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Posts posted by (PSN)eximago

  1. 1 hour ago, ToaPhantom said:

    I could give some criticism about this but it'll take awhile to type it all out.
    There are factors on the good of this and the bad of this.
    My Solution is to make Syndicate warframe SKINS!!
    Having Syndicate warframes would make the game unbalanced.

    I like this idea. They could look at even having the skins tweak stats a bit depending on the frame, similar to some weapon skins. Maybe dependent on the Syndicate's passive. Red Veil skins could give a sprint speed boost, for instance, similar to the passive on Blight. Though, a new look for a frame on its own would probably be enough incentive for most. Not to mention, I like that Syndicates provided a few free cosmetic options for players who don't invest in the game.

  2. Excited that cert is finally underway. Great work guys. I knew you'd get in before the 25th actually hit.

    @[DE]Drew Just a little heads up, there's a minor, low-priority glitch with the new Obsidian Dendra Armor. It leaves these funny glowing spots on the ground in the training slides in the Codex. Usually, they appear under the frame, but there's at least one where you can see them out of focus in the background. Again, no big deal, but I thought you might want to know.

  3. On 3/22/2016 at 3:48 AM, (PS4)DanteVincent said:

    Are you out of your mind? It's been two months since we got an update and it was a crappy one, nezha's. I was done with it in a single day and traumatized by how bad of a frame he is.


    That said and to balance the amount of salt and sugar in my posts I gotta say that I am honestly excited about the one we are getting. The infested weapons look sexy as hell, even though only one of them is useable for now, pretty sure they'll buff muta cernos as it's craptastic but Lesion will have to do on the infested side.

    Can't wait to make Inaros the incarnation of Anubis itself with 2 arcane grace sets and traumatic redirection from naramon.

    Alongside with Uranos, Moon is a beautiful and well thought out tileset which I am glad is being expanded, hopefuly with time other tilesets will become as good to play in and pretty like these two.

    Wow, cranky. Nezha's actually fantastic and I have no idea how you could think otherwise. I mean, I get that not everyone has the same playstyle. Like, I don't like Ember, but I can understand that it's because I suck with glass cannons, and has nothing to do with whether or not she's good because I've seen people rock with her. I just don't get where you could get the idea that he sucks from, because he's got such a great skill set with a little bit of everything that really makes him great for solo gameplay. But, with his healing and crowd control capabilities, he's not an unwelcome member for any team.

  4. On 3/20/2016 at 7:49 PM, (PS4)KAOTICDOLPHIN said:

    I hope this update fixes the loading chat bug finally. 

    I don't think that's a bug, but a residual symptom of the DDoS attack. I don't remember it being an issue before then, and I've been playing consistently since 18 was released.

    I hope it gets submitted soon. I know the 25th isn't until Friday, but the "no later than" bit has me hoping for an earlier submission. Fingers crossed! Regardless, I know you guys are working hard.

  5. Yeah, it doesn't really feel like there is a niche for this sort of frame in the game. A lot of these abilities sound ineffective, are too similar to existing abilities (Overdrive is basically a Warcry clone with some Ballistic Batter Thrown in), or just don't work with existing game mechanics. Battle-Frame stands out as an ability that very often would have to be unusable, because anything much larger than a standard Warframe would clip through the environment, and that's not really something you want in an ability. Care Package is also pretty bizarre. It doesn't make much sense to switch out your six-forma'd-Face-Melter-Prime for an ability-based weapon, since damage based abilities fall off anyway, and there's really no way they could make those weapons not behave like damage-based abilities. 

    I understand the idea of having a frame for battlefield tactics, but we kind of already have that in much more sensible ways for the existing game mechanics with Vauban.

  6. 53 minutes ago, (PS4)firstson201 said:

    DE can you give me a hint of the next prime?

    Hint: Almost definitely Vauban, but Nova Prime came out of left field in terms of the assumed order, so nothing is guaranteed at this point. It'd probably make more sense to make a new thread on this topic (or go find one of the numerous threads I'm sure already exist discussing this very thing), since that kinda has absolutely nothing to do with this one.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

    I like the immortal skins. I love to put them on my prime frames. Mag, Rhino, Ash all look good with them. I have wanted one for Zephyr for ever. The more the better. 

    I hate Ash's on Ash Prime, though I love the skin generally. Ash just needs his PBR update still, and the skin reflects that, and it just looks really weird with the PBR'd extra bits on Ash Prime.

  8. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    meh, never really care for any of the skins, except for Rhino's: Palatine Rhino is AWESOME! can't wait to finally get the Avatar for him, regular Rhino is just as functional, but not as fabulous. :(

    I'm a cosmetics junkie, so I like all of the skins so far. The Zephyr deluxe skin concept they showed a few devstreams ago terrifies me though. I'm really hoping there was enough outcry for them to go in another direction with that.

  9. Ok, ok. I know we've been getting all of these deluxe skins lately, and they're truly amazing so far, but whatever happened to the Immortal Skins that never came? Sure, the deluxe skins are better overall, but every frame from Zephyr forward never received an Immortal Skin, and now it seems that the rotation and wait for alternate skins has just simply been reset for these frames, and it had been announced before that more were in the works. Besides, as much as I love all of the deluxe skins so far, I still like the original designs enough to switch back depending on my mood.

    Is there anybody else hoping that we'll still see a batch of Immortal Skins for some of the newer frames at some point? Personally, I like the idea of having as many options as possible, and having an alternate skin that isn't quite so drastic is something good to have.

  10. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)Tigzhalas said:

    keep on fighting because they should release it or make a similar Cali Prime but in different redesign like China Cali Umbra Prime. lol

    Uh, no. It was a Founder exclusive. A special gift to the original players of Warframe. It's not happening. There's nothing to fight for. Umbra is a completely different thing from Prime, though we don't know how yet.


  11. 3 minutes ago, salubri said:

    so was there any info compromised?, i can see people login when i  get the message that my login info is wrong

    No. It's a popular misconception that DDoS attacks are a form of hacking, but in reality it's just running a script that overwhelms servers with requests. This in no way puts anyone's information at risk. Either you're just experiencing the log-in failure issue, or you've made a mistake with your log-in info.

  12. Just now, DamienSilves said:

    Lol, it sucks that a game that I got talked into playing, has had nothing but issues the first two days I played it. I had to download Warframe through steam because the offical launcher gave me corrupted files, and I couldn't even load the first mission (the tutorial) Then today, I attempted my first rankup test, passed it without losing more than 25% of shield, pretty good for a newb I think. Then I go and get dropped by the game between the "results" page, and being put back in the ship. Yay,,,

    I'm sorry you had such a rough start, but don't give up on it! It's a great game, and this DDoS situation is not the typical experience. Give the dev team a chance to put the pieces back together before making a final verdict on the game.

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CALLOFDUTY223345 said:

    Sorry dude i was trying to do a T1 MD and lost my key cause of servers

    Literally everyone has been facing these issues, not just you. Spouting off in here about how much worse you have it than other players isn't going to go over well when every single player is just as frustrated as you are, regardless of platform. Besides, that is one of the easiest keys to get a hold of. I have 72 as we speak. It will be ok.

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