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Posts posted by fustigator

  1. On survival alert missions, Lotus plays the message for 10 minute rewards and on, but no rewards are granted. This confuses many new players(like myself) and people spend 20 minutes in a survival alert by mistake. I'm tired of having to explain to the other players in an alert that Lotus is drunk again and not to listen to her. Either put tier-appropriate rewards in or have Lotus give a message along the lines of: "Tenno, look what our operative has found (show alert reward picture). We have what we came for. Get out of there."

    I started playing the game after the Cicero Crisis event. But Lotus told me to craft antitoxins to have a larger effect when I was playing through Earth sabotage missions. Intrigued, I bought patterns, built antitoxins, used them...and nothing happened. Either make Lotus stop saying that or put a reward in.

  2. Shocking touch is just awful. If raising its damage is too hard to balance because of stacking with Voltaic Strike and Focus Energy, then at least lower it to a 4 base cost mod like Deep Freeze. North Wind could use the same treatment.

  3. Answer to title: I think yes.

    We could use a nightmare mod for shotguns that has punch through and something else good on it, as an equal to Shred.

    While you're at it, DE, you could put an aura mod in to make shotguns more effective. If not a clone of rifle amp/deadeye then maybe +punch through, -damage falloff, or +damage that falls off with range.

    Maybe spawn powerfists in new mission types when you release them?

  4. I agree with the OP:

    "When I finally got it it was a huge letdown. It was extremely situational, No reliable damage unless you landed a direct hit. "

    I started playing the game after damage 2.0 and by studying the damage 2.0 tables I realized that native poison damage was very effective against Grineer(viral) and infested(gas or corrosive) and the only native poison damage main weapon in the game is the torid.

    It is extremely effective against slow-moving bosses as a shield suppression device. But the slow projectile speed makes it very hard to connect at more than point blank. Could the blob spread out a bit as it flies to make medium ranged shots more likely? I have seen suggestions for the Firestorm mod to increase the poison cloud size. That would be a welcome option.

    Or if the gun is working as intended, could we please get another poison primary weapon?

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