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Posts posted by -Hyperion-

  1. are u people even serious?  why should de stop releasing prime versions of frames? its $$$$$$$$$$


    if its really true.. that could mean they care less and that will also affect other things. 



    i see no good reason to stop releasing prime frames. only thing would be.. its a lore thing (who cares) but then they should release VANDAL or WRAITH warframes:) 



    whatever it will be..  DE would be the most stupid game developer if they remove stuff like PRIME ACCESS which is a $$$$$ printing machine

    Calm down there, boy.

    Scroll up and read Dtexas' post

    Like he said, they aren't going to stop altogether. They're just going to get the original frames done first.

  2. Valkyr...I love her but she's literally a frame built off of rage, anger, and craziness over what Alad V diid to her.


    But then again, that's why I love her


    Like, c'mon.


    Who can reject a God-mode, psycho female Wolverine whose very voice paralyzes the fearless, brainless Infested?

  3. -Survival

    This tends to happen with random players; however, I don't really have too many problems with extract campers in my random survivals nowadays

    People are afraid of having two LP Capsules activate at once, so they usually avoid it to avoid any potential mistakes/screw ups they might make by going for the activation.



    Modes like defense, in my opinion, really shouldn't be played with randoms because people will leave at random times, with the exception being Sechura on Pluto

    Well, if you're planning on going far it's really the most comforting with all 4 people



    Find me one game with individual/private trading that doesn't do that.



    Eh. Not many people use voice chat and some prefer his/her music to hearing the same old gunshots and such. Especially when they go into a mission not expecting any mics because it's so scarcely used.


    Edit: One more counter-arguement for survival

  4. Yes the pure damage mods are very weak compared to elemental damage mods. You can get 90% for 11 points with Hellfire vs 30% slash dmg for 9 points on sawtooth clip. Damage mods for guns are highly outclassed by element mods. That's why I want more element weapons.

    He probably thought you were talking about mods like Serration and Heavy Caliber as weak damage-wise, which very much aren't. The damage type specific mods you mentioned generally are quite weak in comparison.

  5. As of now, mind control is great where it stands. Although raising the cap for MCed enemies would be amazing, I do believe it's great where it stands. Sure, random players may not be smart enough not to kill them, but making it so only you can kill them would only make Nyx the new troll frame. 


    One last guy in exterminate? Mind Control with all duration mods on and try to recast every time it wears off.


    Also, it's already good at getting healers, tougher enemies, annoying eximuses on your side/out of the way. Magnetic eximus or parasitic eximus coming? Mind control and don't worry about them for a while. Fire eximus? Mind control and knockdown all immediate enemies.


    As far as first abilities go, mind control is amazing.

  6. I consider myself a religious person, but I concur with the others in this case. Religions taken from the real world, spiritual in practice or not, usually causes a lot of disturbances. People will complain about _____ making it into the game when ______ was left out, which "offends them". Then it comes to people within that religion, or just culturally sensitive people, who will complain about _____'s portrayal in Warframe. 


    As for made up religions, people will always complain about it. As many said above, a religious influence as strong as you suggest would simply put many people off. Secondly, people may easily become angered by identifying common core beliefs between a real religion and the in-game one.


    Overall, religions-- mythological, real, or ones based off of real ones-- are generally a bad idea in games that don't aim to deliver a story towards its audience (Examples of a game that works well with "religions" is Bioshock Infinite because it delivers a story). Warframe, although in need of lore, doesn't necessarily need religion to compliment its existing lore.

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