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Posts posted by Stoner

  1. 6 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    We complain a lot about DE not running events. Then when they do, its not good enough. Its cosmetic, if you don't wanna do the grind don't do it, you don't need the beachball in your orbiter.


    The event is ok, the stupid amount of time required to get stuff isn't.

    • Like 4
  2. The worst frame in the game is Limbo. Wukong is literally immortal, you can do any kind of sorties with him, any level and don't give a damn about your survival. But you're right, all others abilities are kinda meh, maybe some tweaks to make me use others. Change 4 to make it more fluid, buff speed on 3 and 1... well I don't think it can be saved lol

  3. On 2019-04-06 at 3:22 PM, Xaxma said:

    In theory, it would be a good mod if cast times for certain abilities would directly translate into big gains or huge damage, thereby directly translating into damage or gain boosts effectively

    So you're saying if a mod doesnt give you more damage its useless? Please...

  4. Not so much a challenge and more like a chore... Use forma 3 times? Ok well what if have been playing this game for 5 years and forma'd everything that there is? Is the game literally asking me to waste formas to complete a challenge? Yea no, that and the gild one, they're terrible.

    • Like 1
  5. You know those 30 min long survival / 30 waves defense, gift of the lotus alerts? I think they're extremely boring.. Yes I know its probably more challenging for newer players. But I am sure MR12+ players can do it very easily. Main problem is shooting stuff that dies in one shot for 30 or more minutes. It's not fun. No challenge.

    I'm suggesting playing with the enemies a bit. Like spawn only a type of enemy for the entire mission. Broodmother only survival? That'd be way more fun. Broodmother only but the mobs they spawn are invuleranble until mother dies.. lol. Behemoth only? Behemoths everywhere... but no LS. Hell, even a Nullifier only defense would be better than just a regular 30 wave mission. Make them more interesting.

    OH yea and btw we have no idea that it's a 30 min / wave mission until we enter said mission. That's annoying too. Maybe give more info about it in the alert screen.

    Thats is also good job on Nightwave DE its really nice to have actual challenges now


  6. Phase 2 takes me ~2 min, I've been running this mission for the past 2 days and nothing. There must be a mistake in the drop tables, hell I have more repeller systems than Atmo which are supposed to be much rarer. This aint fun DE.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Also, blame those people who turned gay and trap into spammable memes. They're the reason why those words are banned, and the more heinous things are not.

    Well here you go. So we can all agree the ban list is dumb and based off old memes. I shouldnt suffer for what people did in the past, nor should anyone using these words in a normal conversation.

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