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Posts posted by -Hyperion-

  1. I've gone through the same except with a potato alert.


    Saying that, just get over it. No proof=No real claim. If DE was too nice, someone could easily exploit them by saying,"Didnt get ______, did it in solo so gimme what I deserve"


    So tough luck mate.


    At least their customer service is nice and done so in a fairly timely matter.


    Other F2P Companies take months to even give you any real response.

  2. Its been confirmed by DE that they are involved in some sort of agreement with PWE, but for legal reasons they cannot disclose all of the information the community has been asking for. DE has stated that their intentions are to keep Warframe under DE's sole control as a labor of love and passion for the game's development. I trust that DE will make the right choices as challenges are presented to them.

    Ah, sorry.


    I meant the acqusition of DE by PWE hasn't been confirmed. Sorry about that.

  3. Except PWE doesn't care about player voices, even if asked to do so by DE.


    Tenno: "Hi, I have this really cool idea about this new warframe..."


    PWE: "Let me stop you right there. Denied


    Tenno: "Why????"


    PWE: "Because I don't feel like doing work and our customer support sucks"


    But the stuff about  PWE essentially taking over DE hasn't been confirmed, so...


    Edit: Error in wording for last line of text

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