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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. banshee can achieve some of the highest damage possible, but that's just DPS wise... i mean damage per second has little meaning in warframe.
    If we look at the highest number possible of kills in little time there are alot of frames that can pull out very interesting number.
    For myself i love simple things like going invisible with some melee like orthos prime and wipe all starmap content just hitting E once or twice per room.
    But seriously almost any frame thats not focused on utility only can do really nice damage/kills if built for that

  2. looks like the GPU is half gone OR  there is some cooling failure.
    I had it happening too and for some reason it was the cooling system. In laptop these things have a very fragile balance and anything broken in the line can cause an extreme overheat in few seconds.
    And if a GPU overheats it causes  FPS dops/freezes in 10 to 20 mins after launching any game.

    There's not much you can do beside having it checked from factory or trusted shop

  3. With rivens opticor is in a sweet spot now, he has a good riven disposition. You can get an utility riven for it and make up for its poor charge time or get one for crazy damage and use other mod slots for utility
    basically with almost any riven on it you can have a nice energy sniper with crazy damage.

    without a riven you are kinda forced to fit atleast the 90% fire rate mod, but thats usually enough to make it great. i agree i dont see many in mission but i think its just because its a powerful but clunky weapon that doesnt fit too well the fast paced timing of the game.
    Its almost in the same spot of all snipers, untill all get relevant buffs very few will use this weapon category...
    the closest thing i can recomend you is the lanka, has a better feeling for your energy pew pew

  4. 1 hour ago, xFrostKnightx said:

    ^ he has a point. Now if this were aimed  for those with a mental issue, physical or the poor it'd make more sense, improving the quality life of normal people it isnt exactly teaching them to be "grateful" and it can't be relied upon that this will raise children who will try to help others when they are adults.  
    That said it would be nice to know why de decided to choose this specific thing to donate towards, or why the community couldn't vote for a charity prior to the event. 

    Ill make a guess:
    1- being something so close to them is a known reality and they appreciate the work and know the money arent wasted or gone god-knows-where
    2- being a canadian institute maybe they can cut down the donation from taxes or something like that
    3-both of the previous.

    Anyways if one wants to make real charity he can do by himself to whatever he feels is more appopriate. I see that just a plus for sharing some love, i mean i can make some people's days and be helpul to some others at the same time. I dont think the donation to that fundation is the real leverage for any of us, but just a nice plus and appreciate that.

  5. i never thought one of my frames was the "main" but if there's one its rhino.
    And i basically like 100% of his kit. i think its one of the very few (with only banshee and loki i think) where all the powers benefit from the same mods or atleast you can have all 4 viable.

    I wish i could literally main chroma, hes a f***ing dragon... but i dont like his kit at all. but just in case i threw 5 formas on him

  6. 2 hours ago, low1991 said:

    OP is part of the reason why DE need to rework Credit & Focus. Especially the credit part.

    Not having to farm for something is simply good to my eyes. Probably for the ones that have boosters always one because of PA is just a stupid stockpile.
    But for everyone else credits are just fair the way they are.
    If i always had  a booster on now i would sit on over 60M exceeding credits, not having boosters means that now im always in the 1-5M range and have really hard time to stockpile more than than unless i actually go farm for it.

    I think credits right now are balanced, you actually stockpile credits only if you play under booster or more than 3 hours per day. Any variation of the current state would make casual players struggle like alot...
    Probably you just have to wait to see some other credit sink from Baro, im kinda certain he'll bring something more interesting than pedestal prime, soon or later.

  7. Not that i agree in charging for almost every slot in the game, but rivens are a super-extra engame stuff. I dont mind them charging for who wants to store more than 15.

    If i had to complain for any slot it def would be for warframe or weapons, those are really short for a beginner. Not 15 riven mods.
    And if you played enough to look only at rivens now, you def may think about spending some money for plat (or just trade some farmed stuff for plats). 
    The "storage capacity" in their servers is definitely a weak excuse, but i dont mind anyways since, like i said, those are extra useless stuff and 15 is already a very fair number even if split among all weapon kinds.
    Like 3 for rifles 3 for shotty 3 for melee 3 for secondary and 3 for sentinels. i think more than 15 slots are less useful than color palettes and if you really want more its fair to pay some plat, or atleast its more fair than paying for having more than 2 warframe slots.
    You are supposed to use rivens on weapons you really care of, and probably most of the weps you really care of dont even need one.


  8. 7 minutes ago, proxyvirus said:

    wow.. im actually, a little ticked at that.. it doest need the skirt...  it really did not need that skirt...   thats the only thing i see wrong with the edit. 


    The arm is ok.. would be nice if the elbowe could flare up as you attack with skills...  and the chicken head part, i dont really get it... as this is more towards the primes head type.   and the spikes on the dagger? would be better as an effect as you attack, not really keen on it stapled there..

    The flaming elbow is straight better... And god if they wanted to add the skirt for some reason it should at least cover the cameltoe zone like a real skirt.

    i just hate the head blade, has nothing to do with the helm. But maybe thats just me...

  9. id call the BS change a straight nerf. A needed one of course, but certainly a nerf.

    Its still powerful, but itt terribly clunky. Id rather have something more limited in power but fast and swift.
    I really cant see how the new BS is more efficient than just staying invisible and swinging and building combo counter with a decently ranged melee. 
    Long animations are still there as the stupid invulnerability too. Of all problems old bladestorm had, the only one solved with the rework is just thats less brainless and powerful now. but...
    Every time i tried it i was thinking to myself "yeh not that bad but could do the same, probably faster with any end-tier weapon"
    And if im doing something where finisher damage can actually prove its value... well im definitely bringing something else instead of ash.

    As i said many times id really like to have the "stacks" system applied to ash. To preserve his bladestorm as a brutal meat grinder but making it far less spammable.

  10. 3 hours ago, GoldAnthroWolf said:

    The odd thing, I didn't see any recent changes in the patch notes to indicate anything, and up till a few days ago, nothing could hurt me for the most part.  I've been testing on all sorts of stuff, just ripping me up.  So I dunno, perhaps a stealth nerf/fix that got covered/worked over and I missed it? I mean, sure, I can survive just one of those feels like he's got no armor at all.  You'd think with 510 armor, there'd be nothing that could really hurt him, liek the bombard video.


    Do you know how armor works right?  with 510 armor you get like 60% damage reduction, which is not-so-much against level 80+ enemies. And i mean all kind of enemies.

    High armor paired with high health, sentinel heal and an arcane grace is usually enough to survive in most cases, but he was never meant to be ultra tanky or nearly invincible.
    You can barely achieve that with a vex armor chroma that has waaaaay more armor (chroma can easily grow 8000 armor or more) and you will still die in a room full of level 100+ enemies unless you recover some life and avoid some bullets.

    Inaros is not weak, is overall above average, but def you cant rely on 500 armor and 4-5k HP alone. Not against high level enemies atleast.

    Actually i never experienced something even close to "feeling invincible" or super tanky with him.
    If i see something wrong is that you arent taking damage in the first video against a bombard; you should be hurt and by more than little. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    Which will end with people using cheap ways depending on mission types, like tonkor or simulor to just rush trough as long possible to get better rewards, turning it into another grind ground for such.

    What we do need is actual expert missions for veterans, knowing what you have to do and not just shoot your way trough all, hard spy missions to sneak by enemys without stealth abilitys as  example, taking down a strong enemy group were you might have to attack as a group, hacking several consoles at once in a short time limit after the first is triggered, etc.

    Something else then just sit in a corner with maybe trinity, a aoe weapon and mass destruciton or cc frame on a goddamn another endless mission type.

    Still alot of people like such "play"style alot, being able to cheese and exploit mission is many player's endgame.
    I would like if there was some actual reward for doing endless missions because i like those, cheesing or not.
    Sorties is not the right spot anyways, also one of the most wanted prizes are Riven mods and those are commons.
    If i learnt something reading this forum is that one man's thrash is another man's treasure. A lot of people appreciate cores, other lenses, rivens etc.
    I dont actually see players stop complaining about sortie rewards until a token system takes place.

    Insted i would leave sorties as they are now, and would put good rewards in endless missions. Like starting from the second C rotation id put random stuff that has no other drop place in the game.

  12. 14 hours ago, IgnusDei said:

    Can't take full credit for this  one - After I made my final submission, Mynki added some stuff based on earlier sketches, such as the skirt and the Couter on the arm. The blade protruding from the faceplate was his idea. Kinda wish they had shown a before and after - Rebecca pretty much implied that this is all me.

    i think the couter thing pairs well with the shoulder but probably should have been slightly smaller and "pointy".
    Not liking the headblade, i would have preferred stretching a bit more the head spikes instead. i mean in the sketch representing the faceplate the design looks so badass, why adding something on top of that?
    Probably the skirt was added to dont have the white side look too blank. I wish i could see the original art from you.
    I really love the ironman style power core on the back, if they do things right it the "fire" side of the skin can either look like burning, burned or eventually lava-like. In general i appreciate when theres a bit of detetail in the back cause, well, thats what you see when playing.

    Also waiting for the chroma skin, that looks like a dragon now. Hope they dont go too far from the shown drawing

  13. The current relic system is far more reliable, you can actually get the parts you want with a good success percentage.
    But now you have to farm relics that still rely on RNG, but the worst chance to get a relic is like 8% in C rotation, going to the best spot for the relic you want increases the chances alot. And you can help yourself getting the right relics via syndicates. if you have 2 full syndicates when the new primes are release (pretty easy) you have a good chance of getting new relics (maxed syndicates means 60 keys in a minute)
    And traces are easy aswell to stockpile.
    I dont mean the current system is 100 times better, but its definitely better. I think we wont ever have something more reliable than that, and as now im pretty happy to see how fast i can get new primes.

    The only thing id like to see soon or later, is better bonus for endless relics, like a free radiant upgrade at C rotation or something in that range

  14. Hi guys, im planning to buy a new monitor for my desktop and im really attracted from the 21:9 rate.

    I know some game have troubles on it, so you have to choose between using black bands or have it poorly scaled to fit the screen.
    Being warframe my top played game on pc with over 80% of my game time i want to ask if anybody has experience with that screen rate and if its fully compatible with the game.
    i really like the idea of having a better side-vision when gaming, but not to just have problems or play with black bands so any advice is welcome.
    Also if you can id very appreciate if you share some infos about other games in general, like just an approximate % estimate of how many games for you work fine at that rate

    Thanks in advance

  15. 4 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:


    I agree. Unfortunately though, I feel like this is a trend we have seen more often with recent frames. DE feels the need to release a certain amount within a certain general time frame, and so some end up feeling kind of rushed, while others feel more fully fleshed out. I think it depends partly on how many projects they are dealing with/were just dealing with, when they came up with a frame. For example they had just come off the complications of Equinox and Chroma recently when Atlas was made, Scott literally just wanted to "make a frame that punches you in the face" next because it was "something simple". And while Atlas is good, I am sure we all remember how simplistic he felt in the beginning, and how originally he was basically a damage frame with zero scaling. 

    I think this could be solved by releasing LESS new warframes every year, especially since each one adds more development time every time a new anything is added that has to fit with their animations/size/etc. 

    One new male and one new female a year and take the time to make them really quality and make sure they actually fit into the game. 

    Some people may not like not having that many frames as often, but I think it would be better for the game overall. 



    I can quote this 24/7.

    its really sad to see some great concept so poorly realized. The infested frame is a great concept and needs to be unique and valuable. i mean thats a card they can play only once...

    I would have loved to see the "stacks" mechanic in ash rework to power up the bladestorm and unleash it once in a while, something powerful. Not wasted for a maggot spawning puddle of filth.
    While i like the overall ideas for the abilities it looks like its at an early stage and we know its coming really soon...
    Somehow at DE they keep confusing new frames with actual content. They already have enough older frames that need a remake to work on. reworking hydroid or limbo would be like adding a new frame since almost nobody is using them

  16. 14 minutes ago, Redthirst said:

    That is true, only instead of adding more ways of removing armor, we should fix armor scaling so it isn't as insane.

    TBH i always found the current armor scaling formula kinda brilliant, it perfectly reflects the wished resistance in levels ranging from 1 to 110ish that are the levels we can find in the starmap + sorties.

    If we want to go further we can do only in endless missions where we are supposed to stay as long as we can (yes not forever). And if we plan to stay for really long we should plan accordingly and that means 4x CP team or any other trick that works.

    As for damage revisit, i think we definitely should get rid of pure damage mods, yeh even elemental mods- i mean not erasing from the game but make them work in a different way. The system as now works fine enough, its really hard to figure out something that can work out better without doing BIG changes. And even considering something really big its still hard because it will need an enemy rework too.

  17. Ill just leave my humble opinion, to me right now blessing is fine.
    Its a good and fast heal, full health for ALL allies in a pretty wide range and damage reduction that should be enough to take breath.

    Before that i was literally face tanking LV 400-500 when my friend playing trinity. its was over 20 sec almost complete invlnerability (over 99%) and 1-1.5 secs vulnerable for the whole mission, easy acting around that.

    I dont think all abilities MUST scale for endless missions, in fact there are very few that actually do this. And talking about weapons there are only daggers that have an actuall endless scalability.

    I think it was in the same spot as Mag's polarize... just too easy to plan mission/team accordingly and get LAZY around it. Her whole kit works as intended now: complete support from health to energy, faster revives etc.
    And trust me it works good enough to allow here to facetank very high levels if modded for that.

    I dont think we should still overthink about endless missions when the game now revolves around level 100 tops. We arent supposed to face higher levels, and if we do its at our own risk. its not supposed to be easy but it doesnt have to be hard either.

    Right now im always glad to see a trinity in party, probably im not even going to look at my energy ever and she will know how to keep herself alive.

  18. (is it still a spoiler? trade chat is flooded with those)

    I read one of the reasons on Riven mods limit in collection and its that they have to keep track of all existing mods now and in the future.

    Why in the first place they didnt yet remove useless stats? like impact for an amprex or flight speed for hitscan weapons.
    That would make sense for both positive and negative stats... there's no meaning in having a totally not relevant positive or negative stat. that alone would greatly reduce mod diversity.

    Also why not just putting some kind tiers in the stats so they arent rolled to a totally random number in an established range range?
    I mean they can have lets say critical chance on a specific wep can be 70%-90%-110%. just as simple, really whats the meaning of a 78.3% crit chance and having the system to remember all the single digits.  That could easily become for their archive something like a Z.c1.f2.r3  Where *Z* stands for Zarr, *c1* is for critical tier1, *f2* fire tier2 and *r3* is realod tier3.

    And i dont think all rivens should be flattened doing that, its easy to make it like Zarr can have tier1 to tier3 on critical (70 to 110% range) where a Braton can have tier3 to tier5 (110 to 150% range)

    I mean we (players) have no actual advantage from the current system and is much harder for DE to store every single possible combination server side. We would just have a straight better perception on how good or bad our mods are - also reducing the chance to be actually too bad removing useless stats.

    And such change may eventually leave room for new useful stats that couldnt be added before like lets say a small firestorm effect for  explosive weapons or eventually completely new stats like a % of armor/shield piercing.

    And DE wouldnt even have particularly hard time rolling a script for standardizing all existing riven mods, saving themself alot of pain and struggle in the future.
    I see why they did make it that way in first place, for exponentially increasing the chances for bored vets to chase for the very perfect roll, farming their &#! to the bone in the hopeless search for that extra 3% multishot. But this way all they did is exponentially hardening the efforts by their side to keep control over that system with no actual benefits for either sides.

    They said they also wanted to every riven to be very unique... but i can swear ive already seen twice in trade chat the exact same mod i have one with 0.5 and the other 1.1 difference in stats. yes, still unique... but not that much

  19. 8 hours ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    Why ember lol she's not an endgame frame like frosty

    ember prime is not properly endgame but with the firequake augment can be a valuable CC help in any high tier mission. And the good thing is that with the exact same build you can also speedrun lower level missions.
    I like that alot...i mean not slowing down, just going with the fast paced flow of the mission and constantly stunlocking the whole room youre in. Not my most used frame but i have a pretty good feeling while using her... i find she fits quite well the role and its not complete garbage in endgame ( just damage wise, thats true)

    And to OP id say it just depends on how much time you spend on the game. If you have not much else to do then farm and upgrade primes, if you are more casual player just go for the regular ones that are exactly the same.
    And even if you play alot you arent forced in any way to go for primes if you think are just a waste of time/ loss of profit

  20. Guys just do the math.

    The new system is times better if you are after a specific piece.  And if you want only ducats its still efficient since DE increased prime part values.

    Now its easy no get the part, the real farm are relics, and the relic drops arent bad as you like to think. overall even considering the total grinding (relic+part) the math still points out that is easier now.

    And i was swimming in keys before the update, never had to farm for those. But still i wont ever forget the week spent in survival after Ash prime system. If you count the key farm too, the older system was far worse.
    Many people just compain because they spent all the time in recruitment chat trying to snipe an invite for a mission they had no key for. If they ever spent time actually farming for keys too they would love the new system. Aint perfect, but its definitely better

    Math aside my feeling is totally better now, running 4 radiant team can get me all the pieces i want in a reasonable time. And if it doesnt prices drop much quicker now (because parts are easier to get) so at worst ill buy what im missing for very reasonable prices.

    To me the only downside right now is that there is almost pointless to spend time and effor to upgrade gear and frames because long runs have totally lost their purpose.
    And that just makes me sad because i was both bored and addicted to long key runs

  21. 17 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    If you want an even moderately balanced game then each additional increase in power needs to be exponentially harder to obtain.

    The way that the polarity system is designed is to force you to make hard choices as you cram more and more power into your weapon or frame.

    You can get more power, but at a loss of flexibility.

    The power increase already IS already exponentially harder to obtain. And the loss of flexibility was never a thing before these days. Actually flexibility and variety is one of the selling points of the game.
    Also flexibility is not power, and the increase in flexibility should require a linear effort (like it ever was) just adding more formas.
    Adding an extra forma to- get another copy of the weapon and put 7 forma on it aint exponential... its 0 to 100 increase.
    Also you CANT do that with unique weapons/frames. founders stuff anyone?

    Anyways following your logic, while fitting any mod in only 8 slots im already making an hard choice. any mod i put means i cant put another in the same build. If i go for damage (power) i already lose flexibility (utility mods), after formaing a weapons 8 times i should at least being able to fit whatever i want and choose among almost any combination of mods i want.

    The only prove i can bring to show this wasnt thought about and is just a big oversight is that was NEVER like that before, the only limitation we ever had was to have only 3 custom presets for frames and weps.
    But formaing 8 times could EVER fit all we wanted so far.

    And just to say it, im not lazy or poor. I can build a second copy of whatever i want, whenever i want and forma it as many times as i want. Im just not doing that because its a game flaw that has to be fixed, its not the player that has to find a workaround for it. And yes thats just a workaround, having one doesnt mean that something works in the proper way.

    Its just like saying that (before distillers) it was fair to choose about the looks and the power when you forever binded an arcane to a certain syandana. Oh sure there was a workaround, farming again a set of something with 1% droprate you needed 20x of, from something you can do once a day

  22. 9 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    If you want multiple builds for the same weapon (or frame) that don't fit comfortably, just build multiple copies of that weapon (or frame) and give them different polarities.

    dont take it the wrong way, but dont think that can be considered a solution, A palyers side workaround for a game limit at best.
    Really wouldnt ever build a weapon and slapping 7 formas and a potato on it to access just to access an extra mod disposition.
    I know some people already doing that because they find limiting having only 3 possible presets, but most of them do it for frames or low forma weapons when the effort for doing that is really low or unexistent (like a loki prime that can fit almost anything with just a potato)

    And also 99% of people doing that basically "main" a certain frame and weps that is basically the contrary of what one is supposed to do in the game. 

  23. Just now, UltimateSpinDash said:

    I think this is particularly glaring with Warframes since Exilus Mods were introduced.

    I think we should be able to polarize a slot multiple times to give it multiple polarities, at least when it comes to auras and exilus.

    didnt think about that, but its a win-win solution. No drastic changes and its good and fair for everyone. 
    Atleast on warframes i never had such problem, usually adding more plarities allowed me to fit whatever i wanted with ease, but im having hader times on weps because the fewer slots, doesnt mean it wouldnt be cool for warframes too.

    Probably the whole system needs a rework, but keeping it simple, yours is the best solution i see

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