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Posts posted by Kuroudy

  1. The only problem I have with Accelerant is that it feels too much like Overheat. If I need to bring the power down in a crowd of heavies, I'll use Fire Blast (to give me that small-AoE + stun + DoT) and World on Fire (for general use). Maaaybe I'll use Accelerant but usually not because I've already got Fire Blast running.

  2. Dude, what the heck. I actually browsed a bit from the front page of Deviantart before browsing Warframe forums and saw that picture before. I didn't recognize it to be Nyx then. Congratz on the recognition and good work though!

  3. Kill faster. Generally either stick together in a big room with lots of doors, or all scout in different directions.



    This works best. Just use Nova's mass genocide with each chance you get with a room with a large amount of enemies. I've ran 20-30 minute T2 Survivals never having to activate any of the life support towers - only using the life support dropped by enemies. Be sure to stop picking them up around 80-90% though otherwise you'll kill life support drops for nothing.

  4. I run with an Ember Prime as my main warframe (when not leveling others). I think she's best used as a full-offense frame. I suppose she could be made to tank but it'd be pretty tough considering that she ties for the lowest Warframe armor (might be a bit off there) which is why keeping her alive tends to be one of the tougher parts of Ember (at least for me). If a gunner stomp gets me down then it's all up to praying that I'm not surrounded by enemies and can get out in time or that someone's AoEing them as I try and get up.


    Also, yeah, overheat isn't a thing anymore. Got replaced by Accelerant which is sorta-useful. 

  5. They have a 1.5-3%(based on # of players) chance to spawn when you're marked. The "best" way to get them to spawn is to run 5 min grineer survivals. If they don't spawn before the 5 min mark then they won't spawn at all during that mission, rinse and repeat.


    This points at basically the best way to tackle G3 or Harvester or Stalker. Each of them have a percentage probability of spawning per marked person. Therefore, run specific missions with other people who are also marked - therefore giving you the highest chance. Pick a fairy low leveled defense mission against the faction the boss belongs to (Grineer in the case of G3). Why defense? Because the percentage for spawning accounts for the first 4-5 minutes of a mission. While you can sprint through an exterminate or capture fairly quickly by avoiding enemies, doing just the first 5 waves of a defense mission usually gets you through about 5 minutes. If nothing has spawned then bail at 5 waves, rinse and repeat. The other option would be doing survival and extracting at 5 minutes. The only problem there is that if you're lacking communication and understanding amongst teammates, people may want to stay longer than 5 minutes therefore wasting your time... Also because people scatter in survival missions whereas defense missions have a focal point. You don't want to be downed by a gunner when G3 spawns without any friends nearby while you're accidentally leveling rank <10 equips. That sucks. Seriously.


    I believe another poster above already covered how to get marked. Essentially, you have a chance of getting marked by doing at least 5 waves/completions/missions against a specific faction in an invasion mission. For example, you side with Corpus against Grineer in an invasion mission and do the mission 5 times. There's a chance to get marked by the Grineer boss (G3) in that case. 


    I have heard rumors on getting a G3 mark cancelling out Harvester marks but I can't confirm. I got marked by Harvester and didn't get him to spawn. Then got marked by G3 which also hasn't spawned.. So, as you can see, low spawn rates. Best bet is to get out there with a team and hunt these baddies down. 


    Anyways, these are the tips I can provide. I've had the good fortune of running into Harvester enough times to get the Detron to spawn.


    Also, quick note, if you're running in a squad with all 4 people marked and G3 appears then only the specific person who is targeted looses their mark after the battle. The rest of you are still marked and still provide a chance of getting the boss to spawn.  Best of luck.

  6. Sometimes they are drawn to weapons/frames that are lower ranked

    i dunno if it is legit but it does tend to happen that way for me


    I'm not sure about this claim. Ran a Kappa (Sedna) with a full team that basically babysat me because I was running a rank 5 or so Vauban with rank <20 weapons, nothing potato'd. Lights flickered and my stomach dropped because I was pretty sure my set-up wouldn't last. Harvester but it went after someone else. Second round, same set, same team, another Harvester, another person got caught. 


    I don't really think rank has anything to do with it? Or if it does, low rates. While I've been caught with unranked equips on Stalker before, I don't think any of this really points to anything. 

  7. #4: Blood Bank - 100 energy

        Supercharges yourself and your allies, increasing Max Health by 100/150/200/250%, healing to the new Max Health, and granting Life Steal to all damage dealt with 20/30/40/50% efficiency.

        While Health is above your original Max, you gain a bleeding proc for 10/8/7/5% of your original Max HP.

        While Health is below your original Max, you gain Rejuvenation for 2/3/4/5% of your original Max HP.

        Lasts 4/8/12/16 seconds.



    I'm thinking of how this would work with a Trinity in the team. Perhaps this fourth power needs to be tweaked or changed altogether? It basically does everything a Trinity's Blessing does and better (since it brings your health up above max). Also, if a Trinity used blessing while Blood Bank is running, would all members maintain there extra HP? Would that counteract the bleeding proc?  


    I like the idea of a somewhat vampiric-Warframe. If that's your source of inspiration, perhaps think of the other things vampires are known for? Perhaps the ultimate ability could be something between a Nyx and a Trinity's abilities? Lunge forward and latch onto an enemy, slowly stealing health? This would render the warframe defenseless but this could be a tactic in 1vs1 and bosses in general. Or perhaps something like an infection? Bite an enemy, stealing a little health, and also turning them against another enemy, causing a chain reaction?


    Just a few things for you to think about!

  8. Don't know if this has been asked yet (apologies if it is has):


    There's been all of one thread on these forums (as far as I can tell) about this. The achievements ingame imply a possible mastery rank of up to 30 (due to counting up all the way to Grand Master). Any thoughts on how all of the experience needed to get there will be filled, as we're only currently about half way there? Will there just be 500+ weapons/warframes/sentinels added? Will there be new planets in store? Will codex scans allow for mastery experience? Or will there just be a recalculation of the experience to level everyone much faster? 


    In short, can you provide any insight as to how you plan for players to reach master rank 30 (Grand Master)?


    Who said this quote?

    "That is just the sort of behavior I just can't let go uncorrected. Otherwise, you'll never learn."


    2: I am on the hunt for The Grustrag Three quotes. I can't find them on the Warframe wiki and Google isn't really helping. I want them to be clean like in the wiki. And I KNOW that one of the three speaks english at one point.

    "Help me, help you... help me."


    Thanks all!


    First off, oh my god, that was a lovely track! Thank you so much for the treat! I instantly saved that, it's such a nice little treasure. You deserved the feature on Prime Time!


    And about the riddles? Wiki says that both of the lines (as in also the "Help me, help you... help me" are said by Alad V. The latter one is said during a mission where Harvester appears. That's all I've got for you.

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