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  1. Saryn is far more effective as a weapons platform than as a nuke.
  2. How could this happen to me, I've made my mistakes...
  3. I'll stop posting these when it stops being funny. 😂
  4. I think the problem is actually enemy and mission design. There needs to be a reason to use other things. There needs to be things that aren't solved by AoE nukes. Back in the day, this uses to be Bursa / Nox / Juggernaut etc, but things have gotten so insane. Now AoE nukes do as much as single target damage sources, but to everything...
  5. The laser in void defense... When the objective was a guy, it could just straight up end the mission.
  6. Check this out. Some enemies just straight up one shot it.
  7. I think this highlights a problem with the game in general; there can't exist hard content when you can easily have infinite health.
  8. I found the defense this week took a few tries. Last week was very easy, though.
  9. I just posted this to Reddit. Are Hollow Veins really supposed to just be able to delete to objective like that, or is this a bug? 🤔
  10. Yes, but this isn't an unsolvable problem - look to other games, CC is either limited or has diminishing returns.
  11. Perhaps attempting to CC an overguarded unit could take a chunk out of the overguard itself?
  12. That's not true, though. For instance, recently, breach surge was able to blind overguarded enemies, now it can't. That's a *change*, regardless of whether it was intended to have been changed previously. I think this is a great take. I've always thought the place for CC would be to pin down extremely dangerous, tough enemies, like demo-units. That doesn't really seem to be the way things have played out, though,
  13. Which raises the question: why do they design frames with CC or CC focused frames? Ideally, I think there should be a balance between the two, but I understand that is hard.
  14. I think this is largely nonsense. If you simply keep the entire map CC'd you get no additional loot, affinity or focus. And if you keep nuking, sure more Eximus units spawns which you can also nuke for more loot, affinity and focus. Saying "We can't have nice things" because people choose the play-style which is both easier and yields more material rewards is a very strange take.
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