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Posts posted by Aumaan

  1. Did I miss some patch notes recently the removed the ability to shoot out of or at targets in the rift by using Electric Shield or is this a bug that I should report?  Ran into this "bug" during one of the Tubemen of Regor missions.  Had a Limbo cast Cataclysm on the draining console to protect it and I couldn't damage anything outside the Cataclysm even with Electric Shield.  


    I can't really double check this since asking around in recruitment for a Limbo to help me test a possible bug gets no interest.

  2. The arrow skins are slightly disappointing.  When the team talked about future skins after the reaction to the valentine day arrow skin I was hoping for something that would change the arrow trail as well as the arrow model.  Instead, all we got was a change in the model.  The only one of those that is actually REALLY different is the Meer skin which has an arrowhead that actually rotates at different speeds depending on the bows draw.  


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to be whining in hopes of getting my 50 plat back, it's not that big of a deal, the arrows themselves do look very nice, I was just hoping for a little....more.

  3. I already head to stuff like T4 Survival and Defense as Volt, it's all about using his powers just right (and if you can find a good choke point electric shield can turn it into an almost impenetrable bunker). Would be nice to see an influx of more Volts though, a party of 4 Volts stacking Electric Shield...so much damage.  


    I do hope they give him a looking over before or soon after Volt Prime is released, or at least Overload.  The Stun procs on that need to override any animation an enemy could be in, Wide range stun+damage will cement Volts place in high level content.

  4. Overload is probably the thing in most dire need of some kind of buff or rework.  While it can do respectable damage occasionally the fact that it's big damage is incredibly situational (the whole, relying on other electronics thing) means it's a bit iffy to use, even more so because the electronics are single use.  The stun is good when it procs, but it doesn't always do that for some reason.  I would say the easiest alteration would be to change the skill from overloading actual electronics/lights to overloading enemies internal electronics (either organic enemies bioelecticity or robotics well...robotics); possibly making it so damage increases with the number of enemies in the radius.  


    Basically, Volt uses the power and sends out a pulse, every enemy in the radius is stunned and takes the default 225 damage, then electricity bursts from their bodies jumping to enemies in range and damaging them but also supercharging the radius of the power dealing additional damage to everything the the area based on the number of enemies, possibly dealing 100 damage per enemy at max rank (affected by power strength maybe?).  This makes the power still situational since it requires a larger number of enemies to still do bigger damage but doesn't require as much of a specific situation as needing non-destroyed electronics in the radius.



    Also, on the topic of the stun, it needs to have the highest priority, the stun should work no matter what animation the enemy is in.  That's probably one of the biggest things for me, like I said, the stun doesn't always work on every enemy.

  5. Just got through with a Irradiated Disarm Loki (me), EV Trin, Nyx for some extra Chaos and Hydroid with Tentacle Swarm holding down points.  Got a bit iffy a few times since enemies would sometimes respawn with guns faster than I could disarm and some Napalms got some potshots off.  Got hit with some random swing from enemies but in the end we were able to make it.  Bit of a scare at the end when there was a enemy waypoint marker left just floating in the air but the Host jumped off a cliff and that fixed it.  Also, bite me RedText










    Just noticed something, the Stratos Emblem is different now too.



  6. Build had no bearing on height. Height is random.

    So if you really want that max height bulky kubrow, unit best chance is to rebreed the imprints you have until you get one that is max height.

    Height is actually quite varied. As far as I can tell there are no set heights, they appear to be able to be any height between the maximum and minimum


    That's what I planned on doing, this is actually the second Kubrow in this breeding chain.

    Thanks for clearing up the height thing, guess this'll take a decent amount of rebreeds.

  7. I'm looking to breed the largest size of Bulky Raksa I can (If my Kubrow can't be confused with a bear it's not big enough) and can't seem to find a size comparison anywhere so I decided to ask around here in hopes of someone knowing.


    Alternate view with straighter pose:



    Technically she's smaller than my Huras:




    But I'm not sure if build has any bearing on height or not.


    I tried to get it as horizontally level as I could.



    Basically, I'm wondering if my Raksa (first two pictures) is as tall as that build can get or whether I should make some imprints to breed another.  Any information would be appreciated. 

    EDIT: Also, as a followup, is height similar to builds in the fact that there's simply 3 options? Skinny, Lithe and Bulky for builds (probably not the exact names but you get the point), short, medium, tall for height or is height more varied.

  8. I've been trying to get myself a big, Bulky Raksa Kubrow and after a few consignments I've finally gotten a Bulky Raksa, Lotus pattern and decent color scheme to boot (first Lotus and the second kubrow I've gotten whose color pattern isn't grey, grey and slightly different grey).  Thing is, it's only medium/small-medium height; according to the Wiki height is one of the things that isn't saved on a genetic template.

    So, as far as I can understand, it should be possible to take two imprints from this Kubrow and try again for a kubrow of the same breed, build and fur pattern but a different height correct?

  9. Protector Warframe - Bastion


    “One who would rather defend than strike down a foe, Bastion creates a beacon of hope and strength on the battlefield”


    Default Coloration - Bronze and silver metallics.


    Playstyle - Aura-based protector and buffing/support frame. He’s there to soak up damage, protect other Tenno and provide support instead of dealing much damage himself.


    Appearance - A hulking wall of flesh and metal, covered in scarred and damaged armor. Not plate mail, almost skintight.


    His arms and legs are covered in small interlocking scales and joints that with a slight twist lock the limbs in position and allow Bastion to hold a spot against even the heaviest of assaults. Each of the scales pulse with the void energy infused within allowing them to absorb even more damage. These scales will shift, twitch and ripple slightly, removing any illusion of this being actual armor and instead revealing the true fusion of frame and tenno that it is.  On each of his arms are collapsible, hexagonal shields which can project Bastion’s energy in the form of a much larger, honeycomb shield so that Bastion can protect allies.  


    Bastion’s torso is covered in the same scales arranged into horizontal bands which can raise up slightly to help deflect attacks and vent excess energy to prevent injury.  


    Along his back are two solid plates of armor where his shoulderblades would be, these act as the conduites for all of Bastion’s abilities that reach the Tenno around him, they glow brighter the more power he uses; the only two pristine parts of Bastion.  


    Bastion’s helmet could have once resembled a knight ic heavy armor but numerous battles have left it deformed, only two very thin horizontal slits remain allowing Bastion to see, the rest dented in forming what could once have been the outline of a human face.  


    The helmet isn’t the only bit of Bastion that has suffered lasting damage.  Every scale and band of his armor has hastily resealed cracks and gouges, seemingly fixed through armor growing back over it leaving light colored scars. His shields, full of holes and cracks even the abundance of void energy within his body couldn’t fully repair; from within these holes and cracks, flickering, misty flashes of light shine when using the shields.


    Health - 150 (450 at max)

    Power - 100 (150 at max)

    Armor - 500

    Shields - 150 (450 at max)

    Sprint - 0.8

    Stamina - 80

    Passive - 75% natural resistance to Knockdown/Knockback


    Ability 1: Shield Wall/Aegis/Bulwark

    Energy Cost: 25 to activate + 5 per second

    “Focusing energy into the shields on his arms Bastion projects an energy shield in front of him to block incoming enemy fire”


    Upon activating the power Bastion holds out one of his arms and creates a shield of energy 1/2/3/4 meters wide, modified by power range.  This shield blocks 50%/70%/90%/100% of all damage and cannot be walked through and cannot be shot through by anyone but Bastion as well as blocking AOE (Allied Tenno can roll through the shield and a weapon with punchthroug can ignore the shield). Bastion gains immunity from all status effects while the shield is active but can only walk.  The shield always faces where Bastion does. While active Bastion cannot use primary weapons but he can use secondary weapons.  Enemies who come in contact with the shield take 200/400/600/800 impact damage and are knocked prone by the immense amount of energy flowing through them.



    Ability 2: Restock

    Energy Cost: 25 to activate + 1 per second (drain cost increases by 1 for each ally in the area)

    “Bastion uses his energy to restore the health and supplies of his allies”


    Upon activating this power Bastion and every ally within 3/6/9/12 meters centered on Bastion gain stamina regeneration of 2/4/6/8 points per second, Health Regen of 1/2/3/4 points per second, 5%/10%/15%/20% faster reload speed and restores 1/2/3/4 rifle ammo per second, 0.5/1/1.5/2 Pistol Ammo per second, 0.5/1/1.5/2 Shotgun ammo per second and 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 Sniper/launcher ammo per second.


    Ability 3: Hunker/Lockdown

    Energy Cost: 25/50 to activate + 3 per second (drain cost increases by 1 for each ally in the area)

    “Fortifying an area around himself, Bastion bolsters the defenses of himself and any surrounding Tenno”


    Upon activation Bastion and every ally within 2/3/4/5 meters gain a damage resistance of 50%/60%/70%/80% , affected by power strength, while not moving (Maybe add knockdown resistance as well?).  The bonus is decreased by 60%/50%/40%/30% for each magnitude of movement a Tenno makes (Crouch-walk/Walk/Run). Shooting, reviving or using powers does not does not count as movement but the use of powers while in the radius drains 20/15/10/5 , or 1 per second in the case of continuous powers, points of energy from Bastion because of energy feedback (this is in addition to the energy drain Bastion incurs from using his powers and is not affected by Power Efficiency).



    Ability 4: One For All/Unity

    Energy Cost: 50/75 to activate + 5 per second (Cost increases by 2 for each ally in the area.

    “Bastion becomes a conduit for the traits and powers of all nearby Tenno”


    Attempt 1:

    Once activated all Tenno within 3/4/6/9 meters, affected by power range and centered on Bastion at all times, share 30%/40%/60%/80% any buffs (power based buffs only, not mods) and use 50%/75%/100%/125% of the highest statistics for each attribute as their own(mods included), both affected by power strength. (Basically, at max rank, if the shields of the group were 600, 300, 1200, and 900, everyone would have 1500 shields, 125% of 1200, the same applies for Health, stamina, armor and possibly even energy).


    Attempt 2:

    Once activated all Tenno within 3/4/6/9  meters, affected by power range and centered on Bastion at all times, combine and share all their traits at the point of activation and increase total by 25%/50%/75%/100%, affected by power strength. This includes Health, Armor, Shields, Stamina and energy.  If any Tenno with the area would take damage, that damage is removed from the combined Health/Shield pool and damage is reduced by the armor pool instead of their own. While this power is active the energy pool of the group cannot be restored by anything but energy orbs and regeneration.  Any power efficiency/strength/range/duration are not shared with the group but still affect the frame on which they are equipped.  While this power is active, if anyone within the area uses a power it causes a minor power surge, giving an increasing damage buff, 5%/10%/15%/20%  to a maximum of 300 and not affected by power strength, to everyone in the area for the duration of this power.  The buff is additive and affects only powers.
    (maybe affect weapons as well, feedback would be appreciated).




    Note 1: Unless otherwise stated, while one of Bastion's Powers is in use he cannot gain energy from any source other than ambient regeneration and Energy Orbs.


    Note 2: Bastion may have more than one power active but the energy drain stacks.




    Second attempt at a Warframe concept, I've really wanted a frame based around AOE toggle/duration skills instead of press and forget, I also want a really defensive fame.  Unity has been especially difficult to figure out, I wan the theme to be a team crowding around Bastion and sharing their strength but figuring out the exact right thing to make it seem liek an Ult is hard. Feedback on that would be especially appreciated.


    I cannot promise balance when it comes to the abilities, this is simply a first pass so feedback would be greatly appreciated.  I really wanted to add duration in there somewhere (mostly to prevent Fleeting Expertise BS) but I couldn't think of something. and right now Fleeting would probably break this. I cannot offer art but I tried to give a decent physical description.  Although, I may attempt to do so at a later point after I refine some of the ideas.


  10. Here's mine. I tried to mimic the color of the mod itself but I can't figure out how to do so in gimp and I don't have photoshop.



    Also, screw that fight, it took so long to get an image without container debris, ospreys or osprey mines in the shot.

  11. why then are many of the initial abilities basically useless?





     basically useless






    There is no doubt that beyond the very beginning of the game these skills may as well just be for show








    You had better not be bad mouthing my Volt's bread and butter.  Weapon with a long reload? Shock halfway through.  Big group of enemies just around the corner? Shock the wall or floor.  Staring down a lvl50 corrupted Bombard? Let's see how they like being stunlocked.


    Shock has saved my and my teams lives on multiple occasions because of the widespread stun either giving us the time to get away or simply to get rid of the threat without fear of counterattack.




    EDIT: I tried to do some fancy BBCode stuff to change font size and such for emphasis but nothing worked, sadness was had.

  12. I love Volt, probably my favorite frame, but I wouldn't say he needs a major buff.  While he's not really an "alternative to gunplay" as he's described he is one of the most well rounded frames in the game.


    Shock is a bit underwhelming damage wise but that stun and chain is amazing, especially when I'm reloading a slower reload weapon.  Probably saved my butt a number of times in T4 survival.  I wouldn't be opposed to a damage buff or allowing Power Strength increase the number of enemies it could chain to though.  


    Speed...I don't have that much of an opinion on, I mostly use it for getting to a downed ally or life support. I don't really use it for the melee buff as much but it's fun to use when I do.

    Electric Shield is straight up amazing.  Tossing down 2 basically means you can revive someone without any fear of death or even damage and with Primed Cont I've got almost 40 seconds of Shield and that's without the mod even being maxed. And that isn't even taking into account the damage/crit buff.


    Overload is probably the thing in most dire need of some kind of buff or rework.  While it can do respectable damage occasionally the fact that it's big damage is incredibly situational (the whole, relying on other electronics thing) means it's a bit iffy to use.  The stun is good when it procs, but it doesn't always do that for some reason.  I would say the easiest alteration would be to change the skill from overloading actual electronics/lights to overloading enemies internal electronics (either organic enemies bioelecticity or robotics well...robotics); possibly making it so damage increases with the number of enemies in the radius.  Basically, Volt uses the power and sends out a pulse, every enemy in the radius is stunned and takes the default 225 damage, then electricity bursts from their bodies jumping to enemies in range and damaging them but also supercharging the radius of the power dealing additional damage to everything the the area based on the number of enemies, possibly dealing 100 damage per enemy at max rank (affected by power strength maybe?).  This makes the power still situational since it requires a larger number of enemies to still do bigger damage but doesn't require as much of a specific situation as needing non-destroyed electronics in the radius.

    Don't get me wrong, If they never change Volt I won't really be that upset, he's still really good but I wouldn't be opposed to some change either.

  13. I started thinking about Nekros again after the recent dev stream and came up with the idea to make Shadows of the Dead an almost self-sustaining power.  The most obvious change is making it so enemies killed by the Shadows are added to the next Shadow queue but some extra things that could possibly be added; Give the shadows very minor life steal so they can keep themselves going for the whole duration. Also, make it so every kill a shadow gets restores a second or so of the duration of the skill.  Do this and you've got an almost perpetual army of ghosts (they'll still die from damage or simply not kill fast enough to keep it up indefinitely) for Nekros to hide behind and use his other skills with impunity.  Make the lifesteal and duration restore affected by power strength (the duration restore should probably top out at like 2 seconds if you maximize power strength) and it forces you to not minmix for desecrate (if they even keep it) if you want to have an almost immortal army.

    It's also good they're going to give the Shadows a much needed health/power buff but like you said, unless the AI gets fixed it won't mean much.  


    On the topic of the health/power buff though another idea I'd thought of would be allowing Nekros (and any current shadows) to "supercharge" his next shadows by killing enemies after filling up the soul queue.  Basically, every enemy killed after the queue maxes out increases the to-be-summoned shadows stats/level by a small percentage (possibly topping out at 50% or 100% depending no balance issues). This would let Nekros decide whether he needs basic but slightly buffed Ult now or whether the group can wait and get a supercharged Ult later.  An alternative would be to also have an enemy "preference hierarchy" or something. Basically, after the queue fills up when you kill an enemy it's checked against the enemies currently in the queue, if it's of a higher priority (the stronger the unit type the higher the priority, the level doesn't mean anything) it'll replace one of the lower priority targets in the queue instead of supercharging. That way you can slowly build up to a super powered group of only heavy units (it would probably take a long time though).  That's probably too complicated of a mechanic to deal with though, just thought I'd toss the idea out.



    Both of these are ideas that popped in my head as I was falling asleep last night and I figured I might as well toss them in the big thread of warframe feedback.

  14. It IS nullified, that's why im there (loki) to remove their shields by shooting them


    Wouldn't groups be accompanied by like 3-4 Nullifiers at least by that point (if the number of them at 40min is any indication)? Even with the gamacor taking down shields they have some kind of staggered reduction speed so it would take a decent bit of time.  Time I would assume the group wouldn't have because of enemy damage at that point.

    (you'll have to excuse all the questions but I've brainstormed long runs and they just seem impossible/nearly impossible, especially with Nullifiers and Bombards now).

  15. we would wait til a ton of nullifiers and moas would group up (especially with shock eximi) and then use polarize, we never spammed it

    Oh yeah, I forgot MOA's/Nullifiers had shields for a second.  I'll assume the damage explosion of SP isn't nullified by the nullifier shield then?

    Good to know, I've been meaning to mess around with my Mag again for a while, maybe I should try working my way past my 40min limit for T4...

  16. Shield polarize scales infinitely. Mag did 93% of our total damage, even with my mega dps synoid gammacor I only did 3% of the total damage. Stack bastille and torid on the door, have a nekros desecrate a revive us, mag shield polarize, loki assassinates nullifiers and disarms


    Ah, okay.  Still, I thought the Orokin Drones only gave a fixed amount of shields (this is something I remember hearing a while ago so it's very possible that it's wrong) so the only enemy that would be really effective against would be Crewmen and unless you got a big group of them together you wouldn't be able to take out a heavy or bombard (or lotus forbid, heavy/bombard eximus).

  17. I don't understand how people do this, at that point an Orokin Drone could fart two star systems away and still vaporize even the tankiest warframe and the health, even with Viral procs, would be absurd.  

    On topic though, really sucks that that happened, hopefully the support ticket will get you your stuff back. Had the same screen show up during a "successful" run of the Tac Alert, didn't count towards the goal.

    Also, I thought the AFK system wasn't supposed to affect endless mission yet. Did that change?

  18. My one regret is that they aren't also on the feet for the sparring weapons for Brutal Tide breakdance epicness.


    They show up on the feet of my obex just fine (it's a bit hard to see, it's the best picture I could get because the only place you can see them in the Liset is when you're in the arsenal screen).


  19. Are you talking about the Master's Sigil or the Cephalon Suda one? For the Cephalon, I use this (Classic, where the cursor is):




    Also, I make it pretty much non-transparent. It gives it this amazing effect where is combines with that dark color plus whatever Energy color you're using. Sometimes it has additional effects, like in Cephalon Suda's case, usually it twinkles.  

    For Volt, the colors used are in the last four rows of the Grineer color pack. I typically mix and match just those colors for a lot of my frames. I like the gritty neutral look. :)



    The Suda one, I really liked how it looks like the symbol is made of gold flecks.

    Guess I'll have to pick up the grineer set, I need to mess around with those colors myself. 

  20. I've finally got some extra plat so I'm hoping you could help me with a clan emblem.  The clan is Children of Chaos, sort of dedicated to The Fair Lady from Dark Souls. (Wiki link for character info/general feel of the character: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/quelaag-s-sister      Some Dark Souls spoilers as a warning).  Basic symbols are lava, fire, spiders and humanity (to be shown later in the post).

    I've been trying to figure out a good emblem for months and can't seem  to come up with anything good.  The best I've got is:



    Taking the lotus symbol



    remove the tennobet/swirls on the bottom and make the outward branches legs like those of a spider (copy them and put them on the two inner marks as well).


    Then give that symbol a look of humanity from Dark Souls




    Basically, keep the symbol black and give it a white smokey outline. Although, it might look better just being inside a humanity (The spider-lotus  symbol itself just inside the humanity).


    I was hoping to either have everything floating over a orange/yellow/red dappled lava puddle or simply have the Spider-Lotus be said color inside the humanity.


    If possible I'd like Children of Chaos to be on there somewhere but the name is kind of long so it might not fit and I'd rather not have CoC on there for...reasons.



    I know this sounds a bit rambly, it's difficult to describe this well given how difficult it's been to even come up with this.  I also apologize for not having an image example but my drawing skills are....let's not talk about those.



    If you've got a better idea for an emblem I'd be happy to see it since you've actually got much more experience with it than I do. I'll definitely toss some plat your way if you can get my ramblings into a coherent emblem.

  21. Mesa: A stance with attitude, yet paired with more muted and withdrawn colours. If anything, your stance actually makes this look better as it looks 

    less like a colour palate and more like a statement to me. She gives off the idea of "I'm Tough! But I won't really get in your way about it." On the colours themselves I like how the shades go from darker to lighter as they collapse inward.


    Limbo: Again working with quieter colours, something I like (As I don't do it NEARLY often enough myself). The speckles of gold actually work

    rather nicely since the other colours are more quiet, and I do think "sparkles" when I see it.


    Oberon: While i'm not a fan of the helmet, it was rather daring to use that form of dark green for his colour set. I'm not sure i'm a fan of it, but I definitely respect something different than the usual.


    Valkyr: While i'm not one for the accessories you chose (the gold I think feels out of place in the type of mellow you have), the sigil actually isn't too bad in terms of the difference in colour. It attracts attention to the center without being over bearing and trying to wash out the other colours around it. Nice!


    Volt: I can tell you've been favoring the toned down colours, but this Volt I feel brings in the best of the old and the new in your tastes. The VERY present white along with the deep blue stand out as big colours, while the lighter blue brings the needed softer tone to your frame. This time I don't mind the accessories because they actually balance between soft and harsh on this frame.


    All in all I really like what you've done! 


    Glad you like them, these were the ones I was the most proud of after I got done with the color schemes.  


    On the topic of Oberon's helmet, I'm not the biggest fan of the beardish bit on the bottom but it was the only helmet that used the brown for the horns.  I was looking for a nature/wilds/forest theme and wanted him to look like he was actually part of it. I'm actually toying with slightly less intense but still dark greens, this is just what I've settled on for now.


    As for Valkry, yeah the gold is definitely a bit out of place for the rest but the smoke effect from the Targis armor while using Hysteria and channeling looks really nice.

  22. This thread is so awesome, thanks for starting it! Getting lots of ideas for my 'Frames. : )


    This is my support-the-Grineer Volt:


    sZveh0a.jpg SIxr7YS.jpg


    What color set are you using for the colors on your Volt and sigil? I really like the almost metallic look and the gold looking sigil matches really well.

  23. I'll toss some of mine up.






































    I used to mostly use bright colors but recently I've taken a liking to more toned down things.  
    Here's hoping these spoiler and image tags are working correctly.
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