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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. Weapons require easily an average of 5 formas. But you arent supposed to have all weapons with formas on. just the ones you like /need to play.

    that is hardly a Grand total of 40 weapons, probably less. Split between primary, secondary and melee.

    just build a forma everyday and in a year you will be more than ok.

    also if you want built formas, just go farm anything worth 30 plats and sell it. now you basicaly have farmed 3 built formas.

    forma bp are intended as a credit and rare resource sink in the long term, wont see that changed soon.

  2. There are existing corrupted mods that need a second look at, i dont see a point in releasing new ones when a good chunk of old ones are completely useless (unless you believe those are good in certain build because you dont know basic math)


    also its not good that corrupted mods cover a larger spectrum of positives/negatives because that way you will be always finding a couple of corrupted mods that fit without drawback  or even having an actual double positive 

  3. the fissure system screwed up pretty much all the game. 
    The only 2 positive thing brought by relics are that is much easier to get the specific parts that we want when grinding the newly released primes and that now players are kinda forced to play some missions in starchart in order to get the new relics.

    downsides are:
    -hard to repurpose endless missions without screwing up (because its still easy to cheese those missions)
    -introduction of a bazilion different relics, i remember some but overall is just a confusing mess
    -stupidly hard to find groups for vaulted relics anyways
    -rare primes drop in value really quickly, market is constantly fluctuating making usually worthless farming extras after 2 weeks of release
    -hard to find any drive for upgrading gear, because you actually dont even need anymore to do 20 waves void defense or 20 min survival to get rare stuff.
    -no point whatsoever on minmaxing your stuff to achieve your goals in the game, you can blaze through the whole content of the game with a rank 6 serration and a bunch of elemental mods without even caring on how damage systems and armor scaling work
    - no drive for vet players to play the game for more than 1 hour per day

  4. i dont see any actual content drought, 
    in few months they released poe (and recently new eidolons to fight in there), new weapons, new deluxe skins, a bunch of tennogen, an impressive amount of bug fixes, new primes and a triple old primes unvaulting, a balance pass on 100+ weapons that for some of them literally counts as new weapons to work on.

    And yes, the actual playable content is not impressive IF you burnt out in poe and finished it in 2 weeks, IF you already had all the arcanes and maxed out your focus, IF you already had the unvaulted primes and dont even bother making few easy plats with them, IF you are a veteran player that can farm the new primes in a couple of days and dont mind farming more for few easy plats.

    And yes the content released in latest month was still less than other times, but there is plenty to do. And along this they had to fix alot of things, because every new release needs that.

    If your goal is playing 10H/day for years there are other games for you. but on warframe even in the "content drought" times you can easily play 2 hours everyday doing something valuable:
    - do sorties. average 20min
    - do a single idolon run with randoms. average 20 min
    - do some resource missions (kuva, nitain etc) another 20-30 min
    - play some fissures for new or old primes
    - level up something, put formas on stuff

    Doing this every day for 2 hours will get you endo and credits when you need those, ducats for baro, the primes you are missing, some spare primes to sell for ducats or plats depending on your needs, supercharged gear for every content in the game. If this sounds too little maybe you have already spent 2k+ hours on warframe and you should definitely take a break and play something else.

  5. you should play the sorties for some decent xp (focus), credits, a reliable source of endo and eventually good rewards.

    if you play sorties just when are fast enough that you cant complain about the reward (lets say 3-4 times per week) you will never find yourself farming for credits or endo. will never run out of exilus and potatoes. And will get an average of 1 riven per week that is kinda ok.
    Also boosters are pretty ok for non-prime access players. Affinity helps with focus and lvl weapons and resource is kinda needed for kuva and wisp farming

    I think sortie rewards are kinda fine in the spot they are now. Still a waste of time for players that stockpiled a bazilion endo and have unlimited credits, but its good enough to do them on a daily base for everyone else.
    -and those are the rewards i expect since the missions are easy. and until there arent changes in the game even a greater "difficulty" can be easily exploited with a recruited team still making any mission easy.

  6. 5 hours ago, (XB1)SupremeMorpheus said:

    20% every time you're damaged. With a duration of 20 seconds. As someone who uses aegis, which has a 6% chance, I can safely say that 20% is guaranteed constant armor

    That being said, I think guardian is fine where it is. As it stands, a lot of arcanes are quite powerful, especially in certain builds (such as aegis with fast deflection). They're also locked behind the hardest bosses in the game currently, and were previously locked behind raids. So yeah, I think they should be powerful

    my point is still valid. 20% is a good chance, but its reliable only when enemies cant already kill you in 2-3 shots. So its "useful" and reliable only when stuff is already easy.
    When enemies start taking you down in 1-3 shots the chance of it realiably proccing drops (because you have just a couple chances before you are dead) and even IF it procs it wont be that much of a help because you will still go down pretty easily against those enemnies.

    So imho, not overtuned. just made actually useful in low-mid tier missions where added survivability is unnecessary. Its still a plus, but i think its in a sweet spot right now: good enough to be considered but not even close to be mandatory even on frames that can take the most advantage out of it.

    So far the only 2 frames i actually felt it was really worth the slot is my inaros that with a full set of guardian and grace is really badass tank even at sortie level content. The second one being trinity, its good on her too.

  7. 9 minutes ago, B0TN01 said:

    So, since the Dera Vandal is pinpoint accurate, I decided I want Heavy Caliber on it.

    My Heavy Caliber has -40% accuracy, so my Dera wich has 100.0 accuracy should have 60, right?

    WRONG!!! It has 9.4!

    Can someone explain how that works (or if this is a bug, pls fix [DE])


    Its because the weapon fires bullets that have travel time, so the accuracy is reduced in a nonlinear way.
    Hitscan weapons on the other side are definitely less affected, you can notice a bullet spread only when the weapon has multishot and some recoil and even then is not a big loss in accuracy.

    So id say hitscan weapons are affected in a linear way effectively feeling reduced accuracy in the % listed on HC, plus taking into account recoil and firerate.
    Weapons firing bullets with travel time are affected in a nonlinear way depending on flight speed plus recoil and firerate.

    I dont think using a flight speed mod will actually change the listed accuracy in the stats but will def improve your actual spread.

  8. 20 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

    you most certainly are right, just did some warframe builder theory crafting and managed just over 10k using everything you mentioned here. (plus a hellfire mod)

    i assume you used heavy caliber because deth machine normally has 100 accuracy, and HC reduces it significantly. but you could probably replace heavy caliber with speed trigger, dethcube will burn through ammo quicker but all the shots will hit due to the perfect accuracy

    i tested with both hevy caliber and without

    certainly heavy caliber doesnt help, it increases significantly the damage per bullet but adds spread. So more damage per bullet but you lose some bullets. i kinda breaks even with or without.
    Without the accuracy of the weapon is perfect, sadly the accuracy of deathcube is not. and it wastes alot of ammos on enemies running horizontally,  basically any enemy not standing still or rushing to you.

    Again, the vulklok being a sniper designed for shotting once every mission, if modded correctly is a weapon that kills more than dethrifle. even with a non minmaxed build can kill a low level enemy every 3ish seconds.

    Both weapons still not very good on sentinels with low range precepts (can fix that but with a serious loss on damage) and both perform much worse than a well modded kubrow or kavat (that doesnt require a riven to shine, exept for some missions/tiles where their AI literally shuts down)

  9. 2 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

    i dunno, with its max riven disposition and a perfect mod roll (+dmg +multi +firerate -status) with good numbers, you could get pretty close to 10,000 dps. the problem comes from @JohnKable stating they didnt get super high firerate

    i wont lose time retrieving my build with WF builder. But had only vile acceleration and the riven had 320ish dmg and 180ish multishot. Primed  cryo rounds and fanged fusilade

    it had 10k ish burst dps and not taking into account fired up mod. not a crazy fire rate with triple firerate mod like i see sometimes, only vile acceleration. Anyways pointless math because it still missed a very relevant amount of bullets firing at moving targets.
    It didnt kill even close to as much as i expected even in lower levels, thats the whole point, not discussing how much a dethrifle can actually do. with a better riven numbers can be even bigger, but still pointless when you miss alot.
    But trust me the 10ish k dps were confirmed by ingame stats aswell.

    The only sentinel wep killing reliably is the vulklok, but has a so terrible firerate that in best case scenario kills an enemy every 2 second, but only in low levels. can barely scratch lvl 50+ armored targets. (but still better than a 8 forma+riven deathrifle


  10. 16 minutes ago, shadow0727 said:

    try the vulklok with a high crit riven and 6 forma before you say all sentinal weapons suck

    Got it with i think 7 forma and a riven. It kills stuff sometimes.

    but the fire rate is so bad even modding for it that is just not relevant.

    oh wow killing some low level enemy every 3 secs in a horde game 

    any cat and kubrow kills more effectively and faster and they also suk bad

    Just checked, not godly riven for it. it deals less than 15k damage every 2.something seconds.
    I think it stops killing at level 35ish unless going agains infested. lets say you only use it for very low level content it kills ONE enemy every 2.5 secs. Assuming it never misses (it does sometimes but def better than other sent weapons)

  11. I had a freaking good riven for its weapon. Really something really close to the best roll stats for a pure damage mod.

    theorical over 10k damage per second, reliable and no gimmick like triple fire rate mod so he didnt spend half the time recharging.

    with that much damage it should clear low level missions alone. But missed like 60% of the shots. And with that and bad aiming and targeting AI it was just useless.

    Non as many misses as wyrm prime weapon but close.

    The result on any sentinel weapon minmaxed is always bad damage and unreliable status.

    thats why latey im appreciating artax. The almost irrelevant effect at least is reliable

  12. basically any source that can be modded for both crits and radiation.

    people prefer single shot weapons because a landed and will timed shot can insta break a limb saving time to the whole squad. Doesnt mean that automatic weapons are bad, those are good aswell but in a good team a sniper can oneshot the limb saving 3 to 10 seconds for each one.

    in a random team the timing is almost the same for sniper and other weapons.

  13. Want a riven with 3 positive stats and any non crippling negative:

    -critical chance as mandatory stat

    -then any combination between DMG, CD, MS or electricity.

    Ad negatives zoom, recoil, flight speed, status chance/duration, faction damage is fine

    PM me on the forums or add me as friend in game. Its really appreciated if you have a price range in mind or other offers 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Echoes said:

    But yeah.. All of the above doesn't fix the problem. There should be an option to dismantle (destill?) the arcanes.

    Definitely, when it launched it was not celar at all. And i didnt make mistakes just because i read of people that did so.

    also i have a few old distillers sitting in my inventory that cant be used for that and i would definitely trade to people in need (if they had a use)

  15. it still has an acceptable mag considering its fire rate and reaload time. and the 4 meter is quita a buff. not enough to feel it without being able to make a direct comparison but still a good one.

    i think more and more tweaks are coming for beam guns, the ramp up change is also a great improvement. times better than before. 
    Still cant figure out the reason for the ramp up, since even without it beamguns wouldnt be overpowered but i guess it makes sense somehow.

  16. 8 hours ago, Jim22 said:

    um i dont know if this is a bug but they no longer arc from dead bodys like they used to because when you shot a dead body it would arc. 

    While atomos always did arc from dead bodies, amprex never did. Not consistently atleast and usually only during dying animation.

    also we dont know if it was an intended feature or not

  17. 42 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    Adarza crit buff was more "balanced" and more in line with DE's intended pace for Eidolon fights. Void Strike straights up allows you to one-shot the shield and the synovias using any frame/amp (as long as it has Shraksun anyways).

    And don't get me wrong, I don't want either of those nerfed for the same reason. Eidolons are really buggy at the moment.

    Being more balanced doesnt mean it was intended. Also void strike without kavat buff loses alot of its potential so i think in some way the kavat change evened quite a bit the huge gap between T3 scaffold and every other amp.

    Its ok to have specific frames for specific roles in the figh, not ok to have T3 amp and adarza asked ad mandatory in 70% of groups. (Probably adarza will still be asked for twoshotting his limbs)

  18. 10 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    Then change Void Strike


    Not this


    Adarza crit boost was perfectly fine

    Void strike was intended to boost the amp's damage, instead outer sources were never intended to buff your amp,
    why should a kavat buff apply and not any warframe team buffing ability? 
    Now eidolons can be taken down pretty fast anyways, the thing that bothers me is that they fixed this before the lots of progression stopping bugs with eidolons.
    Im not fine slowing down the combat as long as it leads alot of times to:
    -random teleports
    -brilliant shard not dropping
    -shrine not accepting shards
    -complete ability lock


    When those bugs are gone, im fine fighting eidolons at the pace they fixed for it. not before. not wasting 10 minutes to find myself repeat from the start because something bugged out

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