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  1. I am recently on a recovered mission binge to try and get the last of the Nightwave rewards and I am down to the last three Nightwave rewards...But I am unable to get any more recovered missions or complete the one I have because of the mission 'Animator' being the last on the list. This would be "Look for Ayatan Treasures for Maroo in Maroo's Bazaar." which I had (unfortunately) done before I had gotten this mission in the rotation. I had wondered if it is a bug that it isn't flagged for completion if you just finish a Maroo Ayatan Hunt Mission with someone ELSE being the one to lead you on it, or if specifically it is only flagged for completion if you can get the mission from her and actively get the reward too. Because as of right now, if someone Taxi's me onto the Maroo Ayatan mission, and I complete it with them, I do not get flagged for completion of the nightwave mission. Thing is, I don't even know if I have any other Nightwave missions I can recover after this as it is the only one left on the board to do.
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