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  1. Make eclipse a TAP/ HOLD ability with SNAPCHATTING, while RETAINING the DURATION & PERCENT based mechanics. Doing so will let the players decide whether to make use of the brightness or darkness bonus of eclipse and let them carry it to other areas regardless of light levels for the given ability duration. Snapchatting current light levels when the ability is used and let eclipse carry that percentage for its whole active duration. This way you only run one light level check at the start of ability cast, removing the need to run checks every time there is a change in environmental/ location light levels or when Mirage moves. This will also let you activate eclipse strategically, letting you carry the bonus for a selected area to another battlefield. Reverse the triggers for the bonus as well; Light will increase Mirage's defense, giving you increased survivability when eclipse is activated at bright areas or during intense, flashy, eye-blinding fights (Just like depicting the shining armor of a knight or crusader, or a defense increase buff of sorts from a cleric). Possible additional effect is when hall of mirrors is active and eclipse (light) is used, doppelgangers get a slight damage boost to help you out of a sticky situation (like what the Total Eclipse mods do). Darkness will increase Mirage's offense, activating eclipse at dark areas will give damage bonus (like how assassins gets damage buffs at dark areas). IF in the future Open World locations are fixed to work properly with eclipse, there would be an increase in the number of players scrambling to find caves, covers, or huts for the damage bonus. 🤣
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