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Posts posted by (PSN)DrunkenHULK88


    Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.

    Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.
    I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.
    And some general tips, since you're new here:

     - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.


    U deserve a like on this !!

  2. im thinking can a invitation be stored ?


    normally in PS4 there are lot of ppl spamming invite, so when a friend invite turn up i kinda end up decline everything or joined the wrong invitation.

    If there is a box for invitation , you won't get distracted while customizing your loadout (or accidentally hit X to join a game) and we can pick who to join.


    Sorry if this had been mention before.

  3. I am trying currently to build as close to this without a forma.


    Equip equilibrium to turn health orb in to addition energy , so you may keep on desecrating enemies. So keeping my shield as low as possible , i keep popping the health for energy.



    Please remember to click and read the description,

  4. Paris prime definately worth potato, with the right build i believe it can easily reach 10k to 20k crit damage.

    highest damage per shot so far in game. (learn that from mugamu video)


    of all 4 warframe you have, i would keep rhino (for nightmare mode and other too) and loki (awesome for melee 2.0 once we have it).


    Gorgon is a not bad weapon , Ogris definately worth keeping, never hurt to have a rocket in your pocket(don't try this at home).

  5. i once bought a latron with MAG just basic build no currupted mod or nightmare mod, i survived a T3 survival for 30+ min ended up with 300+ kill just by spamming pull.


    i bet Excalibur would be able to do better. Try stick with latron and slowly work your way up for latron prime, it a pretty solid gun toward end game. Latron prime part are pretty easy to get, or u can get a full set around 20plat.



    ps: wasted a forma on my latron prime T_T

  6. If you still have trouble, don't forget you can do a few vault runs, sell the mods and trade for Burston P parts. They shouldn't be expensive

    i being trying to sell lot of nightmare mode but no buyer , being farming nightmare on earth too.

    even selling each for 5p except for blaze n hammershot.


    well everything can be resolve by plat. i will try to give it a few go before i give up and buy.



    on PS4 vauban is very rare, not even a handful of clan member have that and im in a mountain clan.

    i guess main guy to depend is nekro.

  7. weapons are not the problem solo'n ODS.  THe issue is life support.  There is not enough of it.  You will be lucky to get to ten minutes.  THe problem is running to LS pods causes the infested to string out and lose track of you.  So, not enough go after you to drop LS and the pods don't come soon enough to replenish what you have.


    THe only way have been able to get long times in ODS is to have a squad of 3 stay in one room and fight the mobs, while an invisible Loki roams the map for LS.  This way mobs dont get pulled away from killers.  

    Ya, that part of the concern too, it just a few pack of charger, suicidal runner, and headbanger runner. After 5 min mark , ancient will start to appear.

    i will give it couple of try more. hopefully i can kill fast ,spawn fast and run around activating life support.


    is there any website for the ODS layout? or map?

  8. Thanks everyone for the quick reply.


    Im looking mostly just to survive 20 min run , being looking for ODS drop like burston P parts and BP


    bringing penta in Solo is too dangerous, tried it couple of time blowing my self up.


    i noticed alot of phage build include shotgun spazz, does it increase the shirking of the death ray? like the phage build but i started right after the Cicero event.


    Good suggestion on the ignis with Gas, look pretty badass.

  9. Hi guy,


    Due to my crappy internet , i am embarrass to be hosting ODS, so i wish warframe senior to give me advice on how to Solo on ODS .



    Choosing the right weapon is critical, which weapon is better to target infested?

    Ignis or Phage


    Ignis i will be focus on heat and viral , for Phage i will focus on Viral , Blast as i do not own any contagious spread mod.


    Secondary is merelok , i'm comfortable with it next to me.


    Melee: Galatine


    For warframe , Ember prime , Frost prime or Rhino?


    or Any other suggestion please do let me know.


    Thanks in advance.



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