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Everything posted by galaknight

  1. Same. Having the issues with my revives keep resetting to 1.
  2. Guys, let them enjoy their vacation. It'll be this month, don't worry. We waited 10 years, we can wait a little longer to make sure it's perfect.
  3. Read the main thread buddy and then come back if you still have questions.
  4. Sucks that I'm actually losing prime vault and other purchased content on my Xbox cause I transfered to my Switch...
  5. Had to link all my accounts. For some reason couldn't merge my Xbox and PC. Which is sad cause I never did the copy only to the Switch. Means I'm actually going to be losing a lot of content and plat.
  6. Honestly I say... Do it. Bite the bullet. These are people who stuck with the game long enough to go through this. Treat it as an early adopted bonus. I'm not mad if they don't. So what if someone gets some extra plat. However much they get shows how much that person is dedicated... Right?
  7. I waited... I can wait more if I have to. The fact they are doing this before Christmas is amazing to me. This is why they are some of the best Devs out there.
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