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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. Most of the content you actually want is already there, it just needs a revamp/rework in order to feel attractive again.

    i think for the next 2-3 years we will be getting something like 1 major content update, 1 cinematic quest, 1-2 small quests and alot of QoL changes, fixes and rework/revamps of existing but non interesting system.

    IMHO with 50-60% of the effort going to revamp older content.

    in the past year and half we experienced what veterans might call content drought but also the Game got an exceptional level of polish and fixes. New tilesets, new textures, new lightning and particle system, multiple frames reworks and a full primary and secondary weapons balance pass. along with cosmetics new frames etc

  2. 32 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Not counting gas city rework, they could expand the kuva fortress as well as use it more often.

    Sure, i know that. At some point we will have one tileset for each planet. But imho still wont be enough if in the end we just get the same 2-3 maps per planet again and again.

    just a copule more tiles per planet will increase by many times the possible combinations making maps and missions a bit less repetitive 

  3. i play the game from five years, ive seen it grow and improve.

    And i think the very basic of the mission system with procedurally generated mission needs some change now. The best part of it is that every map didnt look exactly the same, so every mission had its own little twist.

    Now some amazing tile sets were added, but i remember alot of single tiles that were removed because just didnt fit well enough. in fact as now is like playing on the same exact same 2-3 maps per planet (with a few planets picking from the same tile set). I can literally tell in few seconds what mix of tiles has been loaded and how those tiles are going to connect, where the extraction will be etc...
    IMHO since missions on procedurally generated maps will always play a big part in the game, and new tiles are really needed to avoid the feeling of playing on the same exact map again and again. So far tiles have just been subtracted from the pool of existing sets (or scripted so they appear just always in very same only spot they fit good)

  4. They are realeasing very edgy mods to limit the complains about the system but handling out something that is "primed" and shiny.

    Honestly the only good ones were primed fury and shred. With fury being a downgrade from the more accessible berserker for a good % of the melees in game. And shred being just 'kay.

    i hope they are saving primed charged chamber for login 1000 so they can prime another very edgy mod that serves the double purpose of settling a bit the complains on primed chamber releasing an even better version (that just requires 1 forma) but that is not even close to mandatory.

    Hopefully the system will become slightly better with the path mechanic that will always allow you to reach the stuff you really want in areasonable time frame

  5. 11 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    Thats not my point: The term "MR fodder" is the give away here. Its not about playstyles or preference. That's a different topic all together, one which isn't exactly debatable.

    well aside from playstyle and personal preference there are just staight upgrades for it.
    A very common one is the Lenz much bigger damage and better scaling if used with hunter's munitions (but thats not needed, it can kill lvl 100s with a simple corrosive build)
    Yes the lenz has its downsides but still the comparison stands pretty well and the lenz wins since its easier to get, easier to mod, has higher damage potential and doesnt need a riven to truly shine.

    and IMHO if a weapon has a such close and strict upgrade it MIGHT be called a MR fodder since there is no reason to build it over Lenz if not for personal likings or MR.
    I think its all about what definition you give of MR fodder. If you think that mastery fodder must be garbage weapons, then no its not garbage so its not mastery fodder.
    To me everything that has a similiar but overall better option in the game is a MR fodder. like most not primed weapons, frames etc. Even being those perfectly viable game options. Because then the only reasons to build that thing are MR, personal liking, better availability

  6. 2 hours ago, Suncake said:

    You shouldn't have upgraded your clan tier because halls don't requite that. Now you should downgrade if you don't want to pay times extra for research and decorations. The game may ask you to remove barracks, but that's all.

    Thats what i wanted to hear. Not that we actually have any troubles paying higher research costs but its still a waste. And really dont want to wait and see the next hema to act accordingly. 

    Also my friend did that, probably he just believed someone else in that and upgraded the clan. I just decorate the rooms and know little about actual dojo stuff 

  7. 2 hours ago, novalery said:

    Now thats interesting.. did they change the system? Do we have to upgrade the clan tier to get a bigger main hall now? I was under the impression that the only requirement to build a bigger hall is that you need build the smaller hall... or do i missunderstood what you ment by clan tier. I own a dojo solo and i assume i already had all the rooms build except for barrack

    the way i remember it as long as the capacity requirement wont go down below zero and the hall that you’re gonna destroy doesn’t connected to another room, then dstroying that hall wont change anything. This is also true for energy. if you want to destroy the reactor room you have to make sure that the energy requirement wont go below zero

    Not sure tho. My friend did it in a time when i wasnt playing. 

    He said he did that in order to build the bigger halls but not sure at all.

    honestly i just care that downgrading doesnt destroy those 🙂

  8. Long story short a friend and i have a clan togerher. We are the only 2 active members and dont plan growing to more than 10.

    we upgraded the clan tier a copule of times, mainly because we wanted a bigger main hall.

    if we downsize it now do we lose anything other than the barracks? I dont want to lose the main hall ive spent like 20hrs and countless resources on. but kinda want to be prepared for the “next hema” at the same time.

    is this possible?

  9. 3 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    Because the community will call anything that can't kill lvl100+ enemies instantly, MR fodder.

    Why? Because they love aggressively efficient grinding more than they like fun.


    The point is that there are much better options to deal with both trash mobs and absurdly high armored targats. Simple as that.

    self damage is just the cherry in top.

    i have a 7-8 forma ogris, loved it but now there is stuff i enjoy more because it performs strictly better.

    still love the rocket launcher concept and can accept the self damage downside. But i cant accept to slow myself down for embracing a single weapon playstile.

    sure it can still perform ok, no body denies that 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Riddle78 said:

    The Ogris can do something precious few other weapons can; Strip the armour from a very large number of enemies with a single shot. While inflicting serious damage. It charges fast,and thus fires fast,and the rockets fly fast. You can dump an entire cylinder pretty fast,and all five will proc either Blast or Corrosive,either one very useful to you against powerful armoured enemies; One makes them easier to kill. The other keeps them from doing literally anything for five seconds.

    Pack a Carrier with Ammo Pack,and ammo will never be a concern.

    Your argument about the "One rocket" being insufficient is a poor one. One shot can cause a Corrosive proc on literally dozens of enemies.

    but the point still stands, there are better tools for the job.  to profit from Ogris mechanic you must gather quite some enemies first, secondo you need to build it to strip the armor (and it takes atleast a couple of shots to lower the armor enough to kill them with a third shot eventually)

    Basically it one-two shots trash mobs in group but it its clunky at that, and there is always the self damage downside that can kill you in multiple occasions not depending on you. You can do better with many other weapons just using punch through mods and positioning yourself accordingly.
    And against the big guys if are heavily armoured or just too high level it starts to show its weakness not even killing them in one shot.

    Tonkor was good because the no self damage, so you could spam grenades mindlessly AND also because it was dealing ludicrous amounts of damage. I used Ogris, Penta and Tonkor for alot of time each, and even with the recent buffs, rivens etc none of the other 2 will ever be as good as pre-nerf Tonkor. not even close

  11. 6 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    The issue with that is, that Virtuos Strike is weaker than Virtuos Fury if used with the Shraksun Scaffold.
    it's better to use 2-2-3 with Virtuos Fury. Both, the Scaffold and the Prism activate the Virtuos everytime they hit something.

    In the end the prism doesn't even matter that much. The Shraksun Scaffold is the main source of damage. The Prism is just there to take down some Vomalyst or to burn Void Strikes from Madurai Focus.
    And if you use your Prism that way, than the Granmus is just the worst.

    Thats a nice point of view. Aldo i already have a maxed fury for it

    -not that i bother maxing another arcane 

  12. 6 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    I like 313 for general combat and 213 for Eidolons. I just don't feel comfortable with the short range of the 2nd scaffold, i tend to play either Trin or Harrow so i generally stay a bit farther away to make Lures avoid fire until they are needed


    5 hours ago, Nijuroku said:

    Tier 2 scaffold has better crit chance. Easily takes down Eidolon shields with maxed void strike. 

    Tier 2 scaffold is my go to choice

    and def not using T1 scaffold since its the one i use now and its far worse than my shwaak prism.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Nijuroku said:

    All I can say is 3-2-3. Max rank and then guild and lvl up again to gain mastery. 323 is good for crits. Takes down shields pretty fast. Paired with Max ranked Virtuos Strike and you can tear down shields pretty fast even without Volt's shields. 



    I dont care much about mr, but of course will guild it. 

    In short my question is if its better 223 or 323. Of course 323 would go with virtuos strike, shaak goes with fury instead.

    i know for a fact that with volt shields critical amps are just better. But dont know without.

    and since its a pretty long farmi to make an amp i really felt the need to ask 

  14. Currently i only built a 212 amp and doing great with it, i love the shwaak prism and doing pretty fine with it. 
    BUT since i never use the Pencha fire mode and never benefit from the juttini brace i am thinking of building another one since it happens that i have enough resources for it.

    Im definitely sold on Shraksun scaffold and Lohrin brace. because the second is probably the best scaffold and should work well with madurai (few big charged hits)  and the lohrin brace just adds up some critical that is simply better than the other 2 if you never benefit from those bonuses.

    but i really cant tell if granmu is better than shwaak, even with the critical brace and eventually critical arcane. Must be said that i never use volt myself and its pretty rare to find a volt that puts up shields in a comfortable position for someone that is not himself. Is it worth goin full critical AMP or i should stick with the shwaak prism since i really do like it?

    Please help me clear up my mind. Thanks!

  15. I spent some Thousand plats on a tonkor riven, then the disposition has been changed and then the weapon has been nerfed to the ground. Never complained once 

    Since then i invesed quite some plats on rivens, just more wisely.

    i bought rivens with stat combinations that would still work in case of a disposition nerf, and i never bought top tier rivens for already strong and popular disposition. I bough only above average rivens that do their job fine enough and don require to invest 3k more platinum for 2k more dps.


    if other disposition changes will happen, it will be for the best balancing of the game and its economy aswell 

  16. 3 minutes ago, Hannah-Eliz said:

    I dont know about that... My friend that I introduced to the game a while back can already do solo Eidolon with a no Forma Trinity 😕

    you know what i meant, its not about formas. its about advertising that is okay to go in there  with a crappy build even without the right aura because its okay since you heal.

    Its not okay- again- because you waste everybodys time if you go with a team. if you go solo? use loki or whatever you want.

  17. you dont need rivens to do damage, thats another false advertising. 
    So since you can do less damage than someone better doing zero and spamming USELESS blessings?

    Im not angry, just Eng is not my language so i just care about being comprehensible and not about hurting your feelings when writing.

    i go with randoms all the time, and there is people not even shooting the shields because "i heal" or "i buff", not having a riven IS NOT an excuse to do nothing. To me going with such a trinity build is like doing a hunt with Titania, its the same help to the team

  18. bro do you even forma?

    seriously since players need to have complete the questline to do eidolon hunts, i dont think advertising a beginner friendly build with no formas is good.
    Easily 100h of gameplay are needed in order to do eidolon hunts, and players doing hunts should have forma on their stuff. mainly on the weapon but also on the warframe.

    Second the build is just bad, spamming blessing is not needed. i do alot of hunts with randoms and 90% of the time there are 2 people doing like 5% or less of damage.
    Thats bad, everybody should shoot and help with damage. And when i ask they just say "i heal" or "i buff with rhino" or " i put shields with volt"
    Dont, just dont do that kind of bad advertising. like going there and pressing a single button the whole time is okay. ITS NOT, doing so you are just waisting 3 other peoples time, and yours aswell.

    Also i use trinity for hunts with randoms and i never lost a lure. but i almost always end up with 40 to 60% of damage dealt, thats because of people that think going hunting to be carried is ok.

  19. channeling right now is overall bad, and builds relying on life strike are already bad right now. 
    If lifestriked is removed or reworked in a completely new shape maybe it will just be the final push needed to base builds on something different.
    Maybe one of the better options already available now.

    if you think your excal, chroma or whatever cant stand enemies without it think twice because you are wrong. i cant be happier to see the channeling mechanic to be heavily reworked or even better stripped for something else.
    also i think melee aint in a bad spot right now, so any improvement is welcome. I see melee as the only system that works fine for it purpose and also the only weapon system that offers actual build variety. think of primaries or secondary... you have many more mods to pick from but you end up picking among the usal 20ish always doing the same crit/status/hybrid builds over and over.
    i think i have very few melee that have the exact same 8 mods on

  20. I really hope maiming strike will be reworked into something different but still powerful, and really cant tell why the interaction with blood rush is still a thing (even if it wouldnt adress cleaning entire rooms in one slide since the 90% critchance alone is enough for starchart content)

    i hate maiming strike, since it forces you to do that single trick to have your weapon at full power. i dont use it anyways, i usually go for condition overload (or just none of the 2) since it fits more my playstyle and i dont find just plain broken because it needs multiple hits on a single enemy to really shine.

    i think melee rework wont be so big as many think it will be, because melee its not in a bad spot right now. it just needs better stances, animations and an overall minor tweak of stats. and of course a change of the mods like maiming strike that just dont make sense. curently i also like the combo multiplier as it is now, but i dont see a bad thing using it only to feed and unleash powerful havy attacks - if those attacks are aoe  and hit strong enough.

  21. 12 hours ago, LeNinja_RyKo said:

    I think Nova could use a Molecular Prime change that would allow you to change between Fast/Slow like Ivaras quiver. Changing builds for Speed/Slow doesnt seem to make much sense when you can just flip the power strength for - to + ...anyne agree? or would this be too "OP" ?

    that can already be achieved with energy conversion. altering power strenght on the go by picking up orbs if in need to slow.
    As already stated right up here speed nova doesnt even need to exist, it was a bug kept because many players liked it. revisiting the power to better include this "feature" would make many people angry because of trolls.

  22. i actually never tested since my second set isnt full.

    some arcane stack some other just refresh the duration so you need somebody to test it out.
    honestly even if it was stackable i would prefer any other arcane, like arcane strike for melee frame purpose.

    Because +120% damage on top of a primed pressure points is good, the second +120% (if its the case that stacks) wouldnt be as good as an arcane strike dps wise.
    If i was you i wouldnt even bother figuring it out 🙂


  23. the only thing i know is that i encounter this kind of bugs when i play on my crappy laptop at a rate of like 150x compared to when i play on my average gaming desktop.

    when i play on my decent gaming rig the bug occurence is totally acceptable. wouldnt even dare saying that warframe is a buggy game

  24. 14 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Maybe they didnt make it available again because there are other color pallets with those same color tones available and it makes no sense making repeated color pallets.

    but anyways this was for free. and free stuff like this very limited color palette would be good for free to play people.
    i already own it aswell, but i think it would be nice to everybody to have it reintroduced

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