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Posts posted by waqar121

  1. On 25/08/2017 at 0:09 AM, V3noMic said:

    [Prime Pressure Point], [Primed Fury] and [Primed Reach] in addition to 4 90%-elemental mods or 3 90%-elemental mods and [Body Count] depending on the Riven

    Would it not be better to use jagged edge and/or buzzkill? Rather than the elemental damage, i was under the impression that physical damage was worth more than elemental, please correct me if i am wrong though.

  2. Welp i went with the second one, hopefully that was the right choice but i guess it doesnt really matter what the right choice was now.  

    5 hours ago, Extroah said:

    If you use it for 1-hit-killing with that one syndicate mod, i think lethal fatality was the name of it, i'd go for melee damage. If you use it just for slashing them i'd go with element.

    Unfortunately ether daggers are a dual dagger(s) so covert lethality cannot be used on them

  3. So i had a riven which gave me 320% melee damage when maxed and extra combo duration. But i rerolled it and got one which gives me 226% melee damage and 130% cold with 120% heat. My question is, is that around 100% extra melee damage going to be more than the combined damage from the cold and heat? Of course i foolishly saw the extra elemental damage and thought this is better without questioning that before i accepted the rerolled riven but i want to know if its worth trying to reroll to find a higher straight melee damage.


    The two rivens side by side

  4. So I crash every mission sometimes I manage to make it to the end and get my rewards but I still crash. A lot of the time I just crash at random moments such as opening a loot container or finishing off an enemy on the floor. The crashes have only started to happen recently, I have tried turning things off in the options, I tried turning off multi threaded rendering and still I crash. I have even tried uninstalling my game and reinstalling it. I have a Geforce GT 220 graphics card. (that's about all I can tell you as I don't know much about pc's. sorry)

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