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Posts posted by Donnell

  1. I dont like when things like this get added just because equality issues. Keep such controversies out of games and just play :-(


    If you want lore: It's the future, Earth isnt cultivated for food and people are living in space. Food is rationed and technology has tailored the food to not be dripping in useless fat. So no fat people exist anymore.


  2. Title more or less says it; I think there are plenty of frames to work with now. After this dragon-frame, it might be nicer to move attention towards Augments and get people using "old" frames.


    Anyone else feel that the solar system is a bit stale with the 3 factions? It doesnt feel alive or really inhabited.

    All we ever see are ships and bases. What about civilians or residential areas? Cities of colonists who have been driven out from Earth by the Grineer. What of the native species of beasts on planets or perhaps pockets of space rats that snuck onboard the ships?


    I feel it would be a good time to add depth to what we already have, rather than add more toys to balance out.

  3. Also, as an interesting tactical point - using the shield means you can hit anything on another plane, or hit things outside the rift if you happen to be in one.

    Oooo I never tried that, thank you :-)   I usually grumble and leave limbos bubble of boredom to shoot things.


    Volt has always mattered. Voltists know how versatile they are and even if we have abilities to melt faces.. it is still rare to see others stay behind the shield and shoot. They always ignore it and fly off into battle.

  4. This looks like an idea for a quest or Tactial alert? Looks bad.. :-(


    If you're feeling over powered; go on missions with only a side arm and no sentinel.

    If you are bored, why not try PvP since that is getting love.

  5. I'm all up for augments but i dont want them to be in Mod form.


    Changing up the playstyles and having variation within the frames is good for team play. Allowing an offensive frame to have more crowd control is better than having to switch to a different frame, just to have crowd control.


    (Unless the Devs feel that this will upset their buisness model and see a fall in profit because people buy less frame slots? ;D )

  6. When they're new, they enjoy the gun play and parkour.

    Once they level up their warframe or see how much easier it is to nuke things with powers, they rush and get killed. THEN they visit the builds and 'meta' frames and weapons. This leads to them getting things they feel they need, not always what they think is fun.


    I've never really taught newbies what they should be doing. I just stay with them, be patient and dont steal their kills.

  7. I think they stressed that you wont want to Pug the raids and you should organize yourselves. Not only with gear loadouts but also connections and distractions. (Turn off downloads, close browser and such)


    Perhaps they'll give us an option to choose who hosts or the client suggests a Tenno with the better connection.

  8. I would like to see the Overload give a little something more; It's ok when helping revive but a little slack when trying to clear some space.


    Might even be useful to have the AoE effect give nearby Tenno the "shock trooper" buff : giving their weapons elemental damage/proc for several seconds.


    Highly approve of devs giving the speed boost some special effects. Goes perfectly with the "Shocking Speed" Augment <3

  9. Plat is great for unlocking inventory slots, fancy attachment and such. Other wise i would personally suggest working on building the things you want. (Maybe not prime weapons. They can be frustrating to look for)

    When you build a weapon and experiment with it, you learn more about your own playstyle. If you straight up buy weapons and dont like it, that's money loss. You never know when that dull looking shotgun you decided to test becomes pretty fun to play with.

    Research through the wiki before purchase but plat is generally worth it.

    NEVER buy Warframes and Weapons from the market, they are horribly overpriced and easier to just build if you don't mind waiting 12-24 hours or 3 days for a warframe.

    Also that. Hydroid & Mesa frame are considerate though! Getting them without plat is harsh.
  10. As fun as it was to make mega webs, the op screen shot shows -why- it was probably nerfed. However it has been nerfed to a point where it barely works for me now.

    Although it might not look visually hardcore like other abilities, i'm sure there is memory demand on each line drawn by tesla.

    +1 for rebuff but understand why it was a little too much to begin with.

  11. I'd like to see Tenno starting to question the Lotus.

    Is she really helping the tenno bring peace to the galaxy? Are the Arbiters right in saying Tenno are being held back?

    Maybe a large story arch where our loyalties are questioned and Lotus needs to indentify herself in order to show us the truth.

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