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  1. EULAs can put what ever they want in them doesn't mean its enforceable.
  2. This would allow cc to chip away at overguard which would allow the mob to become cc-able
  3. Radial disarm and the likes should get damage added to the skill when it fails CC. Uses radial disarm, game checks to see if thing can be cc'd if check says can't be cc'd it does damage.
  4. Companies tend to work on multiple things at once. What do you want? HR to start firing people if they don't put 100% focus on Dante?
  5. My fellow Soldiers of Dante we must rest over the weekend, we must keep our strength our forum posts won't be viewed over the weekend as much.. Let us be back 4/8 at full strength!
  6. Just get styanax hes like dante... but better anyways I also bought the same bundle because I wanted to be a wizard. but I can't be a wizard. Only spearchad
  7. Please don't report me for leeching when I have to cast twice-thrice as much to get the same amount of overguard
  8. "we heard your complaints about innaros and chroma not being able to use rage, so we changed how dante can do damage."
  9. Hopefully going forward you consider taking more time on adjustments made on new warframes especially when they have an exalted weapon. It wasn't just 5 formas we put on dante but 5 on noctua also.
  10. You will get half the range and like it, You will get half the overguard and like it, you will hit half the enemies and like it Its okay though we buffed the book you can give your allies.
  11. Guys its okay you can get 300 overguard/s
  12. Now I know why they don't put rev in S tier because he would be nerfed shortly after.
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