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Everything posted by (PSN)aarott

  1. If you think Hydroid is better with these changes, I agree that you are, with exception to one of his abilities, largely correct. If you think the passive is good, that’s because it is. Stripping armour with weapons alone was good back when all frames could do this, and it’ll be even better with stuff like Nourish and Incarnons running available. Almost certainly better than a random tentacle sometimes messing your plans. Maybe a bit of a shame this nixes any chance old style corrosive armour stripping will be granted to other frames, and a bit lame that the best ability in Hydroid’s kit will be buffing the corrosive procs of himself and occasionally his squadmates, but otherwise this is a fine passive. If you think his 3 remaining abilities are better, I agree they pretty much are. Only small caveats is whether tentacles can slap CC immune targets still (and by extension whether pilfering tentacles might cease to work on stuff like grove spectres), the nerf to damaging shields on tentacles and barrage both that comes with shifting to corrosive from impact and magnetic, and whether making tidal surge controllable compromises it’s speed. Beyond those very few considerations, I’m as baffled as the puddle haters why some people don’t like these changes. If you think Plunder is better than Undertow, here’re some firm arguments that you are wrong. The only really good thing about the ability is that it let’s your guns use the passive without having to mod for it, but that’s more the passive being good than + corrosive being an intrinsically good effect. And even at it’s best when you’re using it to run corrosive AND viral, you’d probably be better off just running nourish and modding corrosive instead since that’s less variable, gives you energy as well, and doesn’t need to be re-setup every minute or so where you'll still be reliant on inflicting corrosive procs with your other abilities. The defence is very meh, like you’ll be in Atlas, Valkyr, Lavos and Inaros levels of EHP, but if you think having a high EHP alone will save you in late SP you’re mistaken; all of those frames have abilities to replenish their health and avoid damage that Hydroid does not have. And high EHP is just factually not as good for not dying as being literally invincible, even if you can’t shoot and run around you can still restore your shield gate and restore your health and wait out rolling guard cooldown. As for the armour strip, it’s redundant to strip the armour of an enemy with neutralised armour, and the only time this really matters is when the enemy is resistant to status and so only takes limited corrosive procs. Even at its best, it’s still worse than comparable armour strips in Pillage and Tharros Strike. Most of the time this’ll only be relevant in Steel Path when acolytes appear, but there’s already plenty of weapons that handle acolytes. MAYBE this’ll be helpful when farming necramechs, and depending on whether tentacles’ll will work on them this might become something meta for Hydroid. But that’s a big if, I’m 95% sure Pilfering Tentacles don't hit mechs now and I’m doubtful DE’ll suddenly let Pilfering work where it didn’t before. Also, undertow is way more interesting visually, thematically and mechanically than plunder is. Yeah, I'm saying "gun glow green and do bigger number ability #n+1" is boring, and you can't convince me otherwise. But other than Plunder replacing Undertow, and relatively minor considerations for his other abilities, I agree the new rework is better for Hydroid. Although the passive being the best part is intensely lame.
  2. It might be only mostly that bad. Hypothetically, he'd just need to put a corrosive proc on status resistant eneimes ( 1 of his enhanced procs neutralising 50% armour) and then cast pillage twice. Resetting his Plunder damage and armour bonus when he does so, of course, to a probably lower amount. So twice the effort for less gain than his contemporaries. Very much a 'uses four abilities to do the same job slower than other frames do in 1' kind of frame. Only exception is his passive, which is genuinely good, since he'll be able to neutralise armour without any abilities. It just feels kind of smarm that the best feature of his rework is that Hydroid, and only Hydroid, gets unnerfed corrosive from before the latest status rework. Kind of similar to how Inaros is 'health so good he doesn't need abilities,' Hydroid is becoming 'passive so good he doesn't need abilities.' To be fully fair to nu hydroid, his tentacles do last longer than Frosts. Which is good, since it'll take the full 10 or so seconds Avalanche lasts for the tentacles to inflict 10 corrosive stacks. So arguably better CC, worse amour strip. A much better comparison would be Vauban's Bastille, which also takes 10ish seconds to strip armour. In fact, OP passive aside, nu Hydroid's looking a lot like Vauban.
  3. I mean, if Kahl mode became co-op, I'd probably play it again to meme with friends and help new players.
  4. >Don't worry, guys! Your pets just get incapacitated for 60s now! >Plus we're adding some new mods to reduce their down time. There's one where if you shoot an enemy in the head the timer goes down, one where if you shoot an enemy while jumping the timer goes down, and one that straight gives you gun fire rate while healing your pet with every reload. >Nothing for melee, though. Can't be giving melee anything in this decade. Just don't let your pet go down, lol. >Oh and btw, we're nerfing your pack leader from a 100% heal to a 1% heal, good luck lmao. I hate this update so gosh darn much.
  5. Very much this. It's like Pablo had a checklist that said 'stuff a modern warframe needs', with 'defensive ability', 'offensive amp', & 'armour strip' on it. But then he gave up and just made it one ability in Plunder. See, he could direct the RNG on his tentacles with Undertow, but that's being taken away.
  6. See, the funny thing is, Undertow opens enemies to ground finishers, and ground finishers are going to be treated as actual true finishers come the next update. So Hydroid *would* have had another tool to open up finishers for soft excecutes, except he'll be getting vex-armour-at-home instead. I’m so annoyed at the “hey, puddle was a BAD ability, and now we’re replacing it with a GOOD one” take that people are going with. Like, have you heard of Vex Armour? It’s basically the same thing as Plunder, but with more bonuses but with way less stupid a setup, being that Vex Armour doesn’t involve a cone that keys off a range stat so you can run Narrow Minded to make the egg timer nature more bearable, also it doesn’t require enemies in line of sight, and also those enemies don’t need to have a specific status applied to them, and it’s refreshable when recast rather than resetting, and provides a damage bonus that doesn’t diminish in effectiveness when the enemy has no armour oh and by the way this ability strips armour; and while armour strip sounds good this armour strip is redundant because it only works on enemies that already have their armour neutralised and also are likely in the midst of abilities that are continuously reapplying and refreshing the debuff that’s neutralising the armour, I mean for goodness sake it’s another armour countering ability on a character that already has 3 abilities that counter armour. It’s like Pablo made it bad on purpose, like he thought it wouldn’t fit Hydroid’s kit unless it was deliberately bad. Or more likely, he went through a ticklist of 'generic good stuff in warframe', grabbed a couple at random, and threw it on Hydroid. But I guess it’ll be good for simulacrum meta, so as far as the majority of warframe players are good it’s a great replacement. P.S.: just want a moment to explain how annoying getting a fat stack of corrosive bonus damage could potentially be. So one of my favourite weapons is the tenet cycron, I run a heat build with Primed Heat mod and a 60/60 heat mod for maximum fire procs. So it's doing about 325% heat, meaning I get lots of heat procs, about a hundred a second, for maximum tick damage that I further maximise with a Bane mod, and I typically use warframe abilities to push it even further. Murderous against infested and grineer a like. But if I chuck 300% Corrosive on top of that, almost half of my procs are going to be corrosive procs, which means a huge cut to my DPS. And sure, it can help with armour debuffing I guess, except if I'm running my abilities I'm already debuffing their armour. So getting this bonus Corrosive damage on my Cycron? Actually a DPS loss.
  7. Honestly, the real reason I think they’re taking the puddle out is because it would have been too good an ability. >“Puddle too good an ability? You mean the worst ability.” Nah, see, nigh unconditional invincibility from which you can launch spells that does %HP damage is good, depending on how good those spells are. But now Hydroid is getting actually good spells he can use in undertow. His other abilities haven’t been intrinsically good for ages – like, they’re ok at disabling enemies so you can run in and hit them with a sword, but that requires you to get out of puddle, and by themselves won’t scale to high levels and don’t super synergise with puddle. But now rain’s actually gonna armour strip to enable some proper %HP damage like in the good old days, and wave’s gonna be a good gathering tool to get enemies into that %HP damage. So Puddle would have become actually good with his first two abilities, perhaps even too powerful for the warframe meta… Except, y’know, Revenant’s still out here being invincible and also he gets to do %HP shenanigans and can even do them to enemies that Hydroid can't, but he’s Reb’s special child so I guess he gets special treatment. Y'know, I was going to hate on this, but I can't in good faith since I personally find it unfun to shoot at Zephyr's tornadoes. Plus I've never shot into a puddle before, I've always been the puddle asking team on voice chat to shoot me, so I guess I wouldn't know the feel. Still, imagine how much the average Zephyr player would riot if you took away their tornado - that's how I feel about the puddle.
  8. I wish Scott was still here, so he could save his boy from Pablo and preserve Zabyr's smile.
  9. Pretty sure it'll still key off've the corrosive procs they have even if no armour. Assuming they don't change the way barrage interacts with nullifiers, he'll still have a better match up against corpus nullifiers than most other casters.
  10. Well, no, there are a lot of mechanical differences. But it shows how undertow ~could~ be made to fit modern meta. What if - Undertow was a teleport that left two big puddles at entry and exit, rather than just turning you into one indefinitely? What if - puddles were left behind after all his other abilities as a kind of pseudo-passive? What if - puddles didn't hide targets from allies, but instead reduced their resistances to help both you and your team?
  11. Nourish and Torid basically remove the need to have a warframe at all. Only thing Hydroid'd be contributing would be the armour from plunder, but there are frames that do that part better, and with less setup to boot. But tell you what, if you're gonna go that route, I'll give a suggestion: subsume over Barrage instead. That way you get a status clear, bringing you just a little closer to the likes of the Rhinos and Revenants you are competing with. Take the surge augment and you'll be able to skip out on Primed Sure Footed, too. With the energy from nourish, you'll be able to spam tentacles pretty often, and with the viral from nourish, you won't need barrage's augment. You're shooting them with a nourish incarnon torid while neutralising their armour, they're gonna be dead, mate. You can't plunder a dead man's chestplate if there's nothing left of it.
  12. It's hard to call Plunder synergistic. A requirement does not by itself a synergy make. Only Inaros, admittedly another old frame who could do with a lot of attention. The most recent enemy denying frame that comes to mind is maybe Xaku with his Gaze. It's not the only way to mess up witha survival, but, I'll admit, fair point. I'd go as far as to say it should have a timer, which goes with general suggestion that Surge and Tow should be combined somehow. Honestly? No. I'm am not the kind of person to be impressed by 'gun do bigger number'. And well you shouldn't, it's at it's best when used a reactive ability. Anyway, with that said, let me tell you all the reasons I hate Plunder, with respect to it replacing undertow: 1- Undertow was visually, thematically and mechanically interesting. I’m a water frame who turns into water, that’s cool. Plunder and its “Get a glow matching your energy colour and numbers go up” is way less interesting, irrespective of how effective it is. If it came with an exalted anchor or had some cool fog effects I’d be much happier. 2- Plunder’s an egg timer ability, which I just hate on principle. It’s a button I turn on, and then have to keep an eye on. Undertow was defence you called on when you needed it, and turned off when you didn’t. Much more interactive, you use it situationally rather than trying to maximise uptime. 3- Not only is it an egg timer, it’s an egg timer that requires setup, you need to dust enemies in corrosive procs and THEN use it. Revenant, Rhino, Trinity etc? Their shield pops or they get a nasty slash proc or whatever, they have a chance to go “oh no! [press button] But now I’m fine!” Undertow can do that too, pop in undertow when threatened to either combo with rolling guard or get his shields up with augur set. Plunder? If you don’t have the conditions right before the situation goes south, you can’t get more defence when you need it, and you get to die. It’s kind of the same problem as Oberon, except Oberon doesn’t rely on enemies being around and left alive by allies to get his defence buffs. 4- Current Hydroid has a lot of freedom in how he builds. You can health tank, you can shield tank, or you could even go just rolling guard like Limbo can. You can go balanced, or focus on range, or strength, or duration, or any combination of the above. You could even dump all the above Plunder? Well, it’s an egg timer, with conditional setup requirements, so we’re building duration. And our survivability is health tanking now, so we’re building health and probably adaptation and fiber. And it’s 75 energy and likely needs to be used in combination with other abilities for it to work properly, so we’re probably getting and some combination of energize, primed flow, equilibrium and/or efficiency, maybe an energy granting subsume while we’re here. And assuming the bonus gun damage is dependant on strength, we’ll probably build that too. And look at that, we’re an augment away from our build being filled up for us already. 5- All Undertow needed was a barrage that did proper old school corrosive and a surge that didn’t fling enemies everywhere. And he’s getting both those things, but it’s right when he’s losing undertow. Meanwhile plunder has anti-synergy since it only removes armour from enemies that have their armour neutralised, where your other abilities should be continuously applying corrosive procs and thus continuously neutralising armour. And, and bonus corrosive damage against enemies with their ferrite removed is an L. So, yeah, those are my reasons I hate Plunder. Boring, egg timer, unreactive, Oberon levels of setup along with Nidus levels of hating your friends, build limiting, and anti-synergistic. About the only thing I’ll say in Plunder’s favour is that it’s good for the meta where every priority target is immune to powers but susceptible to critty-bang-bang. And to be clear, I hate this meta.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I like 3.5/5 of these changes. The buffs to rain, surge and tentacles are all great. The passive I'm slightly not a fan of because it kills the possibility of corrosive being un-nerfed for all the other frames, but it's still a good change, basically. They just could have done all this, *and* kept puddle (maybe a faster puddle), and Hydroid would be in an even better position. And if people didn't like it, they could just subsume pillage or nourish or gloom over it like they do every other frame with an ability they don't like. Like, does Plunder even look good to you? Because Vex Armour but lower numbers with living-enemy-with-status-in-LOS requirements doesn't sound good to me.
  14. Zabyr reminds me of me, back when they changed Atlas. Atlas main, btw. And tell you what, I hated the changes to petrify. Yeah, instant petrify is better, but it was basically impossible to miss old petrify and it was way cooler. It took me a year to pick up Atlas again. I still miss old petrify, and I don't press his 3 ever, but fortunately I can get by without it. Gonna be a bit harder for Hydroid though. They're not "'"'buffing"'"' undertow, they're taking it away completely. And I'm not sure Plunder will fill the defensive hole that undertow's loss will leave in his gameplay. Anyway, good luck Zabyr. I hope your pain'll heal. Ah yes, because 'outgoing gun number up, incoming gun number down' is so much more cerebral than Undertow.
  15. They did this with the water character in The First Descendant, Valby. In fact the puddles were practically her passive, attached to all her abilities. Her big puddle ability was a teleport - big puddle where she jumps in, and big puddle where she jumps out. That would have been cool. https://imgur.com/a/qUqQo2W <- an imgur gallery with all of Valby's abilities Also, come one, you gotta admit that if they made it kong-cloud levels of fast, but you have to be on the ground, but you get to pick up enemies, that would have been fun too. You could make race car noises as you picked up all the enemies on the map and dropped them at your teams kill zone. Or maybe you could taxi battery carriers to your extractors when they're being too slow like Grendel can, that'd be funny.
  16. Also, gotta say 'Turn into an invincible pool of water and drown enemies within yourself with potentially infinite scaling damage and invincibility' is way more catchy than "outgoing gun number slightly up, incoming gun number slightly down, and armour strip enemies that have lost all their armour bonuses already". And that's before the part where we have to dust the map in corrosive stacks, WITHOUT killing enemies, and then press Plunder, BEFORE our allies kill all those effectively no armour enemies. >*BUT UNDERTOW S-L-O-W* Just make it fast, then. Honestly when they said they were going to remove an ability, I was hoping take out tidal surge and accelerate undertow, because fast puddle'd make surge entirely redundant. And, y'know, would have been interesting, unlike adding an egg timer damage + survivability buff.
  17. The removal of undertow is doubly sour after playing The First Descendant beta and trying their puddle fighter, Valby. She was like a better more nuke focused Hydroid with some elements of Yareli in there too, and basically all her abilities spread big puddles that did DOT and reduced enemy elemental resistances. I made an imgur album with her different abilities here https://imgur.com/a/qUqQo2W. I was wondering if maybe they'd make Hydroid a bit more 'put puddles everywhere' rather than 'be the puddle'. But now it turns out they're taking away the puddle in it's entirety, and I'm sad. I'd maybe forgive Plunder if it applied buffs to the team, but it's a purely selfish buff that'll barely function if you're playing alongside another armour stripper.
  18. BOOOO Just make it faster, then! Make it monkey cloud levels of fast, but on the ground Then have them be visible! Put a silhouette of the enemy with a glow in the puddle to draw allies to it, and add some splash vfx for good measure. So we have to get 10 corrosive stacks on enemies to practically remove all their armour, and THEN use the ability to actually get the benefits, WITHOUT the enemies dying in the interim? How am I supposed to do that while Pubby McRandom and his two friends are flying around nuking the map with their AOE nukecarnons? Doubly so if any of them are running Frost or Xaku or any armour removing subsumes? No no, THIS ability is way too slow to function in the current meta.
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