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Everything posted by Dhrekr

  1. Ciao, Tenno! Eh... penso che sia più semplice se ci fai delle domande specifiche :) Che cosa ti fa dubitare?
  2. Se vuoi parlare in italiano, dovresti utilizzare il subforum Italiano. (Non ti preoccupare, errore da nulla, chiedo a un mod di spostare il thread). A riguardo degli scambi devi sapere questo: Se avete un problema, significa probabilmente che il giocatore su consolle non ha il Salvataggio Multipiattaforma. Questo è perché i DE non hanno permesso a tutti di convertire i loro account in Multipiattaforma. Il giocatore su consolle deve aspettare che i DE decidano che il suo turno è arrivato. A quel punto potrete scambiare.
  3. Yeah, some sort of resource (Kuva, Endo, relics or credits sound good to me) would be very nice. Especially considering that DE plans to increase the amount of focus we get, in order to speed up the grind for newer players. I applaud this idea, and it makes this the perfect time to add something to the Focus store.
  4. There's no need for a video. You can just go to the Wiki, look up the Drifter Cosmetics, and see that the Commodore Prime suit isn't listed among them. Which I'd strongly recommend you do BEFORE buying. The Commodore Prime suit was released in 2018 - three years before the Drifter's introduction.
  5. If you have been playing for 9 years like me... no it doesn't require you to go out of your way. Oh, how well I remember how we anticipated the Tenno Reinforcements, when DE would randomly release two new weapons on an update numbered something like, and you'd max that random weapon because what else did you have to do that week. So... getting to Legendary 1 was a matter of inertia for me. That said, I appreciate your spite of shieldgating :-) Keep it up!
  6. I think you are the first person in this thread to admit they enjoy playing the mission. And, while this isn't you, anyone who asks for an event rerun they don't enjoy because they want to grind some reward, I'll call "masochistic sucker". Anyways: I'm happy to hear that DE is "restructuring" the event.
  7. You want the buggy, not fun event back with endless built Forma rewards. I want DE to come up with a non-buggy, fun event with endless built Forma rewards. From the point of view of DE's monetization, both are equally bad financial decisions. Yet you insist that we have to have the garbage event, which is... unforgivable, in my opinion.
  8. The shop was introduced on July the 30th, and in the update notes DE clearly said that only those 5 weapons would be available in the shop. Doesn't look at all to me like they forgot. They're doing what they said they'd be doing.
  9. Fantastic. Good for you. I interpret the "experiment" as being "when we introduce a new Incarnon rotation, we might also offer them for plats". Because I'm fully expecting new Incarnons down the line.
  10. Good for you, mate, good for you! Great stuff.
  11. The plan has NEVER been to update that market. Here: "Only these 5 new items will be available for Platinum". The answer could be "never". I think it's more likely that, after a couple of rotations, that market will disappear and only be brought back if DE introduces new Incarnon weapons.
  12. That's not missing the event. It's missing its rewards. Why can't we ask for the Plague Star rewards to be given to another event? One that isn't a tedious fight against a buggy version of Lephantis? Why do we have to settle for "tedious event with good rewards" like masochistic suckers? How is it better than asking for "fun event with the same good rewards"?
  13. You're not missing out much. "Buggy version of Lephantis wanders on the Planes". There's probably a hundred Events that DE never reran and Plague Star is definitely amongst the ones I least enjoyed during its first run. I'll never understand why people seem to miss it.
  14. I suggest looking up a walkthrough on YT if you're really stuck. All Spy mission vaults can be easily done with a non-stealth warframe if you know where to go and what to do. A guide is all you need, OP.
  15. Continuity? You think that the Raptor robots are in some sort of Continuity? Why?
  16. From the wiki: "Raids were removed and replaced by Survival in Update 10, due to player disinterest." Once upon a time you could be the lone Tenno operative. It was super-boring. But if it's important... do an Exterminate solo mission. Pretend that you're the Tenno Operative and that you're hunting for... some... rubedo. Tasty tasty rubedo. Go and do the mission. Imagine that someone else's Survival is happening simultaneously to your mission and is somehow useful to you. Happy hunting, Tenno.
  17. Sure. Did I say they had as much as Umbra? No. Did you say that their consciousness is erased? Yes. Have you changed your mind? I guess you have. :-) I'm glad to have helped you. Lovely bit of fanfiction. Thank you. I'll add it to my pile of Stalker-based fanfics.
  18. I would seriously love if we could insert and customize npcs in the Dojo. +1.
  19. Then you should play again Second Dream. At the end of Second Dream, our Tenno is disconnected from the transference pod (and by that time he has not yet developed the capacity to use transference freely - he discovers that skill in War Within) and the Warframe, whichever you picked (I remember - I picked Frost) does have enough consciousness to, alone, destroy the sword lodged into its chest and defeat Stalker. So, there you go. Warframes are sentient and capable of free will. Stalker is NOT A WARFRAME. He is a "low Guardian". It's written in his Codex. He's not a Warframe. Then you should play again THAT quest too. No, it is not a deal. At the end of the quest we see the way that Tenno take control of Warframes - by "taking its pain away" (seriously, one of the songs of the Sacrifice quest is even called that). Which - guess what - THE TENNO DO WITH ALL WARFRAMES. Umbra is not special. Seriously. There is lore in this game. If you're forgetting half of it, please replay the quests. Ain't difficult.
  20. They are literally living beings. They may be inert, but they do not more "shut down" than you do. My point was, since you seem to have missed it, that they did not turn into insane technocyte soldiers as had been suggested. What happened to them... they remained in the orbiter, chilling in their semiconscious state, I guess.
  21. Is it a tribute? Fancy that! Then I probably have it and never have leveled or used it. ... which shows you to what degree I do not care about that mod. I don't even know if I have it. As for the damage you take... yes? The damage? The other thing I don't care about in Duviri SP? Good.
  22. Is it though? I play Duviri SP exclusively solo, I play it daily, I haven't failed a defense yet, and I have not even bought PSF. If your plan is to murder the eximuses before they can use their knocking-down ability, then equipping PSF is a waste of mod space. It also helps that several Decrees incentivize rolling (for insta-reloading your weapon, plus ammo efficiency, plus 120% crit chance!), and you can roll to avoid knockdown. So... don't waste your mod space equipping PSF. Just roll.
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