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Posts posted by Ishteen

  1. 34 minutes ago, Vladimir said:

    it hits through walls + strips damage resist from sentients. You can also roll and cast.

    Wanted to briefly chime in - I've done some testing in the Simulacrum, and it seems that Radial Howl is still LoS-based. It does not affect enemies unless I see them, or they see me - much like Radial Blind.

    Like OP, I would advocate for a shorter cast time. About two seconds before the actual blind emerges can be a death sentence on higher-level content, and the Sentient resistance removal is tied to the blind. Given how much damage Conculysts and Battalysts can inflict at a moment's notice, you'd want to lock them down as soon as possible; Howl's lengthy cast doesn't allow for that. Lastly, Sentients still gain CC resilience from each usage of Howl, so even the blind will only last a fraction of a second - and it's still associated with nearly two seconds of unmodded CT.

  2. Presently, area control (holdout) segments of bounty missions need a much more visible UI indicator - especially when control is in danger of being lost. A small progress circle can be hard to keep track of in the midst of a firefight, and with a rather ambiguous area to "protect" (how large is this area? how many enemies need to be killed to change control parameters?), it is quite easy to miss when it turns red and the mission is about to fail. Because of this, area control missions can seem to arbitrarily fail, which heavily punishes solo players or small squads that can't always afford to keep an eye on a small UI element while locking down wave after wave of enemies.

  3. 1 minute ago, Artarrwen said:

    There's this misconception that "shiny = PBR".

    Dread is most certainly not PBR. Currently it uses a colored specular map which forces this dirty silver look to the shiny edges.

    I stand corrected, though I remember (perhaps erroneously) this looking similar to the old "preliminary PBR" DE had rolled out for the Sybaris before - notably the glittery, silver plastic appearance - before that job was updated.

    4 minutes ago, Kai_Shiba said:

    Turn off Color correction, all it does is apply a tint overlay depending on some factors which changes the actual colors of most things in-game. It either oversaturates or desaturates everything.

    Even after turning off Color Correction, the Dread still looks exactly the same: faded, gritty, and plastic.


    I'm inclined to believe this isn't merely a settings problem - just with the appearance of the weapon itself.

  4. An old issue (spanning about a year now), but the Dread still suffers from a change in its appearance. Here's the original palette:


    As you can see, the intense red here is washed out, looking more like a frosted, plastic pink. This is more noticeable against brighter lighting...


    And, worse still, becomes a uniform dirty silver in tiles like the dojo.


    Just as bad is the fact that the Dread's quiver has not received any treatment whatsoever, so there is a glaring difference between the bow itself (which has these color shifts) and its quiver (which actually looks like the selected color). Could we expect a fix for this some time Soon™?

  5. Exciting! A few questions, if no one minds:

    • Nidus is, by far, the most coherently-designed warframe in this game to date. Who put his kit together? Can we expect more frames like Nidus, with inherent and interesting skill synergy, in the future? How will Nidus' design philosophy influence reworks of other frames, and potentially enemy interactions with players?
    • Rivens were - indeed, still are - a highly controversial addition to the game. Are there any plans to continue balancing them or refining the algorithms which determine the stats of a Riven? How about rolls in which players can "lock in" stats? How will Riven mods inform the Future™ Damage 3.0 system?
    • Warframe still has a number of core systems that could be updated or reworked. For instance, will we see any changes to the way stealth works in this game? How about sniper rifles - will they see some love, or perhaps entirely new changes that are simpler and bring them up to speed? Focus, melee, and map navigation?
  6. Nidus is very well designed, and completely out of left field (given how little he was teased prior to U19.5, save for the latest Devstream). His abilities are simple but mesh strongly together, and one is incentivized to use his entire kit in order to stay alive and build Mutation. Nidus is also surprisingly fragile in higher-end content; without ten stacks for Undying on standby, burst damage will easily cleave through his HP pool and bring him down. This means Nidus players must maintain good enemy awareness, both to avoid burning too many stacks on Undying while simultaneously hunting down large packs of enemies to build higher Mutation. It's a fine balance, and makes for uniquely exciting gameplay in missions with high-leveled enemies or in squads that lack three other players to control the map. (Mot is a favorite survival map with Nidus, especially since it changes how I would approach the mission compared to any other frame I'd bring.)

    One thing I've noticed, however, is that Larva does not override external sources of CC - that is, abilities such as Frost's Avalanche, Vauban's Bastille, or even Ancient Healer auras prevent Larva from clumping all enemies within its tether range. It seems Larva will not physically move enemies if those enemies are already rooted in place by some other means (though I've yet to test any similar interactions between Avalanche and, say, Vortex), which is something not seen before on any other warframe. Larva's responses to other CC abilities also seems to be inconsistent - it won't work during the actual cast of Avalanche, but, shortly after, it will. My question is whether this is a bug or an intended feature, and if such inconsistencies could be clarified in-game or else smoothed out in some other way (e.g. stopping Larva from pulling enemies affected by any CC, versus moments when Larva pulls enemies after a CC cast). I'm not too fussed by this, partly because Larva is so strong and this is an interesting downside, but it does mean that Nidus is an exceptionally territorial warframe that doesn't always play well with other allies.

  7. Very interesting! Given the current state of the Focus system, I imagined it would have boiled down to one of two things: either a single utility with passive upgrades (like Dragon Shouts in Skyrim), or something that fundamentally alters how a player approaches a combat scenario (a la Keystone Passives in Path of Exile). I still need some time to parse through all of this information - as well as its possible implications - although I will admit that I'm not overly impressed by Naramon's active ability. It veers a little too close to AoE powers or weapons to really stand as its own. Perhaps some kind of infravision, allowing sight through walls and enough punch-through to strike enemies beyond them with any ranged weapon? Activation conditions also seem a little strict and primarily favor endless missions or very high-leveled content, as Eximus units don't appear en masse on lower-leveled nodes - unless your definition of "Boss-like" happens to extend to specialist mobs like snipers or heavies.

  8. That's a hyperbolic statement if i've ever seen one.  Care to name 3?


    Easily. Path of Exile, WildStar, Firefall.


    Fact of the matter is, Warframe's F2P model is not the best on the market - that title belongs largely to GGG's Path of Exile, which is one of the most consumer-friendly games you can ever pick up and play. The fact that it is thriving, despite being a niche dungeon crawler, is also quite telling.

  9. Of course I do. Look at the multitude of topics of what can only be frankly described as, whining children. All I see on these forums these days are people whining. Nitain, Focus System, and now Nezha. These people are only happy when there's something to sodding moan about.

    Please do take the challenge. I reckon you'll have Nezha a long time before two months have passed.


    The way I see it, it's a win-win scenario for me: if I pick up Nezha within a reasonable amount of time (given the sortie system, I would expect at least a week with fairly average luck), then I get to play a frame which will hopefully allow me to make some crazy maneuvers in conjunction with parkour 2.0.


    And if I don't pick up Nezha within a reasonable amount of time, we'll see where your hubris lands you. For the sake of increased data, I'll even ask my clanmates to pitch in their own post-sortie screenshots.

  10. They would need more then 30 possible rewards otherwise you would get guaranteed legendary core every month. And if you get roll from say 60 or 90 choices, would that be much better than current system? More then 30 choices would mean rewards that veterans would consider possibly even garbage as there is only so much content to put there.


    A brief hashing out of what I originally had in mind:


    Consider this current sortie cycle. Your basic, pre-completion table would have the following:

    • 50x R5 Fusion Cores


    • Exilus Adapter


    • Nezha Helmet Blueprint


    • Nezha Chassis Blueprint


    • Nezha Systems Blueprint


    • Dera Vandal Barrel


    • Dera Vandal Receiver


    • Dera Vandal Stock


    • Dera Vandal Blueprint


    • Karak Wraith Barrel


    • Karak Wraith Receiver


    • Karak Wraith Stock


    • Karak Wraith Blueprint


    • Madurai Lens


    • Naramon Lens


    • Varazin Lens


    • Unairu Lens


    • Zenurik Lens

    As you run through these eighteen sorties, you will earn (and strike off) each individual reward. What you earn on that particular day is up to RNG, but assuming you run sorties eighteen times before the end of the cycle you are guaranteed to pick up whatever it is that you actually want from the list.


    The remaining twelve to thirteen days will feature a post-completion table:

    • 25x R5 Fusion Cores


    • 50x R5 Fusion Cores


    • Legendary Core


    • Exilus Adapter


    • 4x Forma


    • Orokin Catalyst Blueprint


    • Orokin Reactor Blueprint


    • Madurai Lens


    • Greater Madurai Lens


    • Naramon Lens


    • Greater Naramon Lens


    • Vazarin Lens


    • Greater Vazarin Lens


    • Unairu Lens


    • Greater Unairu Lens


    • Zenurik Lens


    • Greater Zenurik Lens


    ...as well as duplicate Dera Vandal, Karak Wraith, and Nezha blueprints. (All of this is an example, of course.)


    This table is dictated by RNG; you are not guaranteed to earn everything on this list, and it is entirely possible to get the same reward back-to-back until the end of the cycle. (I imagine legendary cores would also be weighted against you.)


    There are a couple advantages to a system like this. First, if you really want a Dera Vandal, weren't able to pick up a Karak Wraith from the Tubemen event, or would like to build Nezha as soon as you can, you are guaranteed at least one of each if you run sorties eighteen (or however many) times until you strike everything off the pre-completion table. And second, if you won't always be able to run sorties every single day, you have a time buffer of roughly 12-13 days before the cycle ends to still fill out the table - at the cost of cutting down on your chances to obtain greater lenses, a legendary core, Orokin catalysts and reactors, and additional blueprints to sell or give to your friends.


    There is some nice potential with sortie reward tables, too. DE could reintroduce anything from old event weapons and mods to vaulted Prime gear, boosters, resource bundles, kubrow breed imprints, stances...there are ways to make the system respectful to players' time while still allowing RNG to dictate what's placed on cycles and post-completion tables.

  11. You work for it you have it , you want right now you buy it.


    The point is that Nezha's implementation is not work. It is a gamble.


    Grinding syndicate standing for a Sancti Tigris is work. Downing Sargas Ruk and Lech Kril for parts to craft Chroma is work. Running archwing to stop Fomorians from destroying one of our relays is work.


    It is not work to finish a sortie string and be arbitrarily rewarded a Nezha Helmet Blueprint, or a Madurai Lens, or a Dera Vandal Barrel.

  12. I don't think you know what grinding means if you think that Nezha can be grinded.


    My response may be somewhat out of context, but Naftal is correct.


    The "grind" for Nezha is no grind at all. It is a gamble.


    Warframes obtained from quests, like Limbo, Mirage, or Chroma, can be seen as "grinds". Why is this? Because you input a certain amount of effort - in the case of Chroma, an arguably significant amount, due to the requirement for the parts of other frames - for a guaranteed reward. Events like the Gradivus Dilemma or False Profit and tactical alerts are also grinds. You may be stuck with running 100 exterminate missions over and over again to pick up a Brakk, but you will absolutely obtain that Brakk by the end of it all.


    Nezha - and by extension, Ivara, the Void, and drops from bosses - is a gamble. You can input the effort and plow your way through back-to-back spy and defense, but you are not guaranteed a Nezha blueprint - or even something that you actually want (lenses, cores, a piece to a weapon). Even if all the rewards are equally weighted, gambles do not reward skill or even perseverance: that one guy in region might strike gold and pick up all three parts from three separate sorties, while you may never find a helmet without dropping platinum on the Marketplace or in trade chat.


    This is why I personally take offense to Nezha's presence in the sortie reward table, and perhaps everyone else railing against it is conscious of the same on some level. Some of us may have to run sorties on a regular basis for months just to complete Nezha's build - assuming we are fortunate enough at all.


    "But wait!" you may interject. "Why do something like that? Just sell some mods or Prime parts or whatever for the platinum to buy what you're missing." And this is a fair response (aside from AM-Bunny's excellent point about the lack of consistency). However, it is a band-aid solution to a system which DE has only expanded upon in the past year - something which many players are increasingly fed up with.


    And here is one more thing to consider. Several people have pointed out that Nezha is locked behind a time wall, and this is quite significant. Why? In the case of Ivara and the Void (not so much assassins, mind you), one can counter this gamble by running spy missions or T1/2/3/4 whatever over and over again, in effect rerolling the dice however many times necessary to obtain what they want.


    You cannot, however, rerun sorties. Instead you must wait a full day before trying again. This is no "few hours" of "grinding". This may be a few weeks.


    Nezha blueprints in the sortie reward tables are (more) acceptable if DE gets rid of the frankly atrocious duplicate reward system and guarantees a separate reward for each separate day. Lengthen sortie cycles to roughly one month and throw game-breaking valuables like legendary cores into a fully randomized, post-table-completion reward system if RNG "balance" is needed. As it stands now, however, the combination of a gamble and a time wall with no ability to "reroll" consistently is simply too much.

  13. Emissive third eye was a nice addition and I'm sad to see it go. The Sentient design near the middle of Excalibur's spine (rear torso) doesn't mesh well with the texture, though - I feel as if it would be better if there was no design at all, given that Technocyte bone/flesh is not smooth enough to really accentuate the lines from a side angle.


    Designs in general seem a little too similar to each other, as if you copy-pasted whatever was on his abdomen to his forearms. A nitpick by all means, but I wonder if there mightn't be some flairs to differentiate his body markings a bit more.

  14. Six pages in and I find out that I'm slow to the draw. Here goes:


    Rebuilding stealth? With so many of the game's core systems seeing improvements or overhauls, when can we expect the same for stealth? If the community agrees on one thing, it's that stealth is remarkably lackluster and is mostly cheesed through with invisibility powers. Will there be improvements to the AI so that they are made more fallible, and might there also be additional work on audio/visual cues for states of alertness or the editing of tiles to include hidden pathways and lines of sight?


    Tinkering with Focus? Focus seems a little half-baked at the moment - as if you rushed it out the door last minute because it had to be a thing. Some tree descriptions run contrary to what their powers actually do (see: Vazarin), and at least one contains utility that would arguably belong more in another ("Rift Sight" from Zenurik to Naramon). Will there ever be overhauls to actives or passives? More importantly, is the discussion still live for what Focus wants to be in terms of mechanics? Should we expect Focus to fundamentally alter how a player approaches missions (a la Keystone Passives in Path of Exile), or should they revolve around a single utility with passive upgrades adding more onto that (like Dragon Shouts in Skyrim)?

  15. Grant an Enemy Sense aura?


    Funny thing about that - Zenurik actually has infravision, which allows you to see through walls. The path which advocates sheer strength, apparently, wants to be a little more tactical than the path which is supposedly all about tactics.


    Focus itself feels extremely confused - as if DE wasn't quite sure what they wanted it to be, but threw it in anyway because it would hopefully define some kind of end-game. My questions presently: If mods change the way weapons and abilities behave, should Focus change the way a player approaches any given mission, a la keystone passives in Path of Exile? Or should Focus revolve around one specific utility action, like Dragon Shouts from Skyrim?


    Granted, it might be a better idea to tangle with mods and scaling first so as to see where Focus would fit into all of that.

  16. Succinctly: Could we perhaps get an increase on the auto-evac/mission abort boundaries in this assassination mission? Golem likes to fly around very close to the map limits - especially near the beginning when he doesn't move quite as often - and more than once my squad and I have been warned that we were going to evac while positioned behind him.

  17. The way it seems to me is that Prime Parts will still be attached to Void Keys, just not the Void Tileset.


    In other words, I could do Apollodorus, Mercury, but I could somehow augment the mission by using a Void Key before entering, and then I will receive a Prime Part at the end of Apollodorus. Specific keys will probably only be able to augment certain mission types and level ranges.


    There's some speculation in that, but it's my general understanding currently.


    My hope is that it will work much like Void Sabotage currently - a portal device exists somewhere in the mission, which you can then approach and activate with a key. I believe this was Steve's original plan for the Void (heard about it secondhand, take this with a whole shakerful of salt), before they went for broke and stuck with the current key mechanic instead.


    Well if you loose a bet you do what you are demanded.


    Assuming there was even a bet to begin with.

  18. There's been a recent (and long-awaited) change to the usability of cosmetic skins on Prime weapons. Will we ever see vanilla/base skins for Primes? And what about Prime warframes being able to use a skin that makes them look like their ordinary counterparts? Failing that, any news on Immortal skins?

  19. I don't have the sniper but I have modded Vectis to get an additional round. If you 2 rounds in your magazine, with Vectis you can't manual reload the instant after pulling the trigger. There is a trigger delay preventing this. With 1 round you can reload the instant you pull the trigger.


    Again, I don't have Vectis Prime but I DO know 2 rounds in Vectis slows down your rate of fire to the 1.5 stat instead of pairing it with your reload speed. IF you have a delay before  reloading after your first shot on Vectis Prime like you do Vectis, I would much rather them make it 1 round per mag on Vectis Prime. That or give us a mod that gives negative ammo in the magazine. 


    I am a fan of Vectis. The reloading after every shot gave it a unique feel like it was really a breach loaded rifle. Just not as excited about the Prime Version now... :/


    This is exactly what I was concerned about and may be the primary reason I won't look for the Vectis Prime. A fairly abysmal fire rate was compensated for by clutch reloads - that's how you could "spam" a Vectis despite its single-shot magazine, and maintain a steady RoF.


    The Prime variant won't have this. And in my experience, arbitrary delays in firing my weapon is usually what ends up getting me killed.

  20. I say Paracyst is pretty well balanced. It's a weapon designed for lulz and giggles (harpoon gun haha!) and it provides lulz and giggles in plenty. 


    Let me phrase it this way: Gimmicks do not equate balance.

  21. Well, this is a small (read: borderline game-breaking) oversight by DE: there seems to be a lack of hacking panels in the third stage of the Black Seed Scourge event, which takes place in the infected Corpus ship tile. If there are panels, they aren't marked, or otherwise inaccessible from the first few tunnels of mission entry.


    Has anyone else encountered this? Is it common, and if so, what are some bypasses before a fix is released?

  22. Well Burston prime is a weapon that was reengineered and wasn't able to make one to match the glory original one so maybe we can make more prime stuff.


    Pretty sure the Burston Prime's description is referring to the inferior Burston...


    OT: Void Assassinate could work. Corrupted enemies are corrupted due to the Neural Sentry, which has to be somewhere in that tower - we could probably assign a hit on it.

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