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Posts posted by DanDrac0

  1. So I thought of a way to make speed leveling take some skill. Something I learned from my time farming sorties in their early days.

    So hear me out on this: Eximus Endless Missions or the cooler name I have in mind:

    The Draco Trails

    So the main gimmick of this is eximuses. Eximuses everywhere.

    Why eximuses? They give a lot of exp at high levels, and at the same time they give out a lot of damage, some taking your energy, making it hard to survive, especially solo.

    Mission type? It could between Interception or defense mission where you defend a person to make it harder but so much rewarding.

    So far, this is only for exp farm from a simple idea, but I think this could be so much more and reward players with more than just exp at the end. What do you guys think?

  2. Hmm, intersting head shape. Do you have any concepts for this helmet or are you just going straight for the model?


    It was going straight from the model, this is like, a test model while I learn how to texture, I'm currently running into a problem with my program where it can't export a obj file for tennogen to load up, now I'm trying to figure out how to make it that file.


    and still trying to figure out how to texture, sorry guys, I'm new at this.....

  3. Chroma is my favorite frame, but I was a little disappointed how there was no alternate helmet for him. I'm not a expert, but I wanted to at least try making one.

    (Also, name subject to change)
    I made it in Cinema 4D since its the only 3D modeling program I am used to. I wanted your guys' opinion on it before I look up how to texture it.
  4. But then what about the Stalker? 


    "You must be asking yourself, was I one of these wretched things?"


    Does the Stalker have a Tenno operator of his own or is he a warframe on his own accord?

    In the beginning of the quest and sometimes in game when he comes after you, he talks. Warframes don't talk to each other in that manner.

  5. Ember has been one of my favorite warframes, hell, when I started first started playing before she had a prime.


    But now, after getting ember prime, I'm slightly disappointed. Her abilities are pretty great but building her for the current endgame is hard, her damage falls off late game against void even in the derelict, ironic because shes supposed to be great against infected.


    Warframes like Excalibur, Frost, and the upcoming Trinity, Saryn and Valkyr all are getting quality of life changes or reworks. I believe Ember should get one too.


    Right now, Ember's kit is... well fire. Lots and lots of fire. That doesn't do a lot of damage for some reason on the higher level enemies in the void.


    My idea is changes to her 2: Accelerant. When you think of fire, what do you think of? Damage, and lots and lots of damage, a burning inferno where your enemies and all those damn cockroachs and spiders in your house burn in hell itself. What is fire known for besides burning, explosions. Lots and lots of explosions. 


    My idea is to change Accelerant's fire boosting. How about we change it so enemies hit by it are not only stunned, but every ability of Ember's will trigger something other than fire? Aka, Fire's hotter (heh) cousin, Blast.

    Blast is a element that doesn't get a lot of love even though it can provide decent CC. Stunning enemies? Thats very usefull to me. Blast is also something that fire can CAUSE. Think of Accelerant of throwing car gas on enemies, and you throw the match on them. BOOM, explosions. 

    What Blast can do now: An explosive knockdown, stunning all enemies with 5m of the target. What's special about blast as supposed to normal knockdown is that Blast can knockdown enemies AS THEY ARE GETTING BACK UP. And when killed, they ragdoll, hows that for CC? (information from the Wiki)

    Think of what this can change. CC combined with Damage, a true DPS master. World on fire does have a augment for knocking down enemies, but this can not only free that slot, but the blast could affect more than the one enemy.
    Another boost could be adjusting the duration, where as long as the duration is up, all your abilities gain the damage boost and Blast proc


    So with this, Accelerant can not only stun, boost your fire abilities, but this change can proc blast on enemies. As well as boost all abilities and affect them with the blast proc as long as the duration is up. Some may think that that 5m on Blast's radius isn't useful. But maybe all that can be changed with mods?

    Why not increase that range with Power Range mods? Boosting that 5m much further. Not to mention, blast does more damage to ancients, the greatest enemies in the void and infested.


    Another change is also in Ember's other problematic ability: Fire Blast. Right now, its pretty useless against ranged enemies. They are smart enough to not walk in it; making it only useful against infested. Why not change it to like how Limbo uses his 4? Allow Ember to target an area to put down Fire Blast. Normally, it can have its panic and setting targets ablaze, and combined with the Accelerant idea, it can break up an enemy squad, knocking them down, damaging them, and giving your team time to attack.
    Another idea for Fire Blast is maybe for defense situations, allies inside the ring, their bullets will have increased damage and add fire to their attacks. With Accelerant's effect, that could change to the blast element.


    Along with some more slight damage buffs, maybe then Ember can compete better in the higher level parts of the void. These two changes seem small, but hey, Utility over everything is my motto.

  6. If you're always topped off with Energy Vamp, I'd suggest you'd drop Rage for any mod of your choosing.


    Natural talent can be swapped for anything else, unless you really dislike the cast speed for link and EV.


    Grab any primed versions of flow or continuity if you can, bring up Blindrage to its max and it'll be a pretty solid build.

    But isn't Quickthinking + Rage still somewhat viable on Trinity?


    Also, with the constant spamming of the spells, natural talent is always a must cause the animations without it take soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg.

  7. I just got Trinity and I really like her two augment mods, Abating Link and Energy Leech.  However, Abating link couldn't fit with the build I had, so it had to stay at rank 0. 

    So I have to forma her to change one of her D's into a V polarity so it can fit, as well as change that D aura slot for a Dash so I can put down Corrosive Projection.

    This is the build I was planning:
    (All mods are maxed except for Blind Rage)


    Corrosive Projection (Aura)


    Natural Talent

    Quick Thinking (in the D slot)



    Blind Rage (rank 7, in the forma'ed D slot turned V)

    Abating Link

    Energy Leech


    I tried this build out before I forma'ed the aura slot and it kicked &#! in a T3 Survival. We managed to go more than 40 minutes and that was without Corrosive Projection. I kept spamming Energy Vampire the its augment mod just gave my team over shields every time I cast it.


    But now, with this, I can max out Abating link and further reduce the enemy's armor combined with Corrosive Projection.


    But now I'm leveling it again and noticing that without range, energy vampire can't give energy to everyone and they have to be within range. So I'm debating about switching Continuity with a range mod, but I'm not too sure. Thoughts?



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