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Posts posted by Aumaan

    • Rare Loot Crate scan requirement has been reduced to 5, and Ultra Rare has been reduced to 3



    I could mention a lot of things about this update that I like but...ULTRA RARE!? WHAT!?



  1. But tell us how you really feel.


    On topic, I wouldn't say those two are fine. Shooting Gallery jumps randomly between party members without any rhyme or reason (which is what I'd call trying way too hard to stand out, mind), Shatter Shield is a blatant clone of Turbulence, and both present unimaginative additions to a gunslinger's arsenal. I get the feeling by looking at them that the devs just couldn't think of anything better.


    While I'll agree shooting gallery is trying to hard to be unique, unique is good, we need more unique powers, it's just that because the power is lackluster it falls flat and doesn't feel really unique as much as a tacked on psuedo-unique.


    I'll agree completely on Shatter Shield being a clone, it really could have been a lot better.  It's not a bad power it's just plain and simply not creative.



    4 is gun-kata thing

    DE should give it %chance to dodge enemies' attack (and make us not totally stationary, and can move will greatly reduced speed)

    others are fine

    As long as the movement is vastly reduced it could be a good idea to let Mesa move, and if they beefed up the animations to include crouching, minor flips or such things a %chance to dodge attacks could easily work.



    imo the problem with Mesa is her 2 and 3. 


    It's not a number or damage problem with them, it's the very design of them and how they don't really suit Mesa thematically or have much synergy with the rest of her abilities. And Shatter Shield is just a very slightly different Zephyr shield.


    Her 1 could also do with some fine tuning and re-evaluation. Granted, knowing DE from their past fixes, they're not going to change her abilities but just buff them, which is a disappointment. She had a lot of potential.


    Also just want to say that it seems many warframes seem to have at least 1 or 2 useless skills that nobody uses. Mirage's Sleight of Hand, Nyx's psycho bolts etc. and now Mesa's Shooting Gallery. Huge indication of lack of creativity and forethought.


    It is kinda disappointing that we're still getting powers that are effectively useless even this far into the game.  I don't know how effective Sleight of Hand because I just recently leveled Mirage and I spend most of my time spamming AkVasto Hall of Mirrors rain of death; but I do know how seriously disappointing Psychic Bolts are, I use every other one of Nyx's skills (160m mind control, if I can see them they're mine) I've used Psychic bolt just to test it out and it's really disappointing.

    While I wouldn't put Shooting Gallery on the same level as Psychic Bolt I can definitely see it not being used sadly.

  2. I think an interesting change to Shooting Gallery would be, sticking with its name here, to either slow down or completely freeze enemies within an area around Mesa and then boost up her gun damage and accuracy. Teammates within the area would also receive the gun buffs. Thus making the skill and enemies within it a literal shooting gallery. That said, I like all your other suggestions. Peacemaker really does feel stiff, and I think adding your suggestions of flips and having to aim in the general direction of enemies would really add to it, making it feel more interactive and not just mashing a button.



    I like the idea of freezing/slowing enemies for Shooting Gallery but it might be too strong for a #2, especially if it buffs damage and accuracy for Mesa and her team.  Removing the alternating aura target would probably make Mesa much easier to use but it might take some of the uniqueness away from the power.


    Glad you like the other suggestions.

  3. #1 was honestly the easiest to work with so I was able to get a much clearer idea of an alternative for it.  


    I will say I tried a little hard to get the gun into #2 but the #2 + gun option was just a possibility and not my main idea for it.  I just felt like a power called Shooting Gallery should create a shooting gallery instead of just giving really weak damage boost and disabling weapons practically at random and I figured the best way to do that was to highlight enemies and allow people to target them from anywhere.


    #3, yeah, I also tried a little too hard to get the gun into that one.  But, I honestly don't think the idea is entirely implausible, being able to shoot bullets out of the air is one of those cliche super-gunman/shooter abilities and I thought it might fit a bit better with the theme instead of a generic reflector shield.


    #4. As for Peacekeeper, maybe simply having to aim in the correct direction would be enough to alleviate some of the lack of input problem. Keep the same auto-targeting but you need to at least have the target on screen to shoot them.



    Don't me wrong in these suggestions, at their core I'm fine with all the abilities Mesa has(like you said the numbers need some adjusting), but as another topic states, she really feels like a missed opportunity to me.  

  4. I'm going to preface this by saying that, while I do not currently have Mesa (going to take awhile since I've got 1 nav key and need 2 and there are no coordinate invasions currently) I have seen a gameplay and read up enough to get a fairly good idea of the general mechanics.



    One of the bigger issues I've seen is that people are bothered by the fact that, while Mesa has those fancy guns on her arms, she uses them for 1 out of her 4 abilities so I tried to figure out ways to incorporate them into abilities without many drastic changes to the ones we currently have.







    1. Ballistic Battery


    Ballistic Battery sounds interesting to me but falls flat in usefulness because it's a single powerful shot that lacks innate pucnh-through/AOE  which, as a bow/sniper user is what can make or break a weapon/ability. Only being able to take out a single enemy, even if that enemy is incredibly powerful/dangerous generally just doesn't cut it (I am saying generally, sometimes taking out a single target can be worth it usually not the majority of the time).


    Fix A : I say take Ballistic Battery's basic idea but instead of channeling the damage into a single powerful shot from your current weapon let is charge Mesa's gun's.  Let's say that when you active the power the first time it charges like it originally does. On the second activation Mesa pulls out her pistols loaded with 4/8/10/12 bullets which do 50%/60%/70%/80% of the damage absorbed per shot of finisher damage with some amount of punch-through (These are Mesa's personal pistols that are grafted onto the frame, they should be pretty powerful).  Maybe have it have a slower firing rate or heavy recoil to counterbalance the damage and prevent the power from being too strong, could lead to some nice heavy/powerful sounding shots it it was heavy recoil though.


    example: You activate Ballistic Battery (level 0), you charge it to 1000 damage. you activate it, each bullet does 500 damage per shot.


    This allows the power to target individuals of your choice and multiplies the damage output but requires a bit of skill to get it all down range.


    Fix B: Keep the same mechanics, but just supercharge the entire clip of the weapon for a percentage of the damage stored. (damage boost decreases with clip size so it balances out a little).


    Fix B2: Same as above but instead of just Mesa, supercharge the clip of every ally as long as they are within a certain range of Mesa.




    2. Shooting Gallery


    Shooting Gallery was a bit more difficult to work with.  The basic idea isn't bad, preventing enemies from shooting at you or your team mates isn't bad but the fact that it jumps from player to player randomly means that unless you're all in a single area it can be hard to benefit from it.  


    Fix A : One possibility went against my plan on keeping these suggestions as close to the original as possible but could be something interesting. When Shooting Gallery is activated every enemy within the radius of the power whether Mesa has LoS or not is highlighted (something similar to the scanner); as long as an enemy is highlighted they can be targeted and shot no matter how much is between you and them. Basically it gives everyone infinite punchthrough when firing as highlighted enemies.  If it worked like this the range might want to be beefed up a bit and certain weapons, mainly launchers probably, wouldn't work with the power.  


    Fix B: Another option, again going against my main plan of keeping it similar would be to have it be a kind of lock on power.  Basically, you activate the power and it during the duration of 2/4/6/8 seconds every enemy your reticle passes over is locked on by Mesa and once the duration ends Mesa pulls out her pistols dealing 200/400/800/1000 finisher damage to every target. Enemies that have moved out of Mesa's line of sight are still hit as the bullets from her gun's ricochet to hit them.  Might be too similar to Peacekeeper and the altered version of Ballistic Battery might make this obsolete but the fact that you just have to pass over an enemy not hover over to lock on might save it.


    Fix C: A bit closer to the original concept but again, this power was hard to figure out something new for.  Keep the basic mechanics for Shooting Gallery, including the random switching between team members, but also allow the aura to highlight an enemy and after it highlights a minimum of 8/6/5/4 have it jump to a teammate. Once around them it repeats the process, cycling between players and highlighting and disabling enemies.  A highlighted enemy takes takes 20%/40%/60%/80% extra damage and any enemy that is highlighted can be targeted and shot by an ally no matter what is between the two. Basically, take the first idea and combine it with the base idea.



    Out of the 3 I prefer fix C.  The reason I wanted to have it highlight enemies is because that way it actually simulates a shooting gallery.  The power points out a target so players can shoot said target no matter where they are.




    3. Shatter Shield



    From what I understand after the hotfix this power has become incredibly strong, making Mesa one of the tankier frames in the game. While I'm personally not opposed to having such a power I can see why people say it doesn't really fit the theme.


    Fix: Tried to fit Mesa's guns into this option as well as fit the theme of the name better.  Upon activation Mesa pulls out her guns and, whenever an enemy fires she fires back as long as she can see them, impacting the shot in midair, shattering the projectile as soon as it leaves the barrel of the enemies gun (yes, even corpus lasers), dealing a percentage of the damage (20%/40%/50%/60% probably) of their shot in a small AOE (2-4 meters) and stunning the shooter for 1 second. The power drains power per shot  (25 energy to activate, 10/8/6/5 per shot affected by efficiency). It's sort of like a longer range, enemy specifc Absorb. Another option would be to allow the player to only use secondary weapons so they can at least do something while the power is active instead of just moving around.


    The power was a bit iffy to work with, especially since I wanted to get the guns in there somehow. I wasn't sure if I should have the player with or without a weapon while the power is active.



    4. Peacemaker


    I honestly don't know what I would change for Peacemaker. From what I've seen it looks like a useful, powerful if a little boring power.


    Fix A: Don't change anything mechanically but add some extra omph to the animations and sounds. Brighter and bigger muzzle flashes. Maybe instead of having Mesa rooted to the spot create a small AOE around her that she flips around in just to make the power more dynamic.


    Fix A2: Keep the AOE idea, but allow the flips to act as some damage mitigation. This can actually work rather well because of the recent changes to movement and how movement is now supposed to decrease enemy shot accuracy. Maybe increase the energy drain slightly to balance it out.


    Fix A3: Keep all of the above but also make it so you need to aim in the direction of the targets. You still autotarget and shoot with a click but you actually need to have the screen oriented toward the target.


    Fix B: I've seen this basic suggestion in other threads but I thought I'd basic throw in my partial support for the idea. Make Peacemaker a gun based Hysteria.  Infinite ammo (limited by energy pool instead) Heavy damage/a heavy damage multiplier based on sidearm damage (again, finisher damage probably), high punchthrough, maybe add some pistol whips as the quick melee instead of using the equipped melee weapon.







    Q/A that I can think of premptively



    Q: Why finisher damage?


    A: Because, like I said, Mesa's Regulator Pistols are a weapon built into a warframe, just like Ash's arm blades.  That kind of weapon is going to be/should be incredibly powerful. Also, since it ignores damage mitigation from armor it could also be spun fluff wise as Mesa being a good enough shot to always hit the tiny gaps in the enemy armor and getting right down to the gooey/soon-to-be-gooey inside.




    I probably didn't balance the powers as well as I could have, I mostly focused on getting the concepts for the "fixes" instead of fleshing them out as well as I could have.





    Thoughts, opinions, chasing me out of the forum with torches and pitchforks?




    EDIT: added another option for Ballistic Battery and Peacemaker.  I didn't call Peacemaker Peacekeeper shut up.

  5. I'd say the better thing to do would be not to remove ults from builds entirely but just remove the positive power efficiency effect of mods from them.  Want to build power efficiency for other powers? Fine. What to do so for ults? nah.  The big problem with ults is we can completely trivialize them because of how little we can make them cost.  By removing positive efficiency from their equation and only positive efficiency it will still allow diverse builds for ults but not allow people to just jack up the power and efficiency and get a map clearing supernuke for 1/10 of their energy pool. Also, by only removing positve energy efficiency Blind Rage actually gets a negative when it comes to ults instead of people stacking that and Fleeting for said supernukes.



    Also, no to cooldowns, cooldowns have no place in Warframe, they're the opposite of fast paced and Warframe is a fast paced game.  By removing positive efficiency we already require a bit more tactical thinking from players.  Yes, energy orbs will still allow players to spam ults a bit but not as much as maxing fleeting and Streamline; also, they'd need to collect the energy orbs to continue spamming.

  6. (Wasn't sure if this fit anywere else or not so I just chose general, if there was a better forum I apologize).


    I was trying to trade a couple mods with someone and for some reason neither of us could see the items/plat offered. We tested with some random items, we tried switching dojo's, we tried restarting the game, nothing seemed to fix the problem.


    I personally completely two trades not 20 minutes before this trade and the other person said that had traded not long ago either.  We both had trades left and had the required credits for the trade.





    Had the bug happen again, different person, different mod for trade.  I had completed another trade not 5 minutes before this one for another copy of the exact same mod. Again, neither of us could see the others offer, tried both dojo's.

  7. Posted this in another thread but thought I might as well toss it into the main limbo feedback thread as well.



    My biggest problem with Limbo is, I'm forcing myself to not use Cataclysm or Banish much (practically at all honestly when it comes to cataclysm) because I know that without a large amount of coordination it'll be more of a bane than a boon to any group I'm with.
    No other frame has forced to me actively not use powers when playing with groups to the level that Limbo does; Nova has a slight hint of that because using MP too much can suck the fun out of other peoples games, but again, not to the degree of Limbo.
    The biggest fix would probably be letting people stop/detonate Cataclysm early and allow people to pickup drops while in the Cataclysm.  Other than that, Cataclysm needs a stun of some kind, it really does.
    A possible solution to the problem with banishing players is have Limbo instead create a "door"  similar to Nova's Wormhole, to the rift when he uses rift walk that players (not enemies, or maybe they can only enter the rift) can pass through to enter or exit the rift (or maybe just some kind of beacon that you just have to touch); .  Players can only be in the rift for as long as the "door" is open, if Limbo cancel's rift walk the door closes.
    Keep banish as it is (maybe add an aoe of some kind), so you can still target specific things and send them to the rift without being in Rift Walk.  it's not a perfect solution because there are still ways to troll with it but it makes it a bit harder to do so.
    Rift Surge could stay as is, it's definitely usable, if a little boring; although, some kind of damage resistance while in the void or during void surge would be nice because, while Banish stuns the target, Cataclysm does not and Limbo is squishy, not meant to deal with crowds as far as I can tell.  An alternative would be that instead of a damage buff (or maybe in addition to, I'm not balancing, just spitbaling) it procs a DoT on every enemy within the rift, possibly finisher damage so it scales better (Mostly I just want a way to deal with crowds of enemies that isn't Cataclysm's pitiful damage).  
    Another alternative would be that it ripped everyone from the rift (Fluff-wise, a surge of rift energy that shunts everyone back into reality), dealing damage to every enemy currently in the rift, detonating Cataclysm for some AoE damage (stacking with the damage from Rift Surge), probably based on the remaining time and current radius and healing any allies; or "surging" their warframe with power and giving them a stat buff for a duration after they get pulled out of the rift.
  8. There I am in a mission. I'm the Limbo guy, and want to actually use my powers without being shouted at. There's a lot of crap going on on the pod, and cataclysm + rift surge could make cutting everything down very easy.


    I refrain from doing so and essentially only have my first and second abilities available because you cannot choose when to detonate Cataclysm and as a result any and all items within the bubble are inaccessible for up to 30-35 seconds. Usually I just riftwalk and use this complete invulnerability to revive people.


    Limbo 3 and 4 changes when, and can rift surge please be made into something that isn't a super niche version of Roar


    This is my biggest problem with Limbo, I'm forcing myself to not use Cataclysm much (practically at all honestly) because I know that with a large amount of coordination it'll be more of a bane than a boon.


    No other frame has forced to me actively not use powers when playing with groups to the level that Limbo does; Nova has a slight hint of that because using MP too much can suck the fun out of other peoples games, but again, not to the degree of Limbo.



    The biggest fix would probably be letting people stop/detonate Cataclysm early.



    A possible solution to the problem with banishing players is have Limbo instead create a "door"  to the rift when he uses rift walk that players can pass through to enter or exit the rift (or maybe just some kind of beacon that you just have to touch).  Players can only be in the rift for as long as the "door" is open, if Limbo cancel's rift walk the door closes. Keep banish as it is (maybe add an aoe of some kind), so you can still target specific things and send them to the rift without being in Rift Walk.  it's not a perfect solution because there are still ways to troll with it but it makes it a bit harder to do so.


    Rift Surge could stay as is, it's definitely usable, if a little boring.  An alternative would be that instead of a damage buff (or maybe in addition to, I'm not balancing, just spitbaling) it procs a DoT on every enemy within the rift, possibly finisher damage so it scales better (Mostly I just want a way to deal with crowds of enemies that isn't Cataclysm).  Another alternative would be that it ripped everyone from the rift (Fluff-wise, a surge of rift energy that shunts everyone back into reality), dealing damage to every enemy currently in the rift, detonating Cataclysm for some AoE damage (stacking with the damage from Rift Surge), probably based on the remaining time and current radius and healing any allies; or "surging" their warframe with power and giving them a stat buff for a duration after they get pulled out of the rift.

  9. I can semi-confirm that the drain range of the target is over 50-60 meters.  I found one (showed up with a marker saying 56 meters) and my energy was being drained, I backed away what I'm assuming was close to another 10 meters and was still losing energy (while in rift walk with Energy Siphon on). That is insane, I couldn't even see the target itself, just the waypoint marker that showed up.

  10. I don't have a problem with the core concept of the alert, or even the invulnerable enemy thing, but when you make the thing causing the invulnerability hard to hit, and the thing that's invulerable drain all of a warframes energy in ~2 seconds, that's when the problem starts.


    I don't like running Tactical Alerts as Rhino and I don't like relying on my Penta as a crutch instead of a, "I just want to blow a lot of things up for awhile" weapon but with how those drones move, the fact that I favor single shot weaponry, and the fact that any caster frame can't do a thing without energy restores, I basically had to do that.

  11. Ah, good to know. Not great either way honestly, still have to get through ~3 drones that make the target invulnerable before you can get rid of the drain.  Without either an AOE weapon or a good view of the target from long range you won't be able to get rid of the drones and target before your energy is gone.

  12. Why must you take away our energy? :'(


    Seriously, limiting conclave is one thing, but if you're going to do that don't have an enemy that will drain me of energy in 2 seconds when I'm already crippled.  I don't really see the point in an enemy that basically takes the warframe out of Warframe.


    I can't tell if it's the target or the drones that protect them that's doing it but if it's the drone that's even worse because those things are really difficult to hit. I had to bring out my penta just so I could get kill them without spending half my ammo reserve (and I couldn't seem to hit them at all with my Opticor, even with the AOE and me aiming at the ground right near them).

  13. Crescent_Rose.gif


    its happening...



    That's what I came in here to say. One step closer to RWBY style weapons.


    Just give me Yang's rocket launcher/grenade launcher/gauntets and Ruby's Scythe/Sniper Rifle and I may never use another weapon.



    Honestly, I think it would be interesting to see a combo weapon that took up a primary and melee slot.

  14. How I have dealt with this issue, as the bows are my favorite way to deliver happiness and joy to our Grineer and Corpus friends: As you're charging your shot and acquiring your target, take a step or two forward. This will not hamper your shot, and will move you in front of the kubrow's hit box enough for your shot to have the desired effect down range. I hope this helps, and happy gaming!


    I've actually tried that a few time but my Kubrow has it stuck in his thick little head that he must always been in front of me  if not chasing something and will move with me, I move forward, so does he, I move backwards, he does too. If I'm lucky he'll stop at my side but if I'm taking some shots at things in the distance he'll always take it upon himself to interpose himself between me and them.


    I'll try it again though, maybe I'm moving too far forward or something and that triggers the pathfinding code.




    Until they fix it: stay on the move at all times.


    In fact, everyone should do that anyway.



    While being able to shoot something from the other side of a large void room while moving would be nice that is beyond my shooting skill at the moment.  If I'm actively engaged in combat I'll move and shoot, but if they don't see me yet, they're getting giant death laser from a room away.

  15.  it has never been mentioned in a dev stream ive seen them all..this has been an issue since kubrows were released and no player can help at all with this


    by moving this thread to player helping players, it removes it from possible dev notice in feedback....and they are the only ones that can deal with this


    as for devs having more important things to do...this is one of the important things...having basic commands for a pet you have to invest so much in is an issue.....top of the list no...on the list a resounding yes


    Yeah, I'm probably understating the Kubrow problem, but it really isn't as important as getting a new game mode working and fixing most of the bugs after a rather large update, it probably should have been looked into before such a major update though.  But, for all I know they could be working on such thing and just not stated it yet (And it was probably put onto the backburner while working on U15 if it was being worked on).  

    I guess it makes sense that this should have been in feedback.  If I had been less annoyed when I made this I might have thought of that.  

  16. wow ...no player can help kubrows blocking shots only devs can.... this belongs in feedback


    I wasn't really posting this question toward a dev (They've got more important things to deal with right now, like hotfixes and the like for U15), more toward anyone in the community who might remember hearing about this.  I've watched a lot of the dev streams but I might have missed something or forgotten something or maybe something was said in another topic that I never saw.  I know it'll probably get dealt with at some point I was just curious as to whether a basic timeline had been stated at some point or not.  

  17. Since venting doesn't really go anywhere in terms of posting, and you are asking for information, moved to a more appropriate section.


    Sorry, I actually had no idea where to put so I just chose general, thanks.



    You have to breed it to stand behind you. I finally got one that sits in cryosleep all the time. Best egg ever.



    I could just toss him into the freezer, but no matter how beyond stupid he can sometime I still love that moronic furball and would like to continue using him. Also, the damage he can dishout and take is pretty nice.

  18. What I mean is, is there an even semi-known timeframe on when I'll be able to set my Kubrow's default idle position to behind me instead of right in my line of fire?  Seriously, it's not bad when I'm on the move with a semi-auto or autofire gun but when I'm using any single shot, high damage thing (Dread, Lanka, Penta, and most recently Opticor) my Kubrow seems to love waltzing into my view right as I've lined up a shot and let go of the mouse button, absorbing the attack into the Kubrow netherspace where all friendly fire goes (or in the case of the Penta, killing me).


    This is partially a vent topic, partially genuinely asking.

  19. @Gammaion & Aumaan

    Helmets are from alerts because they used to affect stats.

    DE didn't want to make something that directly affected warframe power plat only so they put helmets in the alert cycle and its stayed like that ever since.

    So they are completely different than the skins and armor pieces.  And it has been known since helmets were first introduced that they would be part of alerts.

    Skins and armor pieces dont affect stats and should be plat only forever.

    Otherwise, why spend any money at all in this game since everything can be gotten in a short amount of grinding?

    What could possibly justify it?

    And also: Why shouldn't people who pay be able to get stuff to look different than free players?

    Why shouldn't we be able to stand out from people who dont pay?


    Did the Nekros Helmets come before or after Arcane helmets were removed from alerts? Those were the first non-stat helmets I believe.  Other than that, that's a pretty good explanation actually, didn't know the actual release timeframe on helmets.


    As for why people would buy things even after they were farmable, simple, people are impatient.  Why else do people by weapons from the market or Catalysts/Reactors from the market? Why would people rush things in the foundry?  Some people just want things now, and if they drop rate/appearance rate for the cache's that dropped the skins were fairly low people would still buy them.  Also, I don't know what the actual statistics are but I would assume most purchased plat is spent on slots, catalysts and prime parts through trading.

    I will say, the immortal skins showing up now is probably a bug, mainly because there has been no notification from DE. It's probably something they were considering for the future (Or it could just be some big coding error, I've done some game coding myself and the entry level stuff I did was a nightmare with errors, major game coding on this level is something I wouldn't want to imagine).



    Also, why wouldn't you want people who don't pay to get things? I've bought a few immortal skins myself and I would prefer if they were released simply because it adds more diversity to the look of other frames I run into.  I would rather everyone get the chance to make their frame look how they want it to regardless of they're income. And, if you really want unique looks, there's always the Prime access accessories.


    My personal belief is that Plat should mostly just be for speeding up Warframe, either cutting out farming for something or reducing the wait time for something.  I'm not saying I hate the current plat setup where it's just cosmetics and time saving, that's a pretty damn good way of running the F2P setup, but personally would like it  more if it was just for time saving; I'm not going to be upset if this was some freak coding error and they never planned on releasing the Immortal skins.

  20. Alright, i see you don't get our point.


    Let's say that Excalibur Prime Bps are dropped from the Void, then people start asking why, after some days, DE patch it.


    We are not "whiners", cosmetics doesn't affect the gameplay at all, that's why they should be plat only.



    That's not really the same as immortal skins, Excal Prime has been stated multiple times to be founder only, I don't believe it's ever been stated that immortal skins would be store only (if it has feel free to show me, I could definitely be wrong here).  Also, for the cosmetics should be plat only part, one word, helmets.



    As for the skins (or even just the funky breakable grineer caches, not the ones from sabotage missions), has anyone found them after the hotfixes?

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