteed is not a statement that they will not go further.

  13. Just now, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    like i said it been trend of 1 or 2 males frames so just have to wait an see

    No, the trend has always been two males followed by two females. So, the next frame is most like Vauban, and then Nekros, followed by Banshee and Valkyr, and then Oberon and Hydroid,  Zephyr and Mirage, blah, blah, blah. Nova Prime was an outlier to the assumed order however, so nothing is a guarantee, but this is the most likely order. I do think there is a higher likelihood of things becoming less predictable after Vauban and Banshee are both out. DE has gone on record saying that only the original frames up to Vauban were guaranteed to get a Prime. This was quite some time ago, and I think the future of Warframe is too bright now for them to stop any time soon, but after Vauban and Banshee is done, they'll have fulfilled that earlier promise, giving them more room to do whatever they please.

  14. 2 hours ago, (XB1)a salsa wizard said:

    Also will the moon ever become its own separate segment? 

    I certainly hope it will. 

    But, to your main point, yes. There will be new game modes. When? Who knows? But DE is always pumping out new stuff. For now, they've been revamping older game modes to be much more interesting, like Spy and Sabotage (which I still haven't got to sample as a console Tenno). Really, these have been every bit as good as a new game mode, and we can certainly expect more in the future, at least with Deception. They'll probably start thinking of new game modes after that.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Ivara will probably be in Steel Meridian and New Loka due to her Robinhood theme. "Defend the weak" for the former and just the earthen-archer-ranger vibe she has for the latter.

    Nezha I picture being in Hexis and Veil as well. He just doesn't really suit the other syndicates IMO.

    I hadn't considered that connection between Steel Meridian and Ivara, but I like it. I'm glad you both pointed it out. I could see her in New Loka as well due to her design being strongly based upon tree frogs, but I could also see Red Veil or Arbiters of Hexis, as stealth frames end up in one of the two as @Dreddeth pointed out.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

    Inaros seems like he could go to either New Loka or Steel Meridian, since back in the day he was the protector of Phobos. Of course, with how unusual he is in both lore and mechanics, he could easily go to Cephalon Suda like Chroma.

    Ivara could be Red Veil/Steel Meridian, since she's basically Robin Hood, but the Arbiters of Hexis have mods for every stealth frame thus far (Except Banshee I think), so she could end up there.

    Wukong is... Well in the myth he's based on he fights basically everyone, and is befriended by Nezha if I recall. So aside from sharing at least one syndicate with Nezha, he could go to one of the more violent syndicates. They could probably both go to Arbiters and Veil.

    I disagree with Wukong. He is the Monkey King, and his design reflects that. I would like to see him share a Syndicate with Nezha, but I think at least one of them will have to be New Loka, as every frame so far that has a design based on animals has gone there-- Oberon, Valkyr, Zephyr, Hydroid, arguably Trinity... perhaps others I'm forgetting. Perhaps the Arbiters would be their shared group with Nezha in the Red Veil (I hope).

  17. 24 minutes ago, SYL3NZR said:

    tell me how this is "inappropiate" pl0x

    Yeah, I'm lost too. "Brother Pig" is not a euphemism that I'm aware of, and "bring the bacon" only somewhat resembles the phrase meaning "to make the most money in a houshold." If the complaint is with the translation clearly using a different intonation than intended, and that that's somehow offensive to the Chinese, I don't think that's really a fair criticism either. As I understand it, playing with intonation and how dramatically that can change words is the source of much of China's more simple humor.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    Thanks, but I'm not sure that's such a wise thing to do, especially when tampering with game files can get you banned.

    Well, considering that the post is from none other than Drew, a Community Coordinator at Digital Extremes, I think you can feel safe to use it. As with all things, a ban will really depend on exactly how you tamper. Since you're simply wanting to be a more dedicated fan, you needn't worry. Just don't do anything that might give you an unfair edge.

  19. I've put a lot of thought into this because I used to main Zephyr, so I put all of my time into the Red Veil. Now that I'm obsessed with using Nezha, I'm nervous that I'll regret that decision. Regardless of the investment questions, I was just curious to see where other players thought the newer frames should be placed.

    Personally, I can actually see Nezha making it into Red Veil due to his fire-based abilities. He really seems to fit the "cleansing flames" idea that they're centered upon. I'm less certain about a second group, but Arbiters of Hexis seems like a possible fit. Their fixation on "truth" and their court-like aesthetic seems like it would fit a holy character.

    I'll save further input for any discussion that takes off. What are your thoughts?

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