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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. C6SQmKn.jpg?1


    As seen here, I reach max with Cephalon but still get more than 50% rep for Arbiters and Red Veil. So as mentioned earlier since I try to balance 4 syndicates I always watch these numbers and make sure I change sigil to not increase my negative standings

    Were you by any chance doing that syndicate's mission?



  2. no.. you will only get half of the steel meridian xp toward redveil. once your maxed with steel , even if its during a mission, you will not receive anymore xp for redveil.


    I'm balancing 4 syndicates and have done some testing on this. You actually can get uneven numbers after you have maxed rep for one syndicate. It has happend to me on several occations that the supporting faction get more than half of my main faction when I have reached a cap. So it does happen.

  3. Lets see


    Ok so you want to kick anybody using the weapon from your squads (see point 1)


    lable the gammacor as cheating and a one button to beat the game,  (see point 2)


    you define what is fun for everybody,  (see point 3 and it is not like anybody play games for fun I guess)


    dont want to play solo and (see point 4)


    tell all your friends how to play. (see point 5)


    Complain that for the Akbronco and Brakk you have to be in right up the nose of the enemy for proper power but still claim you want a challenge

    (see point 6,  their limitation could actually make them a challenge to use)


    and after all this have the audacity to try to enforce your view on everybody else......wow.....just wow...

    (see point 7 and read topic label "Can we nerf the synoid gammacor to hell and back yet pls" I guess that is not trying to enforce any views at all...)



    Way to take all of that out of context.

    You could work for FOX news with that approach.


    1. Yes I want the ability to kick people who ruin the game for me.


    2. Never said I labeled the gammacor as cheating but to me an insta kill weapon as it is borderline should be labeled as such.


    3, I define what we play games for, a challenge,


    4. I do not mind playing solo but im too much of a social person to not enjoy it more when playing with others,


    5. I do not tell my friends how to play, I ask them


    6. The akbronco and Brakk were brought up as weapons with equal if nto greater overal damage as a way to show it is more balanced then I imply it is, which I debunk but stating the limitations of those weapons compared to the SG


    7. I do not enforce anything, im stating my opinion on the weapon and the impact (read ruination) on the game it as atm backed up by facts, if I could enforce this topic would not have been started, the weapon would have just been nerfed (awaiting your "erh mah gerd you are saying you are a dictator" response).



    So what exactly is taken out of context?

  4. Actually I dont even have the Boltor yet, but its ready for claiming :D

    Apart from that I am a Mag player currently



    Yeah and they just buffed Nekros, guess for some reason they did a perfect job the second time around huh?



    Because that is fun?



    I want a challenge, if the game is not meant to be challenging why can I even die then?

    Why have revives at all, or health, why not just click a box and congrats you beat the game! ?

    It needs nerfing because of how it works with randoms, even if I am hosting I cannot choose to kick other players, so if a SG user joins my game I just have to put up with it or leave and start all over again.

    Trust me if kicking was an option (or perhaps select parameters for everyone who wants to join my game) it would be much less of a problem.

    As it is its almost like some cheater joins your game and you cannot do anything about it but leave yourself.


    Its a godly weapon that takes all the fun (challenge) out of the game, its unfairly powerful compared to nearly everything else. why even have anything else if you can have this? might as well remove it all.

    Oh wait,I know why we have anything else, just to level to 30 for a rank and then to discard again, not going to use a non insta death weapon when we have the SG now do we, that would be crazy.


    Ok so you want to kick anybody using the weapon from your squads, lable the gammacor as cheating and a one button to beat the game, you define what is fun for everybody, dont want to play solo and tell all your friends how to play. Complain that for the Akbronco and Brakk you have to be in right up the nose of the enemy for proper power but still claim you want a challenge and after all this have the audacity to try to enforce your view on everybody else......wow.....just wow...



    now I hear you thinking, why complain, nobody is using it against you like the noobtube from CoD, what is your problem?

    My problem is that I want a challenge in a game, why else play?

    Might as well press the insta win button and stop playing if you dont want that.

    My problem is that everything becomes a boring cakewalk, no boss is a challenge, heck I played with someone who killed Vor on Tower 4 Exterminate with the thing in seconds, Vor could nto even complete his sentence before he was already dead.




    use a different weapon? problem solved


    no one is forcing u to use gammacor. but because u want a challenge everyone mustnt play with it?



    Again read before commenting pls.

    My answer is in the last part.


    Your answer is exaclty what he says. You want a challenge and apparently since the Gammacor exist it removes any challenge for you and thus it should be removed or nerfed to the ground for everybody. Because you fail to see past it and apparently anybody using it makes you cringe.


    Strangely enough in this game you are free to play as you like and trying to enforce the rest of the playerbase to play according to your views somehow does not seem to be a good idea.

  6. None of the syndicate syndanas are as good looking and epic as I hoped for really. They seem quite petite and underwhelming as oppose to the standard ones we already have. 100k rep seems a bit much as well. Why not slot something in at the 50k or 75k mark as there is currently nothing there.

  7. Drew.


    I have never been able to get any answer regarding my question about PS4 players receiving the medallion compensation for ranking up in syndicates before 15.5 when rank up rewards were added?


    Official post:



    So are we getting these or is DE just gonna turn the other way and pretend nothing happened since it was not very well handled and some people are still waiting on them on the PC side?

  8. Thing is, with that math you are only looking at having a single mod equipped.

    If you have 7/8 slots filled, and want to max your damage, then going for channeling in that last slot gives you way more of a boost than buzz kill will.

    2.2x multiplier for all damage will destroy an extra 120% buff on slash after you take other mods into account


    Buzzkill + Jagged Edge + Rendering strike = 270% buff on slash damage = paint the room with bodyparts

  9. Some users have pointed out (via PM) that the difficulty is likely related to:


    1) Console Health does not scale with enemy difficulty/level like regular Defense (Defense T1 HP 5630, T4 HP 12830. Mobile Defense T1 2000 HP, T4 2000 HP)


    This has been brought up with the team and is may change to reflect the Defense scaling, if this occurs we'll let you know!



    Health should indeed scale with the enemies. Once the stalker appared during a T4MD and he one shotted the console with his slash dash. Not fun.

  10. Blame sony and Microsoft! Or get a pc.

    In any case you need to be patient


    I wonder why people always try and blame Sony or Microsoft. Their cert process is well know and a given factor since day one. DE have to submit a build for them to cert in the first place so all the "blame" is on DE.

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