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Posts posted by SilverHazzes

  1.  I am slowly accepting imp vandal, but that red lotus mark bothers me ..... and like I said Black-Blue would be better color scheme


    I guess the only way everyone can be pleased is letting us change the colour of the vandals but that ain´t the point of the vandal design I guess.

  2. A design isn´t something you can argue a lot about because it changes from one person to the other. For example I found myself liking a lot the jade green, the red lotus mark and how the paterns and colors work. At the end of the day design is just personal preference, you can complain if it is like the Hek before the last visual rework because before the barrels looked a lot like PVC sticks but now they fixed it.

    And also lots of weapons look better since the changes in the colour palettes and the ones that have poolished metal now look awesome.

  3. Interesting ideas, maybe there can be a Head hunter type capture mission. Catching or killing hardcore enemies on the run with a big price for their heads and if you catch them running away with their money from obscure bussiness you can keep it to you.

    The agencies that give you those kind of missions can be sindicates who are trying to get rid of dangerous enemies. deserters or spies.

  4. I´ve been having the same issues long time ago. Warframe hasn´t any kind of credit farming mission. The only way now is rushing capture missions and not everybody has access to t3 or t4 cap keys wich makes it even worst.

    The points are:


    -With the game changes (Void trader and sindicates) players need loads of credits if they want to get that content and if you are a veteran player you go for it because those things are what are really making the difference in starting to play or been played more than 500 hours.


    -There isn´t  a funny or challenging mission focused in credit rewards and that´s not good because we have missions that can help us getting prime parts, keys, ressources, fusion cores... but there isn´t any mission that provides us the credits we need to effort the veteran player content.


    -Months ago we had the invasions giving us 50 000 credits at least but that was changed and now aside from fieldron and detonite or maybe farming Brakk or Detron parts there isn´t any incentive in playing those missions. I am telling you that doing them was the kind of getting credits to lots of players and it was balanced because we had to do 5 missions, investing time to get the reward.


    -The solution as we adressed is easy: make missions or items in missions focused in earning credits because the credit spending curve has raised a lot lately but the credit rewards didn´t.


    +Return to 50 000 credits at least the reward for invasions.


    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

  5. Just wait if crit damage mods get primed and will see how far the Somas can get. I am currently farming for the prime and having a lack of status chance I would consider better a 35% damage increase but who knows.

  6. I don´t think it would be too good because lots of auto weapons can hardly suffer from poor ammo economie. What happens is that you will waste three or four bullets to kill an enemy that doesn´t require more than one or two. What will work better would be some kind of ''combo'' mods that give extra damage, reload speed or any stat when  for example you score 3 headshots in a period of time.

    That would reward more skilled players and give you a stat that doesn´t hurt you in the ammo aspect.

  7. I am not sure about what is going to happen but remember the Akbronco prime and compare them with the single one. They may do it like they did when dual wielded vastos, magnus and lex or they may do like with the akbroncos and change status and damage distributions. The mag size is the only thing you can more or less ensure is going to be doubled.

  8. I totally agree with theese and I wish there was a Archwing feedback section, with the Eyes of Blight event archwing is becoming more a thing between players. As for the changes, I really want to get the Elytron but I am not hearing so much positive things about it, specially speaking in higher levels where the damage focused abilities loose their edge. I heard good things about the Itzal but I really wish they take another look into the Odonata and the Elytron.

  9. Totally agree. The issue is the same as for damaging skills in warframes, at higher levels they loose their usefulness and if they don´t have much utility you better use another archwing. The only good deal are the health, armor and shield stats, the abilities are not that much  working because you get at higher levels and have nothing to do plus the core vent doesn´t seem to work so well as they are telling me.

  10. I would like too to see it being more powerful and useful than it actually is. Amazing weapon, cool look, an upgrade from the original but veteran players would like to get more use from the rare gear. A crit chance and crit damage buff would be interesting even if there aren´t red crits. 

  11. Theese weapons are meant to be for high level content and they aren´t the most and only powerful weapons in warframe, they are the best assault riffles. Use Vectis, Opticor, Paris Prime, Dread, Ogris, Latron Prime or Sybaris if you are not happy. Those weapons are the best in their classes and keep killing the high level content with less shots than Boltor or Soma.

    Also they aren´t that easy to use:


    -Boltor prime: at distances you have to know how to manage with travel time and that´s a problem with squizy frames. In high levels you have to know how to manage ammo consumption.

    -Soma: Spool up time, have to get headshots and burst to get more use from the damage, it isn´t criting 100% of the time, very low status chance, crit mods eat space for more creativity and utility, forced to use pure elem damage mods to make use of the damage amplification, installing a dual stat mdo seems to be a waste of lots of potential damage.


    Sure they aren´t so hard to use but that´s not an issue, it´s just that they are assault riffles, nothing else. The changes you adressed don´t change gameplay, just mean you need to shoot more bullets wich isn´t nothing special or harder to do.


    There are tiers of weapons and that´s not bad, what we need to make this better it´s to ad new mechanics like Tactical reloads, types of ammo, something that rewards the skill of the player aside from the weapon type innate mechanics. That it´s what would make more difference and make skill worther than it is know.

  12. It´s hard to remove from the weapons that are already crafted with it but it would be a good idea to remove it from those weapons so when you craft them it doesn´t come with it out of the box. Another solution it´s making some high utility dual stat mods for the D polarities that will encourage players to use them over a regular elemental damage mod or such, that would be awesome and if there is some variety in the utilities the modding area will get more and more interesting.

  13. Modding for void may get messy with the corrupted bombards entering the scene, will have to test what happens but as we all know the bombards armor is monstrous and that is a big threat in high tiers so we may have to bring innate corrosive or radiation weapons and ad to them corrosive or radiation damage or bring high damage puncture weapons with radiation because puncture isn´t that great against alloy but it melts down ferrite,


    My suggestion here is clear:


    -Release corrupted faction damage mods so we can deal better with the high level content of the void, that will solve most of the problems.


    The rest will be modding high puncuture for gunners + radiation against bombards and lancers + toxic against crewman flesh and gunners and also bypassing robotic shields.

  14. Yo te animo a subir y colaborar con la wikibugframe en espanol, que al fin y al cabo hay es donde va la gente a informarse de algo.


    Suelo subir los videos a la wiki una vez están hechos. También he escrito, traducido y corregido unos cuantos artículos en la wiki pero eso lo hacía cuando tenía tiempo para el canal y la wiki, ahora por suerte hay usuarios activos que van traduciendo y tratando de expandirla lo que es admirable a mi parecer.

  15. Se discutió en el post de errores de traducción acerca del tema pero no nos dieron una respuesta adecuada ni pareció que se nos escuchase mucho.

    Yo estoy de acuerdo en no traducirlos, son nombres propios y facilitan la interacción entre miembros de la comunidad de diferentes lugares del mundo pero de verdad que no entiendo el porque de estas traducciones indiscriminadas, nadie deja debate ni atiende a razones así que viendo lo poco que importa nuestro feedback tomé la decisión de cambiarme el idioma del juego a Inglés así no tendría que soportar malas traducciones. Jamás me han importado los errores en descripciones y en partes del juego porque siempre se corregían pero en el caso de las armas ha sido insoportable, es un fastidio no jugar en el idioma de uno pero lo prefiero a aguantar incoherencias en los nombres de las armas cada vez que juego. Ante todo es una decisión personal ya que no se nos escuchó en su tiempo así que yo juego en inglés y tan tranquilo.

  16. It´s not a good direction, people are complaining about things based in RNG and are really tired from trying to get Brakk, Detron or a prime weapon without trading, spending hours and not being rewarded. Syndicate weapons offer you a good reason to spend time in the game and are more satisfying as they proof you had put effort playing. So I wouldn´t wish for another RNG based system.

  17. I think Grenades are responsible for the only failures I've experienced in this mission type, hopefully can be discussed with dev for improvements when possible!

    It´s not only Grenades that can bypass Frost´s Snow Globe, also fire storms form Flaming Eximus can pass through it and knock you out.

    The damage from the Grenades scales to much with level and non tanky frames can´t resist them lots of times. I think a damage cap to the grenades can solve this problem because in t4 Grenades are what ended up killing the game for us when playing.

  18. Karyst is a dagger, that looks like it's made from steel.

    Mire is a sword, that made from flesh.

    Karyst deals 50 PURE TOXIC damage.

    Mire deals 35 PHYSICAL damage.


    DE, really?

    Karyst is inspired in an old Indonesian type of daggers that used to be forged with some kinds of poison so they make sure the enemy that was stabed with the dagger gets killed. So yes, it makes sense Karyst having toxic damage when it is inspired in a poisonous dagger.

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