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Posts posted by SilverHazzes

  1. Lo que sugieres esta mas o menos creado, el problema mas bien viene en que cualquier aportacion solo pasa por los foros ingleses... el resto, solo sirve para alojar gente del mismo habla para que interactuen entre ellos.


    Una muestra de lo que pides seria el "Community Hot Topics" que suelen hacer cada X semanas, arriba tienes el enlace, si no te ubicas, aqui lo tienes:



    Para que te hagas una idea, recopilan los topics mas interesantes y que tengan actividad, para centrarse en ello en un posible futuro segun las votaciones (esto es nuevo ahora) que reciban de cada tema expuesto.


    La verdad es que el tema que indica Xaiyain es interesante porque para que las sugerencias tengan peso estamos forzados a utilizar los foros ingleses, estaría bien que hubiera alguien de confianza oficial que llevara nuestras sugerencias a los foros ingleses. Aunque por otra parte la actividad de nuestros foros no están viva como la de los ingleses y tal vez debería haber muchos más jugadores usando los foros para que fuéramos una voz de peso en la comunidad. 

  2. Además en otra actualización cambiaron el sistema de transmutación, antes con 4 raros te asegurabas uno raro pero ahora te puede caer casi lo que sea. Yo dejé de transmutar y me he enriquecido en créditos. Por otra parte casi todas las stances raras que he conseguido han sido por transmutación, incluida la del glaive( garra reluciente), el abanico acechante y demás.

  3. Yo personalmente solo voy a los sectores oscuros por el extra de experiencia. Me parece bien que cobren impuestos tan altos para que en los conflictos tengas un verdadero incentivo a la hora de apoyar a las alianzas en el terreno. Lo único que lo que pasa es que no todos los jugadores ganan, los que no están a tiempo ganan 0 créditos y los que utilizan el sector oscuro de normal tienen altamente recortadas sus ganancias. Por eso siempre he pensado que debería ser el juego con algún sistema el que diera recompensas a los jugadores en los conflictos y tal vez que hubiera un limite en los impuestos. Todo es discutible pero esa es básicamente mi opinión.

  4. My questions is : Does unleashed abilitie useful more than knocking down VIPs in capture missions? Does it knock down another kind of enemires?

    Because if it not, this is the only kubrow wich has one abilitie that can´t be used in all missions. All of the rest can perform their abilities in other type of maps so why not make Sunika knock down Heavy Grineer units or dangerous targets like corrupted heavy gunners and such?

    That are my thoughts, hope you help me if I am wrong or tell me what you think about the Unleashed abilitie.

  5. You will get new wraiths and vandals not the old ones.

    -Prova vandal was released lately because the corpus lost the Gradivus Dilema and the players who supported them didn´t earn the prova vandal so til the Breeding grounds no one had a prova vandal.

    -Brakk and Detron weren´t event exclusive weapons, they were like the mods and such that are released in the future.

    At this time badges, wraith and vandal weapons are the exclusive thing you can only get from events and no one in the future gets it.

  6. Galatine´s mechanics changed but still does lots of damage.

    Dakra prime with crimson dervish is actually the hardest hitting melee in the game.

    You´ve been out some time dude, just update yourself and ask for any doubt you´ve got. Melee is more viable and hard hitting now than ever.

  7. Yeah and it could be different depending on wich side you are supporting like:

    -Need to hack spots and break walls when you are invading.

    -Beating a miniboss, the general who´s leading the invasssion at the field.


    It could be cooler for us Tenno merecenaries to have a cooler invasion experience. I will allways say that the actual invasion maps are awesome and you have some cool things running like being launched to a ship and things like that but more talk from Lotus, in-mission goals to break the foe´s defenses and things like that would make invasions more dinamic and fun.

  8. I don´t know what to say exactly but the colours are more a personal preference than something all of us can be happy with. True, myself I liked most some of the old colours but now I like more the actual ones because they aren´t awful for me. In the past I didn´t like most of the colours but now it´s different. So i don´t know what to say, maybe there has to be an option to use the old style pickets or the new ones. 

  9. I don´t know if this was fixed yet but yesterday we were running the new mobile defense at mercury and we didn´t get the ferrite and polymer bundles, instead of that we got rubedo and alloy plates.

    Another bug was yesterday running Dark sector defense in Ceres, using Nekros Terrify, the enemies stayed in permanent terrified state instead of going back to normal when the time counter ended.

  10. you didn't even read the post.  I don't care about the damage it deals, it is a SHIELD, it should be good at blocking.  They only released 2 weapons in this main update, the least ever.  And 1 of them is a reskin of dual pistols we already have MANY times over and didn't need.  This completely new original fan concept winner should not be a throwaway weapon, it has no value over any other weapon right now.

    Because if you make unique this weapon you have to do it also with the other ones like making whips pool enemies like the Grineer Scorpions or give best blocking capabilities to heavy weapons like the Scindo that cover more than the little Dual Zoren. I didn´t have problems parrying with the shield because I know how to move and I care about my stamina when I am playing.

  11. I think the cool looking but powerless issue isn´t that real. From now the design of the weapons will be allways cooler than back in the old days so not every weapon released will be OP specially when we are getting reinforcements every week. Just use it over the starchart and in mid level missions, it isn´t that bad when in warframe you have to go back to low level missions from time to time for leveling, farming and such. At least I will keep using this weapon in mid levels and keeping my powerful weaps fore the T4 and the serious runs.

  12. Buscamos jugadores activos sin importar el nivel. El objetivo es pasarlo bien y desafiarnos a mejorar en misiones y desarrollar buenas dinámicas de equipo. Damos consejos y ayudamos en lo que sea pero no pasamos misiones, objetos raros y le hacemos el trabajo a nadie. Lo que queremos es gente a la que le guste jugar sin saltarse pasos ni colocarse en posiciones donde no podría aguantar, simplemente ser conscientes de sus limitaciones para mejorar. Por supuesto tenemos buena actitud y no castigamos los errores, nos parece esencial en el proceso para mejorar. Así que si estás de acuerdo eres bienvenido. Contáctame directamente si quieres unirte y pregunta por aquí por cualquier duda acerca del clan.

  13. I was just about to post this when I saw this topic. I defintetly agree with this. It´s time for all the machine pistols to have the right ammo reserve so people are able to use them more in high levels. With the vipers current awful ammo eficiency and other machine pistols in the game lots of people stoped using them and with the lethal torrent being a must to lots of players the Vipers got riped somehow.

    So yeah, it´s time to give the machine pistols the right ammo reserve.

  14. He is a great guy and makes good videos explaining things and doing tests, when I started in warframe I watched and still watch his videos.

    He took a break for a summer job to pay the college money, you know it´s very high and you have to face it.

    He explains it in this video 


    Hope he gets buck after summer, I miss him as a Warframe channel.

  15. My photos of bugs and explanations:

    -After the mision polarities and info of the earned mods aren´t shown even if I selected them one by one:


    -After being in the dojo at fighting each other we stil have the weapons in use even out of the dueling place:



    -If you jump high in the ship you get stucked on the roof and you can get out by moving anyway,I call this the matrix jump bug =) :


    -If you use Iron Skin just when you are getting downed you cannot be revived or revive with your daily revives:


    -You don´t get mod a nightmare mod reward from nightmare runs, I posted this before:


    -In my version of the game, the spanish, the ''o'' in the starchart are replaced by '' * ''.

    -We killed Corrupted Vor with one shot from a Lex prime and killed each hed and every stage of lephantis with one shot from a Marelok. I guess bosses are bugged into a level 1 or something like that because like I said we are destroying them.


    Excuse my English, very happy with the update.



  16. Well, there is so much complain about the new UI comparing it to the old in terms of smooth moving and speed but I have something to say about it:


    -There are still fixes to do that will make it more easy to understand.

    -You don´t have to move for miles to get to the segments of the ship, it is pretty easy and you have all close to your hand. Do I have to remind you that in other games you must travel for minutes to get to a foundry, a mission or many functions of the game. In warframe you are getting that for a second or half a second pressing a button, nothing compared to when I played Golden Sun years ago and I had to spend time to get to craft special weapons. The consumption of time isn´t that long so why get obsesed.

    -You aren´t used to the new UI yet, that´s why you aren´t fast making decisions when doing anything in the ship, simple logic when a human brain has to learn to move in something new, with time and concentration you will be faster. Trust me, if regular people can learn to drive a car at 120 km/h to get to their works and make decissions to use the controls at that speed I don´t know why you won´t get faster managing this UI.

    -The game has got brighter and it´s getting its own feel. That´s something we didn´t have in the old dark UI. Now you feel happier and awaken, this was a needed change.


    This are the points that made me like so much the new UI, I won´t list the fixes that it needs because I saw that lots of players listed it this days. Anyway I am happy with the change and I hope you too, and if your not, just relax and learn to move, it´s far easier than tango.

  17. I was doing a nightmare run on phobos and when it hited the end fifth round I decided to take a vitality and end the mission. The problem was that when I ended the mission I wasn´t rewarded with a Nightmare mod and when I went into the ship to view my recent mods it wasn´t here any nightmare mod. So this is the point, succeded the mission but didnt get the reward. Hope it gets fixed soon because I enjoy so much nightmare missions and I like getting the nightmare mod even if I got them all.

  18. como obtengo el mod portador de tormentas es que lo quiero para mi tetra para terminar completamente mi arsenal de armas laser (tetra,castañas y prova vandal) pls contesten rapido

    Una de las maneras más fáciles de obtenerlo o al menos así ha parecido en mi experiencia es haciendo interceptaciones de alto nivel como Draco en Ceres. Allí me ha salido como premio varias veces aunque ten en cuenta que también pueden salirte llaves torre IV o el mod talento natural.

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