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Everything posted by MechNexus

  1. In a gamemode where you can roll for free damage based on how many enemies are effected by a status near you, the chance to spread status effects on every kill, gradually increase damage as you sustain gunfire on a target, and double your crit damage, complaining that the gamemode is unplayable because you have to use "bad" weapons really sounds like a skill issue
  2. Your original post said that you "cannot play this game without umbra mods" - seems you've been playing it just fine if you "completed" it years ago. I don't think I can take anything you say in good faith if you're going to contradict yourself like this.
  3. Okay, what is the meta, and what's your source? Overframe is the main community resource I have to gauge what the meta is,* and if something's highly rated on their tier list then it's pretty clear a good population of people think it's strong, and to a lot of people "meta" has come to mean "the best gear", so it feels reasonable for me to infer that these weapons are meta to some degree. Obviously Overframe isn't representative of the whole community, it can't be, but it can give us a decent idea of where everything stands. If you've got a better source, i'd like to hear it. Also - as far as the rest of the weapons that community considers S-tier go, it's a good mix of crit, status, and hybrid builds, but from what I can tell a lot of the top rated builds, from new to old, at most use sacrificial steel on it's own with no forma - if they even use it. *disclaimer: I do not blindly follow it, just use it as a jumping off point to make my own way with things if i'm unsure where to go with a given warframe or weapon
  4. Honestly, I think it's okay for two frames to do a very similar job with similar performance if they play distinctly differently - Just gives you different options for completing the same task for different tastes. I also like that Saryn has an aggro dump and self heal (if you use the augment, I do) skill, which imo makes Saryn a lot more survivable for me as someone who mainly plays solo or with her boyfriend who mains (an honest) wukong. (I haven't played with Hydroid's new mechanics for his self heal augment, mind, should really do that but it looked underwhelming to me) and ngl I prefer Saryn's aesthetics personally, swashbuckling's cool but I wanna be beautiful
  5. Surely this guy can't be serious? Status builds are strong as hell - there's a reason why boss enemies can only have a handful of status effects applied at any given time compared to the average enemy. Edit: Just checked overframe - the top rated build for the top 2 melee weapons (nikana prime, kronen prime) do not use umbral mods, and the top rated build for the third favourite melee weapon (dual keres prime) uses just a maxed out sacrificial steel with no umbral forma. Additionally, that top Nikana Prime build uses weeping wounds.
  6. Just listen to the dialogue. You don't need to blitz through everything as fast as possible and have the new shiny before everyone else. Slow down, pay attention to what's going on around you, and chew your damn food.
  7. Thank you for your perspective, it's incredibly refreshing. Too often people just shout their demands and call the devs lazy when they can't be met, so yours showing technical knowledge and acknowledging limitations DE may be under is a breath of fresh air. I'm quite hesitant to see trading opened up more out of concern for too many people playing the game just to trade and causing problems (see: TF2 and counter-strike) but i'd be on board with your proposal.
  8. Yes, that's still setup. It's not like the old days where you'd just have a Banshee (or even mag) spamming 4 all day and doing nothing else, you always at minimum need some means of stripping defenses, and advanced units with overguard or guardian eximus providing additional shields, and even nullifiers make that a little trickier than in the old days. That little extra step is why the nuke abilities dodged the nerf hammer, and AoE weaponry (which I remind you, people were going AFK with) did not. The "forced playstyle change" was totally justified and won't be undone for reasons outlied in one of my previous posts: It was proving disruptive to other players and trivialising content that's supposed to be challenging and (as a result) engaging. It's kinda hard to make anything that challenges someone if they're allowed to just go AFK nuking everything with no resistance. Yes, you can bypass the nerfs with your build, but that's also intended and expected because imo short of ammo mutation, everything else has some kind of opportunity cost. Taking Carrier means no Smeeta Kavat for random buffs, Energized munitions means you don't get any other helminth skill (e.g Roar, Pillage, or Gloom) that may be more powerful, and Scavenger Aura means no corrosive projection, steel charge, growing power, etc. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, that's why the change is good because you now need to sacrifice something else to spam AoE weapons again, which can keep the power in check. To get off a way-too-long tangent: No, the nerf isn't getting undone and no, it wasn't a valid way to play. There's an old bit of game design wisdom that says if given opportunity, a player will optimise the fun out of the game - and I don't know about you, but brainoff borderline AFK strats aren't what most people would consider fun. If I wanted that i'd go play cookie clicker.
  9. "Not all nukes require setup" "Gyre can walk to the end unless it's heavy armour" Read that again and think about it for a moment. (aside: the "these weapons are useless now" was a sentiment expressed at the time the nerf went out - and unless i'm misinterpreting Kaiga's post, this very thread too)
  10. This is honestly just wrong. The reason the nerfs happened in the first place, and why the playstyle was deemed unacceptable, was because it was too effective for the effort put in and sucking all the air out of the room for any other playstyle, and was deemed disruptive because it was capable of dealing with high end content intended for full groups while being just barely active enough to not trip the AFK timer. It was getting so bad that people were allegedly treating warframe more like a gacha game because the required input was so minimal. Now, as for why nuke abilities and incarnons still exist/happen? Simple: They require user input. Incarnons require you to get headshots to charge the altfire, where all the AoE stuff is, and modern warframe ability design locks the really big nukes behind a lot of setup first - e.g, Saryn requiring spores to be spread and maintained, or Qorvex requiring rad procs to get stacked. The suggestion that AoE weapons as a whole are useless and a non-viable playstyle full stop? Utter hyperbolic nonsense on par with the "Blessing doesn't make you invincible anymore, Trinity is useless now" discourse back in the day. AoE weapons are still incredibly strong, you just have to be careful with your shots and actually manage your ammo rather than just exploding every individual enemy you see, or flailing wildly with no precision or strategy.
  11. I mean... Yes? This is what I was telling everyone when the nerf initially happened lmao The entire point of the change was to make you think about ammo economy as a tradeoff for how powerful the weapons were, with the above proposed being the alternative to actually aiming your shots at the cost of whatever else could go in that slot. Though really, the actual workaround to the ammo changes is to actually play the bloody game.
  12. Having seen TF2 develop from a war-themed hat simulator (joking) to a war themed hat simulator (real) over the years I can sympathise with DE's reluctance to add any kind of automated or offline trading. I'm happy to accept some clunk if it mitigates that kind of shift.
  13. I can see it being used on status builds with weapons with alright base crit chance to double dip on applying status.
  14. Hell to the no. I hate that Fortnite has normalised this pace of content releases because it takes a lot of manpower, crunch, or both to meet that demand. Take your time and chew your damn food or play something else in the meantime.
  15. I mean... Yes? That's not me going "lmao get outta here bozo", that's me saying "you're playing the game too much, of course it's gonna get boring when you steamroll through everything in an update in 3 days because you've got nothing else going on". I'm serious. Do something else. No single game can hold your attention like this, and Warframe isn't built for PVP (In my opinion they shouldnt have entertained the idea of PVP in the first place). Hell, the producer for Final Fantasy 14 has also said the exact same thing to people expressing similar sentiments of burnout and having nothing to do over in their game - He tells them to unsub and take a break, then come back when they feel refreshed. He doesn't want people playing 24/7. Take a break. You'll feel better for it.
  16. I'm not gonna sugar coat it: This is entirely a you problem. It's unreasonable to expect one single game to hold your attention forever, 24/7. It's not feasible development wise, meaning developers have to resort to time gating and phsychological tricks (bordering on unethical) to keep people coming back - the latter of which being what many modern live service titles rely on. The actual solution to this problem is to play something else. That's it. I've already seen you say that nothing interests you, but once again that's entirely a you problem. There's tons of games, big and small, coming out all the time for you to try. This year had a pretty packed release schedule with some absoloute bangers dropping constantly (hi-fi rush, armored core 6, bomb rush cyberfunk, Pseudoregalia, Dune: Spice Wars(' full release), Baldur's Gate 3, just to name a few) to keep you entertained when you've had your fill of Warframe. Hell, you don't even have to play something else, just DO something else. Watch a nice TV show. Read a book. Work out. Whatever it is, just have SOMETHING else going on. I've been playing this game on and off for 10 years and I keep coming back whenever there's something new or if I get the itch, because I pace myself and do other things. The average person can't eat the same meal day in day out and still love it by the end.
  17. negligent discharge is actually considered harmless banter in Tenno culture. Friendly fire is also an alternative greeting to repeatedly crouching on the spot.
  18. Borrowed observation from the Warframe subreddit: "Mara" is also (to over-simplify) the rough equivalent of Demon in Buddhism, so "Mara Lohk" probably translates to void-demon or something.
  19. The choice to start with founders is honestly less likely to be about special treatment and more about "These are a group of users we can easily identify as having been around for a long time and have been through several changes to the game's logic, and also spent at least some money on the game so the handling of purchases can be tested in live as well. If it works well for these users, it's very likely to work fine for everyone else as we expand the scope of the rollout". It's really as simple as that.
  20. Did you read my post? It has been tested - in a private environment. The problem is, a private test environment is a whole different beast to the live environment with millions of people. You can create a pocket universe and test in that private environment for millenia, but when you send it to live something will go wrong. That's the point of the slow rollout - to find the issues and squash them in a calm and controlled manner, so only a handful of (easily trackable) users have to be compensated rather than thousands, or even millions of (extremely hard to track) users swamping your support at once and gumming up any efforts to narrow down and fix the bugs.
  21. There's a hell of a difference between a closed testing environment and a live environment. There's things that simply don't crop up in a testing environment, and weird edge cases from simple human error or less-than-ideal networking conditions which can make something behave in entirely unexpected ways. What's going on with cross save is entirely normal as far as software development goes, and DE are right to take it slowly to make sure nothing goes wrong, seeing as we're dealing with inventories that have had potentially hundreds of dollars sunk into them, and god knows how many hours of play. Rushing this out the door right before christmas would have been an incredibly reckless move.
  22. It's also worth remembering that this is the start of a new story arc, so we're not getting the full picture yet - what we have at the moment is Loid's bitterness, melancholy, and lashing out over having to depart with someone he loved dearly only for it to be in vain, and there's more to come as the arc progresses. Will Loid see Albrecht again? How will either of them react to eachother? What would they have to say? There's a lot of room for this to go somewhere great, you're just looking past it out of... impatience? poor media literacy? bigotry? Whatever it is, I suggest you let DE cook and reflect on yourself in the meantime. As for the ending -
  23. Feels fine to me with an umbral setup that doesn't even have the mods maxed out. Just recast his 2 regularly and you'll be fine - you can recast as soon as the attack resolves and any damage that dips into your health can be used to sustain it's use if you have Rage/Hunter Adrenaline on. And besides, recasting it often will keep your combo count up, and the crit chance buff from his 1 is additive so anything giving you grief is sent to the shadow realm with little hassle.
  24. This feels like a gross misunderstanding of A) The situation Warframe is currently in, B) The situation FF14 was in, and C) What it would actually take to pull what they did. Here's the thing - Warframe is a jumbled mess with rough patches, abandoned experiments, and multiple missteps. It's rough, but here's the important part - it's still fun. It's still an enjoyable game, it's core gameplay loop still works, and there's a lot of high-difficulty challenges for players to go after (The only reason it feels like there isn't is because people squeezed everything out of them as soon as they could, or cheesed it until the difficulty was gone). Now, FF14, when it first dropped? It was none of these things. It wasn't just rough. It wasn't simply inaccessible, clunky, or awkward. It was legitimately a terrible game, from top to bottom. The combat was slow and awful, it was grindy as all hell because they just copied what they did in FF11 without taking on anything others in the genre learned since, it ran horribly because of miscommunication and poor planning (a single, random flowerpot in one of the towns had a higher polycount than a player character.), and it was rushed out the door to beat the upcoming WoW expansion's release date. People like to freak out and call a game bad over the tiniest things these days, which makes it easy to forget that FF14 was legitimately an awful game. When someone asked for legacy servers, the devteam's reaction was essentially recoil-ing in horror. Nobody wants those days back, and the morbidly curious use a private server. Seriously, the issues in New World are small time compared to what 1.0 had. What Naoki Yoshida did to turn the game around was essentially a hail mary, and the result was nothing short of miraculous - Square Enix was in dire financial straits at the time, and they were losing money on FF14 no matter what - sure, Yoshida could have picked up the reins and did damage control, but he was given chance to completely remake the game into what we see today, and it paid off massively for them. Could DE do the same for Warframe? Sure, in theory. Should they? No. The reality is that it wouldnt be worth the risk. They could spend a lot of development time shaking up the game's structure, but this has the serious risk of upsetting existing fans and not being worth the development time (and remember, time is money) - Whereas in the same amount of time, they could be making new content that brings more people into the game, brings existing people back, and gets people buying platinum on new content. Everyone loves to say "they should take time out of making new stuff to fix the game" but every time i've seen it actually done (R6 Siege's operation health springs to mind) the community has immediately thrown it back in their face. A lot of people clowned on Steve for constantly adding new shinies but i've seen how people act when the drip feed of content slows. tl;dr Warframe's current state does not warrant a FF14 level overhaul and as a result would be too much risk for questionable benefit.
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