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Posts posted by Donnell

  1. Question:  How will the new movement system deal with abilities that can not be cast in mid-air ? Will being attached to walls count as being grounded or still in the air? (Will Rhino stomp the wall? hehe) For the abilities that can be cast in the air, will their animation still have a standing position?



    Looking forward to the stream. :-)

  2. I hope the over-all speed will increase to match. If they plan to make things fluid, it has to be a faster.


    Not a fan of speed running but I presume using enemies as spring boards will make things nicer for them. More of a challenge at least.

  3. squeeee~


    Just hope this all doesnt involve mid-air slides to upset my little finger. Specially when i've played Warframe too much and I keep tapping control while sprinting in other games u__u

    Don't be shy with double tapping directional buttons. Like the good old days with Arena shooters (i miss you unreal tournament :'[ )

  4. *bump*

    Got this made yesterday and I see potential for this to be a great defence weapon but I can already see its weaknesses :-(


    I wonder if the Simular would be better if it popped out one larger vortex but with a charge time like bows. Sure the little ones can be detonated like grenades if in a pinch but melee is better in that situation eh?


    Not fussed if it causes minimal damage, I just wanted a weapon that offered crowd control to compliment warframes that lack it. Stronger range with staggers and pulls would be amazing (both in orb distance and affect range).

  5. Just a quickie..


    I was thinking it would be great if Kubrow interacted with other Kubrow: bit of sniffing, chase, barking at each other, a various other doggie stuff. (Maybe even have the Kubrow act agressive towards the feline version)

    If there is an /unstuck button for kubrow, perhaps have the kubrow walk up behind the tenno and get a little scratch behind the ear for returning. Returning from under the stair case :-)


    Since Kubrow armour is on its way, surely many tenno will think about taking their Kubrow out of stasis for a bit.


    As an extra idea; It would also be nice if they worked together.

    -Sahasa digs, another nearby helps out to give a bit more loot.

    -Sunika kubrow holds down while the other kubrow munches for extra finisher damage.


  6. I quite like him but I dont like the amount of teleporting he does. It would be cooler if he did a twisted style of parkour to get us to aim.

    Although he doesnt feel like such a threat which needs tenno to cluster together.... unlike that tactical alert which spawned lots of them.

  7. I personally find Phobos fun and challanging but not as punishing as Ceres. I feel like the enemy types work well together.


    The grineer put on a lot of slash damage if out in the open too long, rushing into crowds eventually gets you; Specially the eviscerators.

    Staying in cover too long allows the Hellions to fly upwards and shoot a volley of rockets, blasting you out.

    Drahk keep spawning if you don't keep moving and the masters disarm you if not careful.


    Super strong enemies with large HP pools is just frustrating. Infested is getting better as a challenge because they swamp you if you dont deal with them. Others just nuke you once out of cover. :(

  8. Heyuu~


    At the moment, dealing with hacking is a minor annoyance: locked doors and perhaps general stealth in spy misisons. This is also the only time we can tap into their security systems but surely we could upset -their- side of things.


    What if...

    -Tenno could download the ship/base map from their computer which could highlight storage rooms

    -Lock the doors to enemy barracks, slowing their reinforcements

    -Mislead alarm systems; send enemies towards a different part of the base.

    -Power down light systems or life support, causing panic


    An even bigger what if...

    a Deception mission would be done in two parts :

    1# Taking the lotus brief case to the enemy mainframe

    2# One player taking control of the whole base mainframe while the rest of the squad .. <does something else>

    Hackers UI becomes a large map and can see enemy squads patroling and other Tenno. Hacker then has to guide the rest by opening doors, lowering security if raised and watching over them till they reach the objective.

    (I guess the Lotus would have to do it on a Solo run)


    Come on chaps. Futuristic tec and no hacking stuffs? :-)



    pssssst... this might make the intruder mod useful and/or perhaps think about a technology themed warframe (if Lotus isnt already)

  9. *slight bump because I didnt want to start a new thread*


    Casting on yourself is overpowered but giving it to three other players is not? o_0


    So here's my suggestion: if you apply element buff on your teammates, you'll get the buff as well.

    If they ever do this, I hope they make targeting other players a bit easier.

    So far, I've never had others cast any of these mods on me. Camping on survival missions is when I cast it on my team but I dont know if they really appreciate it. :-(

  10. What I want..

    Lets add "electrified" status effect.


    Now have Overload give extra chain damage if enemies have electrified status.

    Since Shock has 100% status chance it goes pretty well with this "synergy".

    That way Shock will be more useful late game other than its stun and Overload won't be as mediocre.

    Sounds fun :-)

    What if the Electified effect gave the enemies the "shocking speed" treatment:


    For [x] number of seconds electrified enemies shock other enemies nearby.


    This way, even those who were out of the AoE during the time of casting, still get a bit of damage if they get closer.

    Imagine putting that status on then teaming up with a Nekros using the "Terror" skill. Headless chickens shocking each other. Fun times.

  11. Always felt survival should reverse the life support system :


    The enemy "choke you out" by setting up towers that suck out YOUR life support. Deactivating it will stop the decline of life support (or stealing enemies personal ones of course)


    Fixes the issue with newbies rushing to the glowy yellow thing and using it too soon.


    oh yes.. on topic. Why? because computer game. :-)

  12. I'm quite pleased that there is some team work going on personally. :-)


    It's a survival mode and teams have found a good way to survive. If they wanted fun, they would... I dunno anymore.. everything is a shopping list of nonsense these days..

    Survival needed an overhaul a long time ago. It should take a page from other games that do survival and make it floor-based instead of time. [kill everything on that floor, take an elevator up/down to the next to progress, take the teleport out to finish]

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