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Posts posted by TheYushu

  1. Note: This bug pertains to the new system introduced with U18. If you have not finished the new quest, DO NOT READ THE REST OF THIS POST.

    Focus points are reset upon using a revive in-mission


    This has been tested in multiple missions with one of my clanmates on survival missions. Be careful about doing long missions for the new system.

  2. Not that I'm much of a fan of the AFK system as it stands right now either, your suggestion likely wouldn't work out. The system makes players who play through the mission earn rewards, while those who don't, don't. While this was intended for public matches, private matches carry the same risk. Whether it's playing through hard missions with a new player to give them an unfair boost or pulling alt/friend accounts through missions to farm Prime Parts or Syndicate Rep, it's not fair to other players if they get excluded from this system because it's a private match. Don't get me wrong: Your system would probably work in public matches, but giving that decision to private match players defeats the point of the system all together. 

  3. If we're looking for quick solutions to making players who don't have tons of time to play Warframe have better Syndicate Farming mechanics, consider the following:

    Syndicate Daily Rep Cap remaining at the end of the day (However much standing you could still earn that day, meaning this works for days you played and days you didn't) is divided by 3 and added to an accumulative total. This cap maxes out at "(MR+1) * 3000" (Note that daily cap is currently "(MR+1) * 1000"). This results in a total of 3 days of accumulation proportionate to your Mastery Rank. Take for example my own standing at MR14. If I was to skip playing for 3 days, I'd be able to do 45,000 points in Rep Farming when I got back to playing, plus daily missions. However, to solve the following issue:

    the problem with accumulating like that, is it incentivizes Players to NOT play a game.

    which isn't really what any Developer really wants.
    having the gate be wide enough to practically accommodate most Players that may walk by, however, yes.


    ...If you choose to not play those days, you miss out on the daily missions. In most cases, Daily Missions are more than your Rep Cap usually would be anyway (Not even counting the chances of Syndicate Marks found in those missions).

    All in all, this would be an interesting approach to the problem of players being hit by the Rep Cap Wall when they don't have many chances to play, without making it enticing to deliberately skip rep farming and build up a massive Rep Cap. 

    Source for Syndicate Math: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/396700-psa-forumites-syndicate-math/

  4. Well, the Shade is designed to keep you invisible when not in combat. If you refrain from firing weapons or using melee for a few seconds while near enemies, your Shade will turn you invisible for upwards of a minute, or less if all enemies are destroyed (Provided it has the proper mod, Ghost). It also, provided it has Revenge for a mod, will only attack enemies that have done damage to you. Personally, I never use Sentinels for combat, so the Ghost mod is more than enough for me. If you need any other help, try this: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Shade_Sentinel

  5. If you're looking at a player, the "i" key should allow you to view their profile. In addition, if you see them in a chat (Region, Trade, Council, Relay, Squad), you can right click their name and select "Profile" (Though this may not work in-mission).

  6. While this has been suggested quite a few times, you're certainly not wrong. The solar map idea would require syncing to your account, which would be difficult on Console versions (Relatively simple on PC, though). Communication would, again, require syncing to your account (as you said), but should be rather easy as Warframe uses IRC for any chat (Save for inbox, though that's not very important). Selecting the platform (I presume you mean for Alerts/Events/Invasions) would be the easiest, and should absolutely be added. Not sure who runs the Nexus app, but I hope they read this and work on it soon.

    PS: That Nova Prime color set looks amazing. Probably going to stick with that purple energy when I finally finish the farm fest.

  7. 1. Supposedly stay away from overpowered weapons that require little skill and aiming (Boltor Prime, Soma, Marelok, Dakra Prime, Orthos Prime).

    2. Vectis for life (Still overpowered, but requires you to at least point at a target).

    3. Pray for Primed Chamber every night.

    4. Revive all who die, because I don't play public matches anyway, and will leave a squad if a player is going to be an issue.
    5. End every day with less than 100 credits.

    6. Always have every single frame, including Prime and Non-Prime variants (Currently successful, save for Excal Prime, which is fine).

    7. Pray for Despair every night.

    8. Break the map whenever possible, solely for the enjoyment, and not to make the mission easier.
    9. Somehow ignore all events until the last day.

    10. Never recruit for my clan, no matter how much of a mistake upgrading the clan barracks was, in hope of one day being able to downgrade.

  8. Huh, this could be interesting to test. I'ma be back in a few hours.


    EDIT: Highest I could get was just over 2000. I've read at a few sources that the Auto-Install feature just selects the loadout with the highest conclave, so if anybody has every mod fully ranked, they could give an exact value. I'll just try and calculate it manually for now.

  9. I suggest T4 Captures. You can get 5 for 5k standing on the Perrin Sequence track, and you get at least 20k credits from each run. That said, you can get 100k credits from 5k of rep. Only problem is that you have to be with Perrin, and you don't get much rep from the captures. Oh, and Vor. That might be an issue sometimes.

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