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  1. Agreed there, so many of the newer missions harm the idea of not killing as fast as possible
  2. Insert play a nuclear nuker and just wipe the enemies without caring about precision
  3. so if DE wants to reduce the power of CC, a idea could be have overguarded enemies reduce the strength of the CC by reducing it down a tier (in a sense) so stun >sleep(wakes up on damage) > Knockdown > stagger (now sorting this is up for debate but you get the idea)
  4. They changed the code to introduce this fix, thus change happened in the processing of "Fixing" which is the processing of changing something to work as desired
  5. would also enjoy modes that don't incentive Killing outright but more stuff akin to interception (Prevent enemies from capturing in any way you can) vs a mode like the netracell (You need to get enemies in this circle to than kill, where slowing CC harms you as a example)
  6. So I am curious, what would everyone think about damage abilities getting effected by overguard like how CC currently is but let CC bypass (At least that way it makes it so you have these hard targets that needs some attention rather than just the old "Pour more damage into it" we have now)
  7. The fun thing about Overguard, It was originally meant to make damage abilities have a harder time but instead has been made to nullify CC making the options of dealing with Overguard to just use a high damaging ability (Ironic, ain't it?) So we got CC that was already not the king or meta at that time just getting hampered & harmed EVEN MORE
  8. and CC gets ever weaker now, just Ever weaker..... Can we just make overguard effect ONLY damage abilities and do what it was originally for, rather than just sucker punching CC more often than Aiden Caldwell in Dying light 2?
  9. will say it depends on the setup Any ability heavy setup is generally uneffected (only your actual weapons are effected) ,but I would say adding a CD to banishing a player would be a good idea
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