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Posts posted by Exanthous

  1. Unless you're okay with DE introducing weapons with crafting costs reaching close to that to where it actually affects crafting or are fine with them introducing more resources like Nitain, then that cap isn't really relevant to the game.


    Its still a cap. like it or not.


    I really hope no one has that many......


    I was convinced I would reach it eventually with alloy plate due to the void. That plan... if you can call it that... has only slowed however...

  2. You don't know to play her correctly, she is not a nuker, she is a support debuff in huge areas with correct damages, and a stun



    Actually, the only bad thing on Saryn is her 3, if it can be replaced by an augment like the Ember's one, she would be sooooooooo great

    But she is actually great btw.


    But she is "built as a nuke" because of the fiddly, highly irregular and annoying 3 button spam that makes miasma do triple damage, however its not "active and engaging because more than one button guys!" and it has killed her end game viability (which by the way still even wasn't that viable back then either considering there are even more powerful options).


    Do you honestly think that in the heat of battle you can consistently destroy a group in the time it takes someone to press a single button or fire a single shot? I don't think so

  3. Why? Do you want that old, stupid and empty press4towin Saryn?


    You know what? Yes. At least then maybe I'd see one or two. In my time coming back I've not seen any saryns


    P4TW has never been or will be as big a thing as you seem to think it is.


    I never use her on endgame as is anyway and I certainly won't start now.

  4. The lag argument is pretty much BS, because nobody has issues with max rof Dex Furis with multishot (and that's like, 70 rounds a second and 2.8 multishot? That's like 200 popups a second, over 6 times higher than continuous weapon tickrate).

    ...and we can add HoM Mirage to the mix, for like 1000 popups a second?


    Because the game running well for you means any suggestion for improvement is automatically invalid.


    Okay then.


    And can I just add that if you like your sceen being filled with numbers, maybe we should make this a toggle option?

  5. Little Soma sugutras.

    "Sogutras" ...?


    Also why are these basicly inferior to the zoren and ichors?


    They dont really fit the "soma theme" of being crit monsters when other weapons do it better.


    if its base cirt chance was 30% and its base cirt multiplier was 3.5x but it had lower base damage I'd use them over the Zorens and Ichors in a heartbeat and it would make sense too.

  6. i have plenty of regrets getting founders....it is actually one of the few reasons i stick around in this game....but with all these nerfs and unjust changes....i really just want to leave


    Nothing is truly stopping you, it would send a message if anything.


    So i wouldnt be able to sneak up on an enemy and do it.


    This is still a rediculous nerf, and it's still a piece of poop.   I wonder if it's possible to sell Excalibur prime.....cos it's not worth trash.

    Rhino is simply an Upgrade. Excaliburs #4 being better than Rhino's Stomp was the only major reason to pick the damn frame in the first place.


    My founders purchase has been rendered worthless.


    Worthless eh?


    I understand you initially funded the game, we're way past that point now however, 1m in funds to kickstart is probably now a drop in the ocean compared to all other combined purchases now made. However there is also these things you got as well:


    You have two extra trades a day.


    Affinity from your exclusives so you get a higher mastery and access to more trades and syndicate reputation for platinum.


    The design council forums. Based on the drops of information I can gleam is basicly a private forum, this seems backwards for a beta that in theory needs feedback and true transparency (within their legal ability to do so) to polish itself. I dare say its even shady in nature, with a powerful minority deciding the fate of a majority while they haplessly and powerlessly stand by at times.


    Badges and sigils, sigils being a strange point of contention to me because that wasn't even advertised in founder packs but was jammed in anyway.


    Luck, I'm dead serious. This game did not seem to try and reach itself out there beyond keysharing in closed beta, and could have possibly secured more funds from doing so.


    BUT, despite my dissatisfaction in for the founder system...


    This has nothing to do with founders and the power they have bought that none can also apparently claim.


    Its to do with excalibur (prime too)'s 4th skill and DE's responsibility to communicate changes so we can test this game with accurate information, thus preventing us from wasting their time and ours.


    This is the issue and it needs to be resolved moving on, it would be self destructive not to resolve it.

  7. grumpy-cat-no-1.jpg


    I've been commenting on kneejerk reactions for a while now, this is a PRIME (pun intended) example... Now its time for consequences.


    I invite all of you to boycott this action in any way you see fit (Or not at all, far be it from me to presume to tell you what to do)


    I recommend you do not trade the parts to players.

    Sell these weapons, frost and the parts for credits (IE delete them from your inventory)

    If DE wants it the way of the dodo they will have their wish and dispair for it.


    And finally don't play warframe for the first 3 days of U16's release, because you can bet uranus its going to take that long to stabilise anyway.

  8. Offering 750p for Mara Detron - Obtained, no longer looking for it.

    Offering 400p for Prisma Veritux - Obtained, no longer looking for it.


    Thank you to those who sold these weapons to me, mods, I respectfully request that you either lock or remove this thread.

  9. We got other chance to complete PRIME EOS and to get the Primed Flow...  ; and for the players who already have this items , Prisma Liset Skin ! lets be grateful, cmon


    Yes, lets all fanboy because thats the best thing for this game, especially its flaws and make no mistake, this IS a flaw.


    DE does have the option to give us nothing so like the OP said, be grateful.


    They wouldn't. The backlash would be unlike anything they would have experienced yet. Mark my words it would happen.


    Man, AT LEAST IS SOMETHING , and "free" armor ! 


    The problem is that its acctually not something.

    There is now no new goal, however small, to distract us while we wait for U16 to deploy, and that has special distinction since they are now no longer even deploying hotfixes unless its for a game breaking bug. This only adds to burn out and boredom.


    IK That DE DOES "bad things" But this is a very nice chance to latecomers of Baro and that stuff so , why not ?


    They stated that he would cycle items continuously and rarely, so far only one of those things is true. Can you guess which? Yes, I suppose its "kind" but its the absolute worst timing for it due to the update blackout.


    TL;DR: Enough is enough. Only those with stockholm syndrome will thank you now.

  10. No. Screw the get gud comments and screw you. it was a challenge without the conclave limitation, its arbitrary and I doubt you'd be defending this crap if it didn't have a reward.


    I'm going to keep going until I get that sigil, but I really wish you would sort out your scaling problems before kneejerking to a fanboy response to a GLITCH of all things.

  11. Tocitium - A highly toxic and soft metal used in the construction of chemical and reactive ammo and weaponry.


    Emanellia - A rigid bone mass from large predators. Often broken down to base atoms and reshaped into durable components.


    Citrite - An anomalous material that is non toxic and tastes of citrus flavour, seems to induce feelings of dread when the particles are inhailed. Often processed into a purer but flakier and fragile form and used in various pest repellant aerosoles. Its flaking can be used as an effecient delivery system for short range weapons.


    Pebris - Unprocessed rock that once refined, purified and processed can create very potent laser focus crystals.

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