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  1. Failed to get any progress while clearly meeting requirement as client. Went to solo and was able to progress both Onos and Ruvox. Good theory above.
  2. This has been going on for several weeks. There are other threads already about it. Clients get kicked by software error at Orowyrm battle. Should not have to solo just to experience this new content.
  3. This is still occurring!! Wasn’t even near the wdym this time. I was client, purposefully staying away from wyrm to avoid this bug and still get booted. Not enough time to log back in fully from switch menu to catch the battle, so all that time wasted. PLEASE fix this.
  4. This software closing crash is still occurring. Latest one happened as soon as I transferred to the wyrm. Full hard crash to NSW Main menu.
  5. Last few Lone Story attempts have had similar results. NSW. I get hard crashed either when trying to ride wyrm, riding along with someone controlling, etc.
  6. Adding the thread that was created back on CLW launch regarding this. It’s been a known thing, the thread was even updated to “investigating”, but no new info. Would love to see a fix or at least acknowledge that the change was purposeful.
  7. Apple App Store update 4.15.13 which I was able to install 5/1/2023 did not address/solve the missing Zariman extractor deployment.
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