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  1. What in the name of Mike? DE....seriously...i'm not usually one to question your decisions or anything but who's brilliant idea was to KILL the brand new frame you had us all excited about? REVERT the nerfs and/or reimburse everyone who spent plat/forma on the frame cause you've rendered him nigh unplayable....
  2. Suspect it's something derived from the lighting issue. playing any kind of mission with others has become an almost unendurable pain, to the point of single digit frame rates and outright freezes for a couple seconds if there is a nuker in the team... also, everyone on the mission (except the host), complaining and suffering from INSANE lag spikes... if someone has any kind of heavy visual effects whatsoever....you can kiss your framerate goodbye. also, its been frequent to end up starting the circuit with a bare warframe, no head, no skins, no weapons....and ofc....taking 5 to 10 minutes to change zones... (same in ESO)...
  3. It's not ONLY the orbiter now....playing ANY kind of mission where there's a nuker with some kind of visual effect makes the game lag to single digit framerates. just did a circuit run with a Gauss Prime and it was like playing in stop motion.... not to mention that yes, orbiter looks and feel more gloomy and smokey, no matter what settings you try to tweak...
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