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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. Runs fine for me. Warframe being one of the few nice-looking games that can run on a toaster doesnt mean you should run it on a toaster.
    As always, if you want to play games you should have a dedicated machine. Or at least something close.
    And usually i play from a 500$ desktop or a 800$ laptop, so definitely not top gaming system. If you run it on a decade old system paid 400$ at the time you should expect that. BTW it runs 60FPS on max settings on my trashcan desktop

  2. i find really stupid encouraging the spin attack only over everything else. even a 50% flat crit bonus (obtainable even in the weaker dispositions) is one of the biggest things you can have on a melee.
    Not to mention maiming strike itself that costs 7 capacity and gives 90% alone.
    I really cant see why maiming strike wasnt changed so far, it just makes any combo worse than just slide attack.
    i own a maiming strike and refuse to use it just cause it bounds me to spam something i happily forgot about since parkour 2.0

  3. Just now, peterc3 said:

    So they will get feedback and change him over the next few updates. The game is constantly being changed, it is its own test server.

    Thats true but there's too much wrong with Harrow. And we know what happens when a frame comes out totally wrong: it gets a few tweaks then forgotten for years, then maybe reworked.
    After rework is brokenly OP, then fixed so it turns out bad. and then forgotten for years

  4. 5 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    Thing is, I duo'd a lot of stuff yesterday using him and he was perfectly fine there. It's once you get people that aren't playing, say, a Volt with a Shield build that you're running into trouble. These are situations that play testing, on a much larger scale, would help alleviate. The first thing most of the high tier players would have done would have been take a Harrow in place of a Trinity to test it out.

    Hint: It wouldn't have been anywhere near a 1:1.

    i dont think its intended to be a replacement for trinity.
    EV trinity will never be outshined as a battery.
    Harrow's nice but he is also very lackluster, he's not an actual support or a good buffer so not good for teamplay neither good by himself.
    Its a perfectly playable frame, but has actually no reason to be played over everything else. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    1/5 disposition rivens are not worth slotting unless you get an epic roll, so good luck with that. I would just sell it.

    the best ones i could see so far were worse than a element + status.
    The only thing you cant get with any other mod is +range. but you need to get one with at least +60% to actually feel any difference.
    As goes for primary and secondary, even if you get a really epic roll it would be just a slight upgrade from an already existing (and much cheaper) mod because of its 1/5 riven disposition

  6. WTB lesion riven mod

    must have over 60% range

    element or base damage, or status chance.

    negative is ok if its about channeling, crit, status duration

    price depends in the stats

    i may consider something without range if its really good. PM me here

  7. title.

    Buying an atomos riven mod with damage+multishot. or any other really good combination of stats, no criticals or firerate. No crippling downsides, but any not-so bad downside is ok.

    Offer may vary alot depending on stats, if you already have a price in mind is realy appreciated. PM me here

  8. 12 hours ago, (PS4)AtomicEyekon said:

    With the release of Valkyr prime she gave us two Nurf's to the Valkyr warframe both having to do with histeria. the 1st is increased energy per second drain doesn't matter that you're amazing build of energy per second drain is less than 1% NO!! The answer is. you will be spending around 4 or more energy per second drain NO MATTER WHAT BIULD YOU HAVE!! 2nd is the RING OF DEATH upon activating the ability of Hysteria a ring slowly increases in size from 0 to 100% 100% being Max size if at iny time you were to exit  Hysteria with  damage taken while there is a enemy inside your ring you can and might DIE making her unreliable in end game missions, If your a player who likes to run valkyr running low on energy runs and hides from the fight to throw down energy pads then be my guest.

    After the nerf (that happened quite some time before time before prime release) i can still keep hysteria on for 1+hour.  Easily over 2h against infested.

    its a nerf to hysteria for non minmaxed engame builds -even if valk actually aint an endgame frame.

    and for non-endless content you can still be invincible with an eternal war build, yes you arent technically invincible but, well you are.

    i would complain more about her kit, that has very little sinergy and does a poor job for the team.


  9. If mandatory damage mods were gone? then + elemental damage mods would become the new mandatory mods.
    IF mandatory mods were removed (because already built-in weapon and leveled by leveling the wep) then at least 2/8 slots should be tagged as "utility mods only" like the exilus for our warframes.
    Thats the only scenario i can see where removing mandatory mods would lead to some benefit in terms of build diversity. In any other case moar damage/crit/status would be always the first choice. This would limit freedom of choice, but still far less than having mandatory mods and encouraging making up for weapon's downsides.

  10. WTB Miter riven, must be good/very good.
    Most appreciated stats are Damage, Multishot, fire rate, slash damage, toxin damage . Must have atleast 2. Also appreciated if it has non-crippling negative stat.
    Depending on the stats and the values i can go between 200 and 1000p (keep in mind that has the strongest disposition available so even the worst ones have really high stats)
    Please PM me here, and if you already have a price in mind its really appreciated. Im answering to PMs tomorrow and not earlier so be patient

  11. 41 minutes ago, DP_KRoM said:

    I think fatal teleport is better. 

    Im thinking about using the fatal teleport augment

    Fatal teleport build is still super strong. If you use a Cl dagger you dont even need power strenght because you instakill enemies anyways.
    So you can actually focus on other things like efficiency and duration for smoke screen. And you dont even need max efficiency for that.
    And if you see yourself spamming Fatal teleport alot, double arcane trickery still does a good job keeping you invisible saving some energy from smoke screen. mind that you wont be perma invisible relying only on trickery like you could with a max efficiency bladestorm like before.

  12. On 13/5/2017 at 7:09 PM, ryuustein2 said:

    I5 3330k

    12gb ram

    gtx 960

    tried disabling x64

    tried disabling DX10 and 11

    tried disabling multi-threading

    tried with lowest graphical settings

    tried optimizing cache

    Same setup with i5 6400. And gtx960

    runs nice and smooth at 60 fps with all settings on and maxed. 

    Probably it falls under 60fps only in long runs with 4 people and lots of enemies. But i think it never goes under 50.

  13. Because of a badly timed trade im selling this Tigris riven:

    +81,4% multishot

    +54,3% status chance (enough to replace an element/status mod still having 100% status)

    -26,2% status duration

    with hell's chamber fires 24 pellets all with 100% status. Also 81% multishot brings a nice amount of damage.

    PM me offerts, i can also trade for a very good riven for amprex

  14. I was a an avid Ash user, not because i like it but because im a bored MR21 and just wanted to do missions the easiest way possible.
    And a High power strenght, max efficiency, double trickery Ash build allowed me to do so. It was a Lazy solution i coul bring literaly everywhere, good in exterminate ad in defense with brainless spamming of his BS.

    The change was needed but not that change. The change nerfed his 4th to the ground since till really high levels it far more efficient using ANY weapon instead. 
    Now costs more, slower to target and even slower execution since clones pop up only with multi marks.
    It needs to have faster and polished animation having 3 clones doing the job but just making it NOT spammable. How can this be achieved?

    Same mechanic as Nidus: having to build stacks or having a meter to fill with other abilities and/or stealth kills and/or melee combo counter (or why not, having the meter fill with the time he is undetected)
    Fits his theme and makes bladestorm NOT spammable, weight the charge needed to cast it so he can cast one every 30 seconds tops unless its in a very crowded environment where it makes sense you can spam it more so you have some degree of scalability.

    Ability spam: fixed

    Good degree of scalability: yes

    Still a good 4th ability overall: yes

    Movie mode: fixed (clones are doin the job)

    Stupidly good interaction with trickery: fixed (again, clones are doing the job)

    And even if interaction with trickery was intended, being less spammable means you cant be perma invisible until late game with crowded rooms.

  15. WTB Miter riven, must be good/very good.
    Most appreciated stats are Damage, Multishot, fire rate, slash damage, toxin damage . Must have atleast 2. Also appreciated if it has non-crippling negative stat.
    Depending on the stats and the values i can go between 200 and 1000p (keep in mind that has the strongest disposition available so even the worst ones have really high stats)
    Please PM me here, and if you already have a price in mind its really appreciated. Im answering to PMs tomorrow and not earlier so be patient

  16. As title says willing to buy a riven for Tigris.

    It must have 55% or more status chance.

    then damage, multishot, punch through, reload (35% +). One or more of these, no crippling downside.

    Depending fronte the stats and their value i can offer 400 to 2500 plats. If you already have a price in mind please tell me so we can have a faster and easy deal. 

    PM me here in the forums 


  17. 2 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Not everyone likes to run carrier or ammo mutation mods maybe?

    No need to, only thing you need is to pickup ammos and not use weapons with a firerate of 60/sec

    i never run out of ammos in nearly 2k Hours except maybe once or twice in the very first days playing

  18. 1 minute ago, SharadzKharzhodi said:

    this. i'm not hating on or criticizing Oberon, but Valkyr Prime with steel fiber and armored agility has about 2k armor. combine that with warcry with eternal war, i'll have 3.5k armor while going completely bonkers with Fragor Prime and one-shotting everyone.

    i love her so much <3

    But Oberon is a Jack of all trades!!!!

    No, seriously, its really nice for him being so versatile. But he should do the same stuff he does now but in a more efficient and effective way to be considered. Not better than specialized frame, but in a way that actually matters.

    I will really never get why people like healing powers so much, those powers are so worthless. in starmap you never need them, and in higher content you get oneshot. I mean i get that the concept of healing is cool and i always appreciated, but in warframe you'd better sustain yourself than relying on a squad member for "healing". 

  19. Im oging for those changes:

    Hallowed ground to be an aura that follows you, doesnt even have to be big. Enemies somehow debuffed and allies somehow buffed (even if its some straight armor bonus)
    Renwal should be a useful heal, granting a constant stream of heal and eventually generating overshields at max health. Maybe low constant healing doubled in hallowed ground range.
    reckoning: seems lackluster and little inspired as it is now, any change is welcome.

    I like the idea behind the passive, a 30% cooldown reduction and attack speed would be amazing with properly modded pets. (i dont think it will be 30% but def less)

  20. 22 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    Since I don't play Rhino (and therefore could not give a fair opinion on whether an augment that could draw aggro would be nice or not), I'll just suggest an existing mod that people already use:


    15 is really low. I tried it and is really bad, taunts just a few enemies even against infested.

    you can draw aggro better moving really fast around like a headless chicken.

    probably taunting needs some love, the only reason is not already built-in the abilities of tankier frames is because not everybody wants to do so.

    but really the re should be augments allowing certain abilities to taunt in a non-stupid range

  21. 2 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    You can't compare like that.

    A spell that deals 50% of enemies max HP will mean you just have to use it twice to kill enemies => moar spam. If you meant that Cataclysm could still deal 50% of current enemies HP, then that's approximately the same when you arrive at a high-enough level. You'd just spam your Cataclysm enough to reduce the HP bar of those bulletsponges and when it has come down to an acceptable level, you OS it with a random hit.

    A spell that doubles the damage dealt to the enemies is just a damage increase but you still have to do something to kill them. I've never been able to kill the complete map by just spamming Nova's 4.

    In my opinion this rerework would've been better if they simply changed this "one-hit damage" into a DoT. Your 50-second Cataclysm would deal 1% of enemies HP damage per second. That would've avoided Limbos with EV build that will still spam their Cataclysm to maximise their damage input.

    i agree with you. i was just making a comparison with existing stuff: now cataclysm has not relevant damage and CC only paired with stasis. Good CC i have to admit but damage is negligible and CC is inferior to single ability spam like rhino stomp (that also has much higher range) the comparison with MP is kinda stretched, i admit, but still makes some sense to me. Its not straight damage but still double damage at any level AND powerful CC spammable with crazy range
    cataclysm should make damage per second, definitely

  22. This nerf is bad. Not saying nuker limbo had to stay, but it could be tweaked so it couldnt spam it the same way or just to deal less-but still scaling damage.  It would have been easy to make it in a way that just halvens enemies health or something like that.
    I mean novas MP literally halvens all enemies health (double damage) while slowing them to death with a single button press.

    And you guys say its still viable as a mass banish combined with stasis. Its cool to see and all, but a rhino can perma stomp the whole tileset, being a buffer to the whole team and being much more tanky avoiding random deaths. Sure stasis+cata looks cooler but now its just a lesser version of rhino's stomp to my eyes.
    i really dont see why now i should take limbo over any other frame, nuking was bad but keeping some sort of scaling damage would have made it still viable

  23. WTB a specific riven for Amprex.
    It must have Toxin (electricity is ok too) and Critical Damage. Any other stat on top of these is appreciated, starting from crit chance, punch through, multishot etc.
    Downsides are welcome if not too heavy. Numbers on those stats will make the price, if you have already one in mind its much better

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