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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. I agree its lackluster considering you must be reeeeeally careful when using it, unlike all non-launcher weapons in the game that can deal with crowds just by adding PT without risk.

    But Ogris packs some kind of unmatched satisfaction with its usage. Throwing rocketz in da face is priceless.

    joked aside it is decent but it loses all head to head comparisons with top tier weapons.

    even Tigris prime modded accordingly can deal better with crowds without any drawback (gas+PT). And we are talking about a shotgun with 2 bullets clip

  2. Title 

    must have 3 positive, or 2 positives but really high.

    status is mandatory, 65% or more

    then multishot, firerate, punch through are the preferred stats.

    send me a PM here, if you already have a price range in mind is really appreciated.

  3. 2 hours ago, Xionyde134 said:

    The reason people use Despoil + Equilibrium + Health Conversion is because you're constantly below max health so you can pick up health orbs for health conversion, which does make you incredibly tanky, and for free energy. The first two mods replace standard efficiency mods so that you can dedicate all of your energy to surviving with the SotD augment. If Nekros has 214% Power Strength, the Shield of Shadows will give 90% damage reduction to you, but with this build, it's incredibly difficult to maintain both Desecrate and SotD for long periods of time. 

    Basically Health conversion is good if i run despoil, and equilibrium can be the cherry on top.  

    You guys showed me alot of solid builds, now its time for me to forma and test whatever is best for me. At least i have cleared my mind on the polarities im supposed to slot with no drawbacks

  4. Thanks guys for sharing.
    So lets say that the sarting mods for almost ANY balanced Nekros build start with:
    And i agree with that.
    So that leaves only 5 slots left, and the exilus that will slightly enhance range or strenght at will.
    If i want to tank a bit more lets say shield of shadows stays the best option, and in case power strenght is def required to make it shine.
    And what about Health conversion? does it actually work? i never tested it because i dont have one but if you guys say its worth it i can easily buy one

    Another thing, i tested alot with and without despoil. Its good you can forget about energy but it basically keeps wasting all the health orbs most of the time without benefits. Shouldnt those be saved for actual survival purpose?

  5. Hi guys, i want to ask to "nekros main" players and its frequent users too a good build for him.
    Its quite some time i have nekros prime in my inventory and I want to show some love with formas, but first of all ive been trying alot of builds and couldnt find a satisfying one so far.
    Lets start saying i want to have desecrate active all day long, and it requires for sure stretch and eventually overextended (stretch alone usually is okay-ish) and despoil is a good option too (but not mandatory if running efficiency mods)
    Starting from that i want him just durable, there is no other power i want to spam or maximize. So far i couldnt even figure out if it works best around augmented shadows or augmented terrify, they are both good and both have downsides. Shadows are quite dumb and scale quite poorly but tank for the whole team and with augment make me almost tanky. Terrify needs a little of spam to be effective, but i started liking it with the augment so i can kill enemies instead of having to chase them while running like headless chickens.
    Last thing, no quickthinking. really, no. The stagger will literally kill you in longer missions, and usually aint needed in short ones.
    Please share with me, thanks in advance!

  6. 20 minutes ago, rand0mname said:

    Mhm. I always loved that in WF you can get everything as F2P. 

    As for getting 40pl in an hour of grinding, in my experience it takes much more then 1 hour of playing. It's a solution, but a grindy one.

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    Yep, I can open a trade chat and sell some of the Vaulted stuff I have for half price. Or haggle and get a good one. But for a newer player? The one who badly needs platinum not only for Potatoes but also for slots?

    Farming keys takes time, opening that keys takes time (especially with that strange tendency of a game to send you into the non-fissure mission or not registering your relic, so often you will choose from 3 drops - if you can even choose), sitting in trade chat takes time (and thats not touching the nature of a trade chat). I do not think that many gold drops will net 40 plats (at least in my region). And the cheap stuff is called junk for a reason and costs what... 2 plats per one if you are lucky? Oh and lets not forget about ducats, getting Prime mods directly from Baro is much cheaper, so thats another Prime parts sink.

    Comparing all this to the Alert that you can run in 15 minutes and that will give you that shiny Potato in 24 hours. Without hard grind. No wounder some players do notice lack of Gifts from the Lotus.



    Well i see getting relics as a natural part of the game and not a straight grind. Its really easy getting one of the newest rare primes and selling it for 40+ plats, if we count relics farming too, yes probably it'd take more than 1h. Sure its still easier to do a 10min alert, cant say the contrary.
    Also even as a new player if you learn a bit of plat management you will never have troubles with slots and potatoes.
    Maybe it takes time, but not that much. And its the game economics that lets you trade platinum with time and time with plats. Also if you are a new player you dont need that many slots and potatoes in a short time, unless youre just mindlessly grinding through MR (and eventully you wont need potatoes for MR fodders). Also primed mods arent a think you actually need when in the early stages of the game.
    I mean, its pretty generous as a F2P game. I dont see a reason to complain if for some time there is no free potato alert. I play from quite some time and i stockpiled more than i actually want to use, and i mean it, im not even running potato alerts anymore. Not worth even my 10 mins.

  7. If you are in need of potatoes you can always farm for new prime parts and sell them for plats.

    In an hour you can easily raise enough plats for 2-5 potatoes depending on your luck.

    sure, free ones  are always appreciated but you can easily buy some as a F2P player without much effort. I will beverone complain about that, pricing for useful things is really good in warframe

  8. 6 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Not only Fleeting Expertise, also Energy Vampire and Arcane Energize.

    I think a built team with Trinity is supposed to spam, nobody would be bothered about cheesing the mission.

    agreed about focus and energize, but focus is being reworked soon i hope

  9. Every day i hear people crying about that power or the other one, its too strong and there's always someone spamming it.
    The problems arent the powers, powers are cool and need to be powerful and meaningful. Spam is the problem, and now its time.
    Its time to nerf the most abused mod in the game, the #1 spam generator: Fleeting expertise.

    People with balanced builds wont mind that nerf, those people always find a way to make it work. It will hurt only spammers and will help greatly balance issues since we aknowledged long time ago that DE will never use cooldowns that are the easiest way to make balance.
    Fleeting must be reworked in a completely different mod, or eventually to get halved stats (5% per rank in efficiency and duration loss)
    I get it, its hard to balance a game like warframe. Even more if you want to do things differently from the others. So just start from there, then frame balancing will be a walk in the park.

  10. 2 hours ago, Cat__Nap said:

    Even people who use him thinks it needs to be changed. It's OP as is. Sensibly it shouldn't be neutered to do no damage whatsoever, but it needs a change. 

    It has, at the moment:

    -Infinitely scaling damage.
    -Full energy regen with every use.
    -No need for power strength, full energy regen negates the need for efficiency, and don't need duration either. Literally only need to max range.
    -Fast-ish cast, no CD, very large range when built for it.

    That's too strong for any ability. And just because an ability scales doesn't make it OP - Nidus and Equinox both scale, but I don't find either of them OP. An ability that requires almost no investment, gives endless energy, and oneshots whole maps every 1-2s is just plain broken.

    Saryn can hit high damage. So can Peacemaker Mesa, or Equinox, Nidus, maybe even Octavia now. Not many people care if someone does 50-70% of damage through AoEs; people do care when it's literally pressing 4 over and over and doesn't need even a Trinity to keep up that spammability.

    I agree energy return shouldnt be a thing. But id call that more a fix than a nerf.

    i think is kit now is fine, trust me in most real gameplay scenarios its cataclysm is less efficient than Was a decently build old bladestorm ash, that was also perma invisible with arcane trickery. And it didnt scale infinitely but was very good till lvl 500s.

    Sure BS was nerfed and it was deserved, but cataclysm in most missions is just far worse. It doesnt need a nerf, just a couple tweaks and it'll be fine.

    maybe its just me, i have an innate passion for scaling abilities and i feel bad when i smell a nerf. Tweaks are welcome, but i hope the ability wont become just another useless one

  11. i think limbo is in a nice spot right now, i dont mind if somebody with a limbo does the highest % of damage or kills at the end of the mission.
    we need more scaling abilities like cataclysm, and i find very far from the 360° spams of the old Mag, Mesa etc. You have to aim actively at the most crowded spots, and yes you do good damage in a wide area. Scaling damage and wee need that.

    If the map aint crowded enough, it wont work so godly, and alot of times leaves enemies alive with some health.
    I think he deserves to be in this spot right now, i would wait at least 1 full month before deciding if he really needs a nerf. I dont care much about people's butthurt because they want to be n°1 in damage at end of mission using slightly more skillfull exploits to deal huge damage numbers, or certain weps with the right riven that can achieve crazy numbers with each bullet. 

  12. Havent tried this out yet, still sitting in my foundry.
    But is artax better than a maxed status sweeper prime for CC? So far im quite happy with my sweeper, fully charged with status mods, firerate and multishot etc. It procs very reliably with stuns or blast proc (thats how mine is set)

    Cold is a nice CC too, but can it be compared? look-wise i already like the ray better

  13. 28 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    They just fixed a bug with the drone being immune to crits so it should be easier now. 

    Its fine now. If you have a single shot weapon and a good aim the job is done.

    sure sometimes the drone is very hard to hit but still a very nice way to deal with ease most of the time.

    but i still think bows and snipers should just punch through the bubble or burst it in a couple shots. Is bad design when high rof weapons di the work straight better without taking into account damage, elements or anything else

  14. I think VR will have it good chances in the future, but not less that 10 years from now. When we will have good hardware and software.
    As now i see it as a nice "tech display" but both hardware and software seem unfinished and unpolished.
    As now i feel the opposite, i enjoy flat-screen games much more. It may seem a counter-sense but alot of things in VR really break the immersion it should have (for me atleast) and i feel much more immersed in a well made regular game.

    Sure VR is the route we are all going (unlike 3d) but there's quite a lot of wait for it to be perfected and meanwhile ill enjoy much more regular games like warframe.

    I think its a personal thingy, but so far i found no game and headset that got me that much like you say. And i own nothing but tried pretty much everything thanks to a friend with his own VR room with audio surround and everything else

  15. Mesa's shot circle becomes very tiny over time so usally she recasts it every now and then, so the same "combo" can be done with a trinity and a decent timing.
    The best combo right now is with banshee and augment, but you will need an arcane energize aswell with it, because pull works only on Los and banshee will kill alot of enemies outside LoS so youll need to have more profit from each single orb.

    That said the combo works fine till a limited level, and requires a kinda fully geared banshee and a super geared mag with engame stuff on it (maxed arcane and a nearly maxed focus) which is powerful but capped in damage and very different from the previous gpull-mesa combo that worked well till very high levels with half-modded frames.
    I think its fine right now and i barely ever see anyone asking for it.
    Also there's no point now in exploiting game mechanics to do high level defenses since keys dont exist anymore

  16. sentinels with good rivends can do pretty nice damage. My dethmachine rifle was doing a cool 9k damage before i sold that riven (not counting firedup, i think it could reach 10k)

    Its not a gamechanger but for those that love sentinels can be something pretty interesting, i think you have to accept there is people that like sentinel weps to have rivens too. Sure their value will never be on par with the others but that can already be said to all bad rivens for unused weps.

    And yeh i know its not all about value but about the "pool" that enlarges with a benefit for only few players. I wish someday those mods will just have a better drop location. Theyll never be farmable but atleast one should be able to chase for a specific category

  17. I cant see why all this problems, the game is meant to be atleast a bit social and clans are ALSO made for this purpose.

    Every member of the clan can easily already have a stockpile in the range between 250-2000 mutagens. If you play as a loner in "your own" clan well, you just arent meant to have that weapon soon. Its an unique but very average wep, what's the problem if for having it free you have to farm hard or wait months or a year? i really cant see it.
    MR? not relevant at all. And if its SO relevant to you just farm alot or buy it.
    Or its just time to recruit new blood and ask them to contribute a bit to clan research, sure usually clan research are made from only 1-2 members but they were never meant to be like that.  The fact is that so far research were always cheap enough even bigger clans could rely on the stockpiles of only 1-2 members, but thats not the case.

    I dont even have a clan right now, but if i had to join one i would easily throw in 2k mutagens i have sitting there for a research that doesnt even interest me a little bit. Just stick with atleast another 4-5 active people and will never have such problems

  18. I have to say this out loud: I hate focus balls!! also called "convergence"

    I dont see their point, the spawn placement is in most cases just stupid. is distracting and useless to say the least.
    Why cant we just have a "focus rush"  timer, same lenght and same multiplier but triggered from a certain amount of /kill, power cast etc only every 3 mins if conditions are met and if AFK isnt triggered.
    or any other system thats not a bling bling automarked pickup.
    Also in 99% of regular missions the focus boost is totally not relevant anyways. It would make more sense a progressive boost in endless missions (like the ones we already have for endless relics). It would be just a small plus reminding that now endless=pointless.

    Do you like it? or like me would love to have a less invasive and cheap system

  19. I like both AA, are simply slightly different.

    i play with everything on and max, but sometimes i try to disable some features and I  really find some nice new combinations.

    its just a matter of taste, if your pc supports everything doesnt mean it must be everithing at max to bring the best effect to your eyes

  20. As title says i want one with:

    Magazine capacity -over 25% or it doesnt add any
    +2 damage stats.

    Eventually ill take any more utility based with 2 of the following plus any third stat.
    Mag capacity
    Reload speed -over30%
    flight speed

    Price to be defined with seller, better combination=higher price, higher stats=higher price.

    I wont take mods with heavy downsides.

  21. I think its not a problem for them if they do the right way.
    It doesnt have to be 1 token= 1 common reward.

    Thats the way i would do it in a fair way for both parts:

    Sortie1=1 token
    Sortie2=2 tokens
    Sortie3=3 tokens
    Guaranteed 1k endo on sortie 3. 

    So basically now you are having half of a common reward every day. And then 5 tokens.
    That means 5 tokens = the half of a common reward missing.
    So 10 tokens = a common reward. 
    Lets say with 10 tokens you can buy a riven mod, 2k endo or 1 Nitain.
    that might look too much in players favour because we are keeping the average but now we can choose.
    But think that now you wont ever get an uncommon/rare reward unless you pay more for it. And paying more means saving for it, that is very different from having a reward every day. Nope, you save you reward for lets say 4 days to get a SINGLE better one guaranteed.

    So lets say built forma 15 tokens, potatoes lenses and exilus 20 tokens, greater lenses for 35.
    There maybe lenses could seem a bit overpriced, but mind that you will choose the lense you get.
    Legendary core probably shouldnt even be priced, it should just have the same small drop chance it has now on sortie 3.

    Also im not a fan of tokens in sortie 1 and 2, but i think this way makes some sense. its just 3 total for casual players that jump in for login a a couple missions. its less than half of the bounty, no guaranteed endo and not many credits. And 3 days of doing sortie 1+2 wouldnt even be enough to get a common reward.
    But wouldnt mind if it was all locked to sortie 3

  22. i think its too early discussing DX12. Maybe it will do wonders but years from now on hardware that is born for it.
    As now we just have some sort of support, compatibility and bandaids for it, thats why in most cases it doesnt really make any difference, sometimes has straight worse performance than dx11 and in very few cases it actually shines.

    Imho id rather have vulkan than dx12 because its much more likely to bring benefits to a greater number of hardware as now.

    Anyways i think the game runs really fine and every graphic update added on top of the others is really making this game shine as today. And we have yet to see full PBR upgraded textures for everything and old map revamps.
    I think when we will have all of this we will have very little to complain about graphic gimmicks with solid performance even on toasters.
    So far we had 2 lightning upgrades and alot of PBR and soon we will get full PBR maps (that go combo with better lightning), climatic stuff upgrade and nice vegetation.
    If theres one thing i really cant complain is the graphics and performance

  23. 6 hours ago, IgnusDei said:

    The idea behind the skin wasn't so much 'instrumental music', but 'singer', and as such, I wound up integrating sound gear (the kind you'd find on a stage or a recording booth) into the design, as you can see with the headphones and microphones combo, and the speakers in the face and chest. With that in mind, the vinyl disk made an odd sort of sense to me. I blame Kaneko for that — his character designs have even weirder elements stuck on them.

    i like overall design of soprana skin. i have to agree its not perfecty fitting to her ability set, but is cool as hell.
    The weirdest part is the vinyl disk, the rest makes sense one way or another.
    I just wish those skins came with their own animation set and poses, could be much sweeter this way.

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