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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. lately ive been tweaking and improving my favourite weapons with primed and now riven mods.
    I dont have much left to do and i dont have many loved weapons so its a nice way to spend my time and its really satisfiying to see some not-so-tier0 weps doing good, for me atleast.

    Sure minmaxing stuff is not that necessary, and it wasnt even back then when endless missions were a thing. But i do still like to show love to a few weps, and many like it as much as i do.

    But ive (almost on any weapon) come to a crossroad (is that the right wording?) : being able to fit the mods i wanted at the cost of build diversity.
    This thing is pretty clear on primary weapons. Lets say i want to fit the usual mods-serration, chamber, caliber- that already require a forma, plus a riven that def requires one too.
    Now on most of them i cant have a build fitting all of them AND being able to use primed cryo round OR another element at my choice.
    its not about mod slots, those are enough. The problem is that even putting 8 formas prevent me from being able to do that switch at will, because if i forma D polarity to have enough room for primed cryo rounds the same polarity would up the cost of almost EVERY other mod i could put in its place at will.
    And its almost impossible to fit the cryo rounds without formaing with a D polarity.

    The real flaw probably lies in the D polarity and in the fact that DE among 4 elements choose to prime the cryo rounds.

    The only solution i can see right now, that wouldnt have drawbacks for the ones that already formaed their weps with a D polarity would be to have riven mods cost haved from ANY polarity. Have them require just to be in a polarized slot.

    And i didnt mention yet the same problem happens if you have MORE than one riven for the same weapon but with different polarities. Its fine as long you have different polarities among V and --, but its a pain when you want to fit at your pleasure one with a D.

    Its a problem not many players are experiencing probably, since i heard no one being vocal about that. But its a real bad design flaw to my eyes that didnt require genius to be seen before release, and can only become worse every primed mod we will get-

    What do you think? are you experiencing the same? i already did point out that having minmaxed weapons is not a priority, but should still be a chance for everyone without downsides other that the effort of formaing and farming like crazy, where locking build diveristy is a serious downside


    p.s. as always forgive my poor English

  2. As title says WTB a good riven mod. 

    It has to be better compared to the one i have now (107.7 crit damage, 76 multishot, -34 status duration)

    Please check here: https://goo.gl/3jSGi2
    And edit the riven mod importing this code:

    It must have greater damage output OR slightly lower damage but some sort of utility (favourite being 26+ mag capacity or 30+ reload speed)

    PM me here your mods and price!

  3. 1 minute ago, ferx0x0x said:

    But i have a problem ..whats with the prices? every synd wpns going around 20-40 but the lectas have min 100p price and above...


    Its slightly more than a 7 week booster, also if you offer 70-80 you are very likely to find one for that much.

    more than the other weps? Yes. Worth it? Depends on your needs.

    if you always struggle with credits is worth 300p :)

    if you cant afford it now just farmi and sell the new primes. A single piece can be worth more than a lecta 

  4. Well the most specialized the team is the better results you get. This kind of credit party works well with mirage and/or volt with speed for easier killings even when spanw rates are very high. Eventually a frost with maxed range to slow down enemies within the globe and a nekros for extra loot. If you do ANY decent team and let the lectas do most of the killing you can reach amazing results.
    Even better with booster and doing it on first mission of the day.

    And i dont want even to imagine in double credit weekend how high you can go, just hope this wont be fixed/nerfed. Not many people actually need credits and its nice to have a way to do this efficiently for those that dont have 10 hours per day to spend in this game

  5. 4 minutes ago, ferx0x0x said:

    this 120k is only from the drops i got 47k for mission reward + 257k credit from drops.Without my cred booster thats 23k normal reward +128k from loot.



    simply there were 1 or more secura lectas in team, thats enough to reach those numbers. Mind that 20 extractos is not low, and means A LOT of enemies. The ones killed with lecta give an average 100 credits per kill (without counting regular drops and desecrate) its pretty easy to build up such a number.

    There are specific weapons better for specific purposes, the lecta is the one for credits

  6. First mission of the day has a double credit reward, also 1 secura lecta in team combined with that is enough to reach the result.
    Consider if you did hieracon on first mission of the day you are starting from a 50k ish credit base.

    Actually 120k with 20 extractors is not even insane, wouldnt say low either. If you want to make efficient credit farming, hieracon or infested survival with a secura lecta team and a nekros is the way to go.

  7. Im looking for a Tonkor riven mod with 3 positive stats of the following, ordered by appreciation:
    Mag capacity (26%or more)
    Base damage (90% or more)
    Reload speed (35%or more)
    Crit damage (90% or more)
    Crit chance (90% or more)
    Multishot (70% or more)
    Element damage (80% or more)
    No heavy downside, no punch through

    Im also willing to give this mod, if you want, in trade for what im looking for:
    +107 crit damage, +76 multishot, - 34 status duration. Im adding plats too


    PM me on the forums, please contact me with a price range already in mind.

  8. 8 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    I'd personally take a pilfering swarm Hydroid and Nekros rather than two Nekros as you can only desecrate the same corpse once.

    yeh its just easier to find 2 nekros. you can also bring a trinity if you fear running out of energy because all the desecrate. only 1 nekros is more than enough if it has maxed range, 2 usually split the desecrations so arent very likely to run out of energy.

    You can also bring a saryn with her spores to soften alot the enemies and  stay longer when the spawns are really high. Or bring speed nova if you are confident enough (wouldnt suggest this with randoms tho)

    As i said better team = better result. Anyways booster, nekros and 4 secura lecta is enough to make you very happy in just 5 min survival.

    Or squeeze the hek out of hieracon and repeatedly do quickruns. if you still go with nekros and 4 lectas youll net something like 100k in 3 mins (boosted)

  9. Infested survival with a couple of nekros and eventually a couple chromas all with secura lecta decently modded gives you a very nice amount of credits. You can easily reach 70k total in just 5 minutes. better team= more profit.

    This and doing sorties when the three missions are quick enough.

    Also the real pain relief if you are struggling with credits is working your axx under booster when there is a double credit weekend. you can literally farm millions in just a couple hours without even asking yourself too much whats the best spot for farming.

  10. As title says im willing to upgrade the current mod for my tonkor:
    +107 crit damage, +76 multishot, - 34 status duration


    With one having 3 positive stats of the following, ordered by appreciation:
    Mag capacity (30%or more)
    Reload speed (40%or more)
    Base damage (90% or more)
    Crit damage (90% or more)
    Crit chance (90% or more)
    Multishot (70% or more)
    Element damage (80% or more)
    No heavy downside, no punch through

    Im giving the mod shown at max rank plus an amount of platinum to be defined depending on the mod youre offering -so you can still have a great mod for your tonkor and cash in good plats-. 
    If you want only plats we can talk about it PM me anyways

    PM me on the forums

  11. My idea (not opening another topic for it) is to have blade store build up "Charges" with melee strike.

    lets say 1 charge every 5 hits. With a cap of 15 charges.

    now at any pont bladestorm can be cast doing the same as before granting 1 attack for each charge.

    still not interactive but not spammable and harder to abuse at higher levels 

  12. As title says im willing to upgrade the current mod for my tonkor:
    +107 crit damage, +76 multishot, - 34 status duration


    With one having 3 positive stats of the following, ordered by appreciation:
    Mag capacity (30%or more)
    Reload speed (40%or more)
    Base damage (100% or more)
    Crit damage (100% or more)
    Crit chance (100% or more)
    Multishot (70% or more)
    Element damage (80% or more)
    No heavy downside, no punch through

    Im giving the mod shown at max rank plus an amount of platinum to be defined depending on the mod youre offering -so you can still have a great mod for your tonkor and cash in good plats-. If has 3 of the listed stats but lower offer me anyways and ill consider it if i didnt find better options.

    PM me on the forums

  13. I think they just might rework the regen mod for sentinels. Like automatic regen after 45-60 secs so it will solve sentinels permadeath problem but there will still be a point to have different survival stats (so in long missions you are more likely to see them alive or dead)

    As now for me the high health pool is still the think making me choose carrier prime over any other sentinel, even if i dont actually ever feel the need of his ammo mutation. Every other sentinel just dies too randomly in mid-high tier missions.

    And ill be honest i like sentinels times more than other companions... i think they just fit the game much better. But are one of the many things that need some fixes not likely to be seen in the next year (kavats and doges need fixes too imho)

    Makes me sad every time to see people discussing on things that really should have been fixed ages ago like sentinel survivability....

  14. As title says im willing to upgrade the current mod for my tonkor: +107 crit damage +76 multishot - 34 status duration


    with another with the same stats but higher or with a third positive stat (crit chance, base damage, element, reload, magazine) and no heavy downside.

    Im giving the mod shown at max rank plus an amount of platinum to be defined depending on the mod youre offering -so you can still have a great mod for your tonkor and cash in good plats-.  

    PM me on the forums

  15. @LordClaros exactly. I understand that pushing new content is pretty crucial for their business, but i really cant explain myself how so many little (but relevant) things are simply left behind.

    Arcanes were just an example, market can be another. i really dont know how they managed to revamp the market doing a staight downgrade to the older version. A couple of things are improved but are like a drop into a lake of poor choices.

    They receive massive feedback from players, for free, and as i understand that not all the feedback can be listened nor is easy to slip into the game i really dont see why they dont focus at least on very small and simple changes that altogether would vastly improve the player experience with really little effort.

    And as you say theres alot of people that would PAY to access an -even more beta- client of the game. There are literally thousands of people that would pay for that, for providing even more free feedback.
    Instead we keep getting new broken things that just stockpile onto the past broken stuff making the game just a great mess. And the hope of seeing those things fixed or reworked gets smalled update after update.
    I love that mess called Warframe, but has come to a point where it has become too much. And i dont want DE to cross that breaking point... these guys should really start again playing their own game.

  16. DE said more than once that their goal is to differ in any way possible, compared to already existing games. This and the update frequency are probably the key factors of their success.
    And even when they take some inspiration from others, they clearly always try to put their imprint and make something different out of an already seen concept.

    And i couldnt agree more with them. I love Warframe because its cool, updated and different.


    But why they chose to blindfold themselves and keep sticking to this mentality when they add into the game some -not so new- concept and in the effort to make it different the result is clearly just less functional?

    An example? arcanes and focus schools. Many of us have more arcanes and more than one focus school, and those can be easily compared to already seen upgrade systems.

    Why cant we simply have 3 blank slots in our loadouts 2 for  arcanes and one for the focus school we want for that specific frame?
    Lets say they want us to buy some cosmetic? well just bind the second arcane slot unlock only if theres any cosmetic equipped.
    Why should i go to the operator every time i want to change my focus school when changing the warframe? sure, its not a big trouble but still would be damn easy for them to integrate that directly ito loadout screen.

    And my list is very long, beginning with raids and going through a good 20% of the game, i just brought the shortest examples.
    I mean i like how warframe is different from other games, but not when the only difference one could point out is " its similiar but less functional".

    This and the lack of infos and tooltip windows it the interface make the game pretty damn hard to understand for new players. Not my problem having over 1500h in the game, but its clearly a fact seeing how many new players ask for help in the chats.
    Sure, some are just lazy, but many others arent at all. 
    The game is still evolving and with time many things are fixed, but im really worried looking at the amount of stuff left behind and forgotten just because it worked "ok" so far, like there's always something more relevant to be worked on. Ive seen some great QOL changes in the past months but looks like they simply dont care about the multitude of small core features that could actually make the game shine to new players eyes (and vets too).

    Please dont mind too much at the grammar or typos, English is not my language and my only goal is to write in a comprehensible way.

  17. As title says im willing to upgrade the current mod for my tonkor: +107 crit damage +76 multishot - 34 status duration


    with another with the same stats but higher or with a third positive stat (crit chance, base damage, element) and prefebly no crippling downside.

    Im giving the mod shown at max rank plus an amount of platinum to be defined depending on the mod youre offering, keep in mind that the mod im giving is already a very good one.  PM me on the forums

  18. I always thought that the first warframese were "made-up" void powered warriors.
    And now their body can be replicated with recovered blueprints, but its just a lifeless shell that find and use only if controlled via transference by a tenno.
    I dont think the first warframes were created with tennos in mind, but as stand alone living weapons with self consciousness. 
    Probably without orokin technnology only their "shells" can be replicated now, which is useful enough if powered with transference "magic" than can empower them again with the same void energy.

    This could be an half explanation for the warframe being able to take off the sword from is chest in the ending of the second dream. because maybe it hasnt an actual self-consciousness anymore but still something more similiar to muscle-memory or something like that.

  19. IMG_3198.jpg


    I trade this for a good amprex or soma one. It must have  +crit damage and 2 other stats among raw damage, elemental damage, crit chance, multishot etc.
    If it has really great stats and no crippling downside i can add  platinum or valuable mods/primes.

    PM me here if you cant find me ingame.

  20. Preferred ones with 3 good stats, no less than 2 among crit chance, crit damage, multishot, raw damage.
    Also looking for a Tonkor one with mag capacity + 1-2 other positive stats (crit damage, raw damage, multishot etc)

    i can offer up to 800-1000pl and what follows:

    -rhino prime set

    -snipetron vandal set

    -Sheev set

    -arcane fury x2

    -argon scope

    -archwing event mods 

    -and other stuff, not selling stuff myself because im low on credits and will need even more for other things


    Send PM with your offers

  21. Only good ones with 3 good stats, favourite stats being crit chance, crit damage, multishot, raw damage.
    Also looking for similiar mods for tonkor or soma. 

    i can offer up to 600-700pl and what follows:

    -rhino prime set

    -snipetron vandal set

    -Sheev set

    -arcane fury x2

    -argon scope

    -archwing event mods 

    -and other stuff, not selling stuff myself because im low on credits and will need even more for other things


    Send PM with your offers

  22. thats like complaining for the "hard work" ive put into 6 formaing weapons that were nerfed afterwards.
    I mean even rerolling a a riven 10 times, yes is a lot of time invested, but if you ended with a good one youve just been lucky with rng. 
    Its no secret that being able to get the same stat rolls on different weapons is simply bad for game health because even with a regular calculator and no math study you can tell that on certain weapons good riven mods will have 10x the effect compared to a lower tier weapon.

    And thats not good nor healthy, im kinda certain already rolled mods will still work on the same stats, just probably lowering down the numbers on top tier weapons.
    So the mods you "worked hard" for will still be the godlike ones for your weapon, just less powerful compared to the ones for lower tier weps. but that if you just compare mod to mod and if you completely blindfold yourself on how lower stats will enhance an already good weapon compared to better stats on an average weapon.

    I can also add that having a personalized pool of stats for each weapon is much better so at least there will be no chance to get totally irrelevant stats with overall better mods for everyone.
    And probably the chance of having irrelevant negative stats will be removed too, so no more godlike riven with 3 good stats and barely no negative. and thats good too.

    I just hope stats ranges will be made more clear and that one will be able to reroll a single stat (maybe for higher kuva cost) so with a bit of "hard work" we will all be able to get good rivens for the weapons we love without need of extreme luck or having tons of plat to throw for a single mod


  23. Only good ones, favourite being crit chance+crit damage+raw damage. Also looking for soma and tonkor with similiar stats 

    i dont have too many plats and cant sell much stuff because im low in credits.

    i can offer up to 600-700pl

    rhino prime set

    snipetron vandal set

     Sheev set

    arcane fury x2

    argon scope

    archwing event mods 

    and other stuff.


  24. top i ever had was 80 ish (almost certain was 79), without any booster or special condition. Just a carrier helping me picking up stuff.

    And trust me that was aloooot of void, also totally solo.

    Ive seen numbers like that but with special conditions (like both booster and the cat before its "nerf"), but i dont think that counts... cat sometimes gave really stupid amount of rare resources in endless missions, even unboosted

  25. Just now, (XB1)Oussii said:

    A small suggestion bro, i was using death machine for a long time, then i realized that the sweeper is by far a better weapon.

    Replace it on all your sentinel specially with all the shotgun mods, i am sure you will not regret it.

    usually when i go for a sentinel its carrier, so actually is the only weapon it can use (for the very short range)  and in short range i like better status than damage so sweeper is the choice.

    As for the others with more range i like how deatchmachine and wyrm's weapon help a bit on nullifier bubbles (even halving one is helpful to me) but i tested sweeper prime and is good for long rage too because has not much spread and seems no damage falloff.
    But still for longer ranged precept i like better weapons with higher rof because nullifiers

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