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Posts posted by Nectul

  1. Died in a mission out in space in archwing and when revived back (after timer expired) I had no archwing, just ran around in space. Transferred in and out with operator and got archwing back. After that I tried boarding the railjack again and it was pitch black save for the UI, same on the asteroid base part of the mission so couldn't do any of that. Tried guiding myself with minimap but that didn't register to my movements correctly.3A92955F4F2AAD0AAD0FAA929EA12506CEEF59B5

  2. Not sure if it's only when playing as Wukong but that's the only time so far that this has happened and it's starting to get very irritating. So I'm cloudwalking and then sometimes when you move a bit too fast you can get close to an edge where you fall off and you get "reset" so to speak. Not sure what it's called but you all know what I mean. Screen goes black and usually you get returned to the closest edge but cloudwalking into the endless dark abyss has a pretty big chance of sending me all the way back to the beginning of the map. NOT funny. Please look into this because I'm sure this isn't supposed to happen. Thanks!

  3. - Fix for getting stuck in a sprinting state after sliding.



    imo this has never been a problem and shouldnt have been fixed since u could easily fix it urself by either shooting, aiming or by just simply pressing shift once. With this "fix" now the slide+slash/flip+slide combo is frakked up. I dont need another button to press and to keybind somewhere wierd for a "TOGGLE RUN" which apparently is coming. Anyway, please just unfix this.





    Btw for people having problems with this too and feel handicapped what u can do is keep holding down shift but omg that is a pinkyfingerbreaker from hell just so u know.


    Extra peace.

  4. Yes its a bug but if you do the normal changing of ur mods/fusion etc. just press "apply" and when u get that message press "ok" and then logout. Log back in and ur mods/fusions/selling of items yada yada has been applied, it takes time and is annoying but it works for now until they fix it.

  5. yep same here, sucks when doing a mission tho i dont kno what exactly isnt updated to that. It happens when trying to change mods too or doing fusion but when i log out and back in it has been changed. Still thats no great solution, we all want it back to normal :/

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