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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Uranus Interception has been really good to me. I have gotten plenty there.


    I have never gotten plenty of it anywhere. If I'm lucky I get 1 tellerium after 8 waves of either Uranus or Erpo. Like today I did 4x4 waves Uranus, 2x4 Erpo, 5x Jupiter sabotage. Result 2 tellerium. Only once gotten Tellerium from Jupiter Sabotage.

  2. Wow, I suppose I offended a PS4 player huh? Funny how you feel everyone should base the event on his judgement, not like I was telling people to take it as advice, oh beges-us.


    I also do not see how it even relates....... Not to mention, no tv in the days and people were hard to deal with, two different topics in one sentence to try to do what? Imitate me? 


    That was my whole point, your post does not relate or bring anything constructive to the subject whatsoever.


    Does the concole universe have a chance to save the relays?


    I talked and told my brother about this event and he didn't really care because" blah blah blah"


    You could basically answer any thread in this forum with the same


    I talked and told my brother about this and ......


    So I went ahead and posted a equally meaningless reply which for some reason you actually would define as off topic but your is not... because your brother meaning is apparently quite importaint for the topic at hand.

  3. I talked and told my brother about this event and he didn't really care because " many console players in warframe are a pain in the arse to play with", his words.


    Your brother is the all knowing when it comes to console players. I see. We should base the event around his judgement


    I talked to my grandfather about this event and he didn't really care because "in my day we did not have even have tv and a lot of people were very hard to deal with", his words.

  4. What did you expect when you first heard of syndicates?


    Interesting things to supply the veterans some sort of end game and reason to keep login in and playing.


    How were your expectations met?


    Initially quite good and it was interesting and fun.


    What are you expecting now that they've had some time to settle in (ignoring potential Reputation issues)?


    Nerf, trinity nerf, nerf some more nerf, Hobson's Choice, nerf, nerf, nodes nerfed, you can only do A mission, nerf to B/C/D mission, nerf, nerf, and some more nerf

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAhtI2sbTMI&feature=youtu.be


    I have a sneaky suspicion that I can't. If for some reason I have overlooked something please enlighten me to how I can access these rooms. I get those kind of rooms several times a week while medallion hunting. Sometimes Thief's Wit also show containers that are outside of map.


    Quite annoying, and I wonder if DE has a well though algorithm for placement of the medallions or if they just are placed around the map without any regards to accessibility at all.


    So what kind of similar rooms or places have you found medallions?


  6. The Synoid Grammacor destroyed every possible balance in this game. Balance in PvE among player and enemy? BANG! Destroyed by Grammacor.

    Balance between Syndicates? BANG! Destroyed by Grammacor (there even no reason at all to attend any other syndicate except Cephalon Suda). Balance among Primary, Secondary and Melee? BANG! Destroying by Grammacor. Since there is no reason to equip anything but Synoid Grammacor. You can be mad all you want but you know that one day DE's will nerf to the ground and whole community of noobs who have no skill but to use broken weapon will cry for months.


    The Synoid Grammacor also destroyed all grammar in your post, such is the power of that awesome weapon!!!!!!

  7. Your right that you shouldnt blame them, but ;you also shouldnt fight against balancing either where its needed. 

    If people want to abuse exploits such as certain team setups / gear thats fine, but when / if DE ever decide to balance the gear or powers on those frames the community shouldnt be against it.


    "In videogames, an exploit  is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game designers."


    Why do people brand players that use the tools that are available in game exploiters? Everyday more and more threads pop up calling Radial Javelin, Peacemaker, Synoid Gammacor, Boltor Prime, etc etc etc exploits. Seriously. Do some of you guys actually know the difference between a exploit and a game feature?

  8. You should all be getting them. As long as you are killing the correct enemy which if you get them then you must be  :/


    Yeah that was what I figured as well but we ran 2 missions both nekros to farm resources and we stood next to the life support right next to each other and did not activate it once. So we did not move much. Did 10 minutes and I got 28 pigments and he got none. All other resources was about the same in end mission status.

  9. It doesn't mean she is the most used frame. It doesn't mean that she have the most kills. She merely kills more than other frames, when we compare the same amount of time played between them.

    It's a proportion comparison.


    This is true. That graph highly favours warframes with great kill capable abilites. It does not show popularity or time played which would be far more interesting. It is also the reason why frames such a Loki, Rhino and Frost is not even on the list because most of their abilities actually don't kill.


    So nothing about popularity or most used frames. More like a most deadly ability list. Radial Javelin, Miasma and Peacemaker. All which will probably be nerfed by DE in the near future because this is the year of quality......

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